Unreal 4 Trooper Busts a Move

Ha ha I love this song from my childhood! Now I will forever relate it to a dancing computer character.

Thanks Steve! :)
Made it half way through and my son says from across the room "What are you watching, Dad?" You can imagine the tone, lol.
OK, so I have a question:
When you watch the video, when the thing bends its torso side to side, the backpack on its back bends too. Same with its armored vest. This is, of course, because they are part of the same model.
Why can't we make the armor bits separate from the main model so they don't bend and flex?
OK, so I have a question:
When you watch the video, when the thing bends its torso side to side, the backpack on its back bends too. Same with its armored vest. This is, of course, because they are part of the same model.
Why can't we make the armor bits separate from the main model so they don't bend and flex?

I dunno, why haven't you?
I'm an attorney damnit! Not a 3d-software engineer or game designer! :D
OK, so I have a question:
When you watch the video, when the thing bends its torso side to side, the backpack on its back bends too. Same with its armored vest. This is, of course, because they are part of the same model.
Why can't we make the armor bits separate from the main model so they don't bend and flex?

It's extremely easy to do. But I doubt they'd be bothered, since all they were doing here was messing around with the Matinee tool for Unreal Engine (or whatever it's called in UE4. I know it's Matinee in UDK/UE3).
I watched it too, but only so I could see UE4 run at 60fps, something I probably wont see for a very long time
OK, so I have a question:
When you watch the video, when the thing bends its torso side to side, the backpack on its back bends too. Same with its armored vest. This is, of course, because they are part of the same model.
Why can't we make the armor bits separate from the main model so they don't bend and flex?

They could, it would just require additional effort and computing resources. They either didnt feel like it, or couldnt maintain 60fps with the additional burden of rendering discrete clothing physics.
OK, so I have a question:
When you watch the video, when the thing bends its torso side to side, the backpack on its back bends too. Same with its armored vest. This is, of course, because they are part of the same model.
Why can't we make the armor bits separate from the main model so they don't bend and flex?

This is the part of the video that really, really deeply disturbed me. It's creepy.
Awkward dancing.
Graphics don't look that great.
Shut it off half way through.
he just hacked icloud account and lost video of chandelier cover
If the trooper would have jumped up and landed the splits.......now that would have been impressive.:D

I gave the music a 9, it was easy to dance to.........

Honestly, the clip was pretty cool. Nice graphics.
Game Designers keep pushing the envelope to impress but they go about it the wrong way.
Keep it simple... that Robot is Fugly I wouldn't even want to shoot that guy in a FPS.