Unmountable Boot Volume


Aug 2, 2005
Title says the BSOD error I get when trying to boot up with the drive in question. Putting it into another computer as a non-boot drive does me very little good as the drive is seen, but I get a "Unable to perform request due to I/O error" popup when I try to access it.

I've done everything I can through the recovery console on the WinXP CD to no avail. I am not interested in doing the fdisk-format-reinstall dance. Is there anything or any program that I can use to repair the partition and get some files off of it? At this point, I don't care about the OS on it; I just need to get access to it by whatever means available.

It sounds like you are trying to recover data from a disk that has had all its information deleted and/or partition wiped. There are tools all over the web for this type of recovery. Quite honestly though, and with all due respect, people here are hesitant to give advice in this situation. With rampant data theft in the world today, privacy concerns, etc., it is just too risky to get involved.