untangle issue


Oct 9, 2010
below is how everything is run.

the problem is access to the untangle box. it will not let me login to it from a web browser from any computer before it. only on the windows server behind it. i can vnc into the windows server from mine so i know info is getting through. its setup in bridge, 1 jack in and 1 out
The connection has timed out
The server at box) is taking too long to respond.
Well, for starters, why on earth would you set it up like that? The Untangle box should be sitting directly behind your FiOS modem so it can protect the rest of your internet network.

Anyway, the reason you can only get into the web interface from your server is because it is connected to the LAN side of the Untangle. The rest of your network can only see the WAN side. By default Untangle does not allow administrative access to the WAN interface.
Untangle's defaults to not allowing remote (outside/cloud/internet) access for security reasons. I do believe you can access the networking settings and enable/disable this feature.

Best way to normally have untangle setup is as close to the edge (internet) as possable. for instance "Fios router -> untangle -> the rest of the network".
Also what are all those Belkin PoE things for? Or do you mean Belkin Ethernet over Power Lines?
Are you running Untangle with 1x NIC in bridged mode (yuck) or with 2x NICs in NAT/router mode? (Better..but then in your case you're double NATing.....triple yuck!

Move it up so it sits right behind your Verizon fiber box....stick the RED NIC of the Untangle box in the DMZ plus mode of your Verizon box..so that way your Untangle pics up the public IP address.
its got 2 gbit nics. external as its own internal ip from the fios router and internal line as bridge. with dchp disabled on the box so all ips are from fios router

Also what are all those Belkin PoE things for? Or do you mean Belkin Ethernet over Power Lines?
yes ethernet over power. its the only way to get a line into the garage, where the servers are

Well, for starters, why on earth would you set it up like that? The Untangle box should be sitting directly behind your FiOS modem so it can protect the rest of your internet network.

Anyway, the reason you can only get into the web interface from your server is because it is connected to the LAN side of the Untangle. The rest of your network can only see the WAN side. By default Untangle does not allow administrative access to the WAN interface.
i know it should be directly after the fios line but due to loudness of the current box, space, no spare computers to use i just stuck it there for the moment. protect my server better.

thinking of it, i have an old p3, 447 MHz, 384MB ram. much quieter, would that handle untangle fine? or maybe clearos? i know xp on it is sorta slow

if that would be fine, ill scrap the dual xenon i have currently and use it for something else
mostly net browsing, torrents, and some open ports
Check the minimum specs for Untangle...a Pentium III 450 with 384 megs of RAM is below specs. You really want a 2.0 Pentium 4 and 1 gig of RAM minimum....with good hardware control based NICs like Intel, 3COM, or some Broadcoms. Run far away from realsucks..I mean..realtecs.
No that P3 would not run untangle very well at all... untangle needs about 1GB of ram minimum. let alone the 800MHz minimum cpu speed (iirc)... *Edit* Ye beat me on this one. indeed forgot that untangle needed a minimum p4 to run well.

That older computer would likely run PFSense or smoothwall very well. Just make sure you have quality network cards made by intel.
maybe ill try pfsense. it does have a realtek gbit card in it and i have a spare intel gbit card

of these 4(pfsense smoothwall, clearos, untangle), which is actually the better one though?
of these 4(pfsense smoothwall, clearos, untangle), which is actually the better one though?

Different products with different strengths and weaknesses..it's not an "apples to apples" thing.. It's not a matter of "which is better"...it's more "what do you need, find the one that matches what you want with what you have".
Purely based on the spec's you have to throw at it; pfsense or smoothwall.

However given proper hardware I'd take Untangle any day. Also it still belongs right behind your FiOS no matter what it is.
powerline isnt that bad~!

i didn't say it was.... just that poe is a completely different technology pretty much the inverse of powerline networking

what is bad is the way he's got everything set up and triple NAT'd and etc
powerline isnt that bad~!

Power over Ethernet (POE) = Sending power over Ethernet cables to power a device.
Ethernet over Power = Sending Ethernet over power cables to communicate with a device.

Two completely different technologies and applications for such technologies.

Both are great things to have, Ethernet over power is great especially in something like an apartment or places where you don't want to climb in attics or cut holes in walls, etc.
i didn't say it was.... just that poe is a completely different technology pretty much the inverse of powerline networking

what is bad is the way he's got everything set up and triple NAT'd and etc

Power over Ethernet (POE) = Sending power over Ethernet cables to power a device.
Ethernet over Power = Sending Ethernet over power cables to communicate with a device.

Two completely different technologies and applications for such technologies.

Both are great things to have, Ethernet over power is great especially in something like an apartment or places where you don't want to climb in attics or cut holes in walls, etc.

haha..i just now realized what you meant by the != sign...not equal to. Yeah, that is true. different things all together. I totally forgot everything i learned in digital logics classes....dammit
yea i meant ethernet over power i just did it backwards

o2flow, lol. i felt like drawing and i didnt want to go all out

due to where the fios box is, my computer and fios router is and where my servers are. thats kinda how i had to set them up.
but yesterday i realized i can run a coax line from the splitter outside into the garage and move the fios router there. = i keep the 1u rack as untangle = it gets moved to the top of the chain from the fios box outside = everythings secure
basicly my poor diagram is getting reversed for the most part