Unexpected Internet Slowdown/Halt

Oct 25, 2006
Today I'm going bald from pulling out so much of my hair. I noticed some sites loading extremely slow. I went and clearedthe temp files like I always do and it didn't do anything. It almost seemingly got worse. Google loads but slowly. Most sites just stay with 2 lil green bars in the loading bar and then go to CANNOT BE DISPLAYED. While playing Guild Wars Random maps would not load and stay at 0% on the load bar. I turned off my computer and unplugged the power to my Cable modem and let it sit for a few minutes then plugged the modem back in and turned the pc back on. Still having horrid problems. Most sites wont even load. Any ideas?
Have you tried pinging any of the websites you are trying to connect to? I'd start off with seeing what your connection to the internet lokos like (Ping response times, droppped packets, etc)
How do I do that?
It's just so weird I can get on hardforum and google, but I cannot for the life of me load the aol email the yahoo email or even get to the drivers page for my X-fi sound card. There's like no response.
Click Start > Run.
Type CMD and press enter
In the command prompt window, type ping www.google.com -n 100 and press enter

Pay attention to the number of dropped packets you get and the ping response time

Also, If you can get to some websites and not others, your DNS cache might be corrupt - You could try flushing your DNS chace by doing the following:

Click Start > Run.
Type CMD and press enter
In the command prompt window, type IPCONFIG /FLUSHDNS and press enter
It almost sounds like your IP stack is corrupt. Try searching for "IP stack fix" and you should find something.