Untangle 6.0 release soon


[H]F Junkie
Jul 19, 2004
Some highlights....they're targeting Dec release.

1. Web GUI

Untangle has completely re-written and re-architected its Java Swing client in favor of a Web 2.0 html interface. The overall interface will look and behave the same, so making the transition should be easy. The Web 2.0 technologies have matured to the point where Untangle can still provide a rich user experience without the long launch time of the Swing client.

The Web GUI also enables some exciting new capabilities, such as skinning and language packs.

2. Language Packs

Untangle now has language support, including double byte character sets, for the majority of the product. Spanish, German, Brazilian Portuguese and Chinese are expected to be released by the end of the year. The following areas of Untangle will still be English only:

Untangle Reports
End User interface for Remote Access Portal
Untangle Kiosk – the launch button for the Untangle client, Recovery tools, Shutdown/restart/screensaver buttons that are available when plugging a keyboard and monitor directly into an Untangle server.

3. Branding Manager

Untangle has productized its branding module making it easier to rebrand Untangle for your company. Branding Manager allows you to substitute "Untangle" with your company name and the Untangle logo with your company logo. This is mainly so that the user facing pages, such as block pages, quarantine, portal, reports, etc, reinforce your brand or your clients brand.

Branding Manager is now available to all partners and included with every Professional Package Subscription. It can also be purchased a la carte for the flat rate of $10/mo per server (i.e. price is the same for all user bands.) Your standard partner discount applies to any purchase of Branding Manager.

If you are currently running a co-branded instance of Untangle, the branding will migrate upon upgrading to 6.0 but will not be editable. Current Professional Package users will get the ability to immediately brand or edit existing branding on upgrade.

4. eSoft Webfilter

The eSoft Web Filter is based on eSoft's SiteFilter product and technology. It is designed for organizations that need to strictly enforce their web usage policy. Many businesses, as well as schools and libraries who must comply with CIPA, want and need this level of protection. The eSoft Webfilter has:

A 100 million URL database with over 200,000 URLs being added daily
Each company builds-up a local cache on the Untangle server of the sites they visit for maximum performance
53 different categories are available for fine tuning your policy
Dynamic categorization of new sites
Blocking by subdomain (i.e. Permit access to Facebook.com, but block any pages on the site with pornographic content.)
Blocks https/SSL sites by IP
Excellent blocking of short-lived proxy and malware sites
You can learn more about this great product at: http://www.esoft.com/oem/

eSoft Webfilter presents a great opportunity to increase your share of wallet with current and new clients. It is available a la carte with the following pricing:
This is starting to look great, the re-router stuff works awesome.

Any idea when 6.0 is being released?
These changes look awesome, I'm glad they are going away from the java-swing based interface because I have always had problems with it. I'm excited to throw 6.0 on a server for some testing :D
This is interesting. I want to get something like this setup at work ASAP.
These changes look awesome, I'm glad they are going away from the java-swing based interface because I have always had problems with it. I'm excited to throw 6.0 on a server for some testing :D

I am looking forward to a snappier interface....I didn't have problems with the Java one...I just groaned over the long launch periods.
Recommend specs I believe are 1gz CPU, 1GB of RAM, 2 NICs, & 20GB of hdd space.
Recommend specs I believe are 1gz CPU, 1GB of RAM, 2 NICs, & 20GB of hdd space.

Is this because of the lack of Java use? At present I had a disk space issue with my 5.3 box and it's running an 80GB drive. The space issue came about because of the reporting tool. I'm replacing it with a 500GB drive. :D

Seriously...I also know that the anti-spam features use up a good deal of resources. I cannot but look at your specs as minimums rather than recommended specs.
I am just using mine to filter web content only and in 3 days it ate through 1.5gigs of memory...can't imagine using it with only 1.
What sort of a machine is needed to run untangle 6.0 well? I have a 20 mbit connection.

I have a client on a 20 meg pipe, with about 65x clients on the network, an e-mail server, many remote VPN users. I'm running their UT box on a P4 2.4, 1 gig of RAM, 80 gig IDE drive...runs rock solid and internet speed tests show no slowdown.
YeOlde - did they make any improvements to the spam? I am going to run that spam script today.
I can't find any info about this on the Untangle forums. Why is this coming out so soon when 5.4 just is getting out of beta/getting release soon?
I hope this is coming out soon, I can't stand the java interface.
how does upgrading work? i was just getting ready to set up my first untangle machine to replace my wrt54g.
how does upgrading work? i was just getting ready to set up my first untangle machine to replace my wrt54g.

It will show up as available in the updates section.

Over the next couple of weeks the 5.4 update will be showing as available, they're currently rolling that out. Paid versions first..then free versions.
So, the Branding is a pay-for item?

Otherwise, faster interface is great.
Improved web filter is always good.

What I'd still wish was an option is 100% emulation from the web client. I want to be able to hit my terminal, shutdown, reboot, etc from the web client!
Looks interesting, still missing a caching web proxy though which is what my issue with it before was (along with the slow interface).
I am looking forward to a snappier interface....I didn't have problems with the Java one...I just groaned over the long launch periods.

same, it may lessen the memory footprint too... i've found that is my #1 complaint with entangle, the interface is really sluggish
IPsec VPN support would be nice, even if you did have to pay for it! Also more advanced QOS services would be cool!

Its nice to know the GUI will be getting faster but i hardly every have to use the java client as i only ever need to look at reports(thats how stable untangle actually is from my experience!). Talking about reports i wish untangle had some real-time reporting/graphing features! And some more reporting of system resources, rather than me having to use the terminal on the untangle console.
Its nice to know the GUI will be getting faster but i hardly every have to use the java client as i only ever need to look at reports(thats how stable untangle actually is from my experience!). Talking about reports i wish untangle had some real-time reporting/graphing features! And some more reporting of system resources, rather than me having to use the terminal on the untangle console.

I've found the same. Untangle is very stable. I had problems at one time (like my VPN tunnels passing through it would drop off since it's in bridged mode and I hate to reboot it to reset everything), but the past few months it's been perfect.

Reports are great. 4% clean and pass rate on emails is a nifty figure to know, as well as exactly how many emails I get flowing through.
Don't use anything other than the Spam filtering right now though.
Whats the pricing on the eSoft addon?

Anyway gotta love the ditching of java and the branding for the block pages. These are 2 things they have needed to replace.

I've never been a fan of untangles web filter compaired to others so it will be interesting to see how the esoft works with it.
I missed the ditching Java part, thought it was just an overhaul.

This would be even better yet though.

Still my #1 complaint is inability to reboot it from the web interface.
So, I finally installed Untangle @ home last night. I was able to pull an IP from my ISP (Comcast) but I wasn't able to push IPs out to my internal network.

Cloud -> Modem -> UT -> 54G (DD-WRT v23) set to AP and DHCP disabled (not plugged into WAN port)

I'm not sure what I did or if I have to set anything else up but I'll be working on it tomorrow since I have off and WoW servers will be down lol!
You can already reboot from the web interface now.
Config/remote admin/manual reboot.
No upgrades yet, just fresh install. I'll probably wait for it to just apply the update itself.
Put a 6.0 box out into production yesterday and it's working great. It's sitting infront of about 500 PC's. I do miss the java client though, it was a lot quicker.