UnitedDevices: "D to 200" Thread


/'s by 0
Dec 13, 2004
To start off my Challenge, lets do a little D countdown... we will start with 50.. real easy...

50 - 1 = 49

Lets go [H]orde, lets start the New Year off right! Show some [H] team love
Is it easy to UD on one core and FAH on another core of a dual?
In theory, it would work fine. As each process in a native enviroment is programed to use cycles from only one CPU. I don't see as how it would be a problem... I can look at my dual 733 tomorrow and see if I can get it set up that way if you don't do it before.
48-1 = 47

BTW, I really like the interface for UD. If I end up liking it a LOT, I mat be switching 4 more computers over.

And if everyone is complaining about the "abandoning the FAH" thing, just make your next b0rg a UD. That way you aren't stealing anyhting form the FAH.
I still haven't resumed my other instance when I reinstall the server. Does that count as -1? :(

Damn I feel so guilty. :eek:

Flying Fox said:
I still haven't resumed my other instance when I reinstall the server. Does that count as -1? :(
Damn I feel so guilty. :eek:

Don't feel guilty, it happens to the best of us! And no, not as -1. This is a countdown for new machines/borgs you or others are adding. Currently reg'd machines don't count.

However if I were to add 2 more computers today, and in a week I sold one to a friend, and it no longer folded, that could count as -1... The main idea is just to get some fresh blood!
Does the UD client have an equivalent of timeless WUs? I know nothing of this project, but I have a scheme cooking in my head.
embries said:
Does the UD client have an equivalent of timeless WUs? I know nothing of this project, but I have a scheme cooking in my head.

UD has two options, the cancer (LIGANFIT) and Human Proteom (ROSETTA) projects. The latter, ROSETTA, is a system killer, where a person can pump out a handful of units in the cancer project in a day, ROSETTA's often take multiple days and have hefty recommended requirements.

The downside is, as of early this week, they were still waiting on validation of the newest crop of cancer data, so the LIGANDFIT portion isn't getting any new work until the prior work is certified. So if you're going UD, allowing both projects is going to be the most useful use of your box.
My UD box and my FAD boxes when down at the end of last summer.

Maybe after I get my tax rebate :D I will breath new life into those two and set them both on UD since FAD in now over.

On a side note, has anyone had trouble with the latest version of Firefox? Ever since I updated to ver 1.5, my [H] badge scripts that I created as bookmarks don't work.
I went back to the [H] Folding site and re-copied the script and created new bookmarks, but they still don't work automaticly like they used to.
Now here's just a suggestion, I say we up this to 100 or more since we all know marty alone could squash 50 with barely any effort at all. After all, we all saw the thrashing that [H]Kicking-Oldbenwa's-butt did. :D

p[H]ant0m said:
Now here's just a suggestion, I say we up this to 100 or more since we all know marty alone could squash 50 with barely any effort at all. After all, we all saw the thrashing that [H]Kicking-Oldbenwa's-butt did. :D

so, from your suggestion to it being done...

Honestly I'm at a all time low for boxen. Its sad around here, need to redo my ordering or somethig. I've only got a handful more to go then I'm tapped here at least.
27-5=22 (or 72 depending on who was on top last might- pH or Moose)
AtomicMoose said:
You should leave p[H] alone...he has been your advocate....until now.


How can you argue with the truest of pimps?!?
I didn't see any info here or on hardfolding so I'll ask. What's the proceedure for maximizing UD for Dual Xeons with HT? I'm building my new media center PC next weekend (got the parts ordered today) so the box I was using as a stand in will be free. Dual Xeon 2.8, 800mhz FSB, 2GB RAM, some hard drives etc.

embries said:
I didn't see any info here or on hardfolding so I'll ask. What's the proceedure for maximizing UD for Dual Xeons with HT? I'm building my new media center PC next weekend (got the parts ordered today) so the box I was using as a stand in will be free. Dual Xeon 2.8, 800mhz FSB, 2GB RAM, some hard drives etc.

No clue.

From what I've read, no SMP support/options for UD-- period. Best thing you can do is run one instance of UD and one FAH.

I'm sure someone will chime in if I'm wrong.
marty9876 said:
See, pH hates moose too!!! Dullie coming Mooses way on UD now!

Hate is such a strong word, I just don't like the way the droppings smell! :)

p[H]ant0m said:
Hate is such a strong word, I just don't like the way the droppings smell! :)

I thought your job was to pick them up...

Man, has that guy gone nuts on my sig today. This has to be against mods rules someplace somehow.
marty9876 said:
Man, has that guy gone nuts on my sig today. This has to be against mods rules someplace somehow.
:confused: I missed something here...

unhappy_mage said:
:confused: I missed something here...

I hate Moose

I love teh Moose

I forget

I am the Moose's love child

I had the Moose's love child with the Moose's wife

I forget

I give up
marty9876 said:
I hate Moose

I love teh Moose

I forget

I am Moose's love child! :eek:

I had the Moose's love child with the Moose's wife

I forget

I give up

That one was my fault! :p Anyhow, its only because we care.
I've added a machine. Not sure where we are tho, thread is kinda full of OT stuff.

So, ???-1=??? left.
DooKey said:
I've added a machine. Not sure where we are tho, thread is kinda full of OT stuff.

So, ???-1=??? left.

That tends to happen....

And the current running total is.... 70
In honor of Anderu's reaching top dog status, let's all add one machine to UD to show our appreciation. :cool:

70 - 1 = 69 (My favorite number)
......gathering composure.........

I am honored by the gesture. :cool:

Now get your asses moving! ;)
AtomicMoose said:
In honor of Anderu's reaching top dog status, let's all add one machine to UD to show our appreciation. :cool:

70 - 1 = 69 (My favorite number)
I wasn't kidding folks...let's do this!
