Uncharted: Drakes Fortune Reviewed. IGN (9.1)

The Demo was great..This is a must buy for me,Also waiting for Socom confrontation.I havent heard any news on that though.
I picked this up friday since it was released early. I finished up Ratchet and Clank this morning and played about 3 hours of Uncharted, and damn is it an amazing game. My wife sat down and watched me play for a good hour, and even she commented on how fluidly the story/gameplay went. She also said that the graphics wow'd her even. Definitely worthwhile purchase.
Too bad games can't ever be like this. I feel like when a developer puts all of their resources together to make a game then it does cost a lot of money. I don't know why a game HAS to be long in order for it to be good. It's like shadow of the colossus.. they could have made the game a lot longer by adding trash mobs on the way to each giant, but they didn't. You just need to figure out that long game != good one. Would you rather have 8 hours of pure enjoyment or 8 hours of enjoyment with 10 more hours of shit? But of course, there are exceptions (RE4). Developers want to WOW everyone with the games they put out.. if not by innovation, then by storytelling and graphics.

You got me wrong. I'm not saying a game has to be long for it to be good. I'm just saying that I don't find any value in buying a short game at the same price as a game that keeps me entertained longer. Take Portal for example. Portal was awesome. If I had to buy it by itself though, I wouldn't pay $60 for it. It just doesn't keep me entertained long enough. So, games like Heavenly Sword, which by all accounts is a good game, aren't worth $60 to me. A game that short can be beaten over the course of one to two rental periods. With Gamefly it's even better since I just return it when I'm done. The amount of time it takes to beat combined with its replay value plays a big role on what I drop $60 on.
To be fair, Portal can be beaten in as few as 18 minutes and it was designed to be a fun pack-in for the Orange Box, I believe.

What I don't understand is that even if a short game is a better game than a longer game, does that make it less worth $60 than the longer game?

I'm surprised they don't price games higher if they are longer. A game like Mass Effect could theoretically be priced at $100 because of its high production value and game length.

It is my own point of view to support developer effort for making a quality title, especially one without any unnecessary filler content by purchasing. Some games would arguably be better games if they were shorter (Assassin's Creed, I'm looking at you)
This game is well worth the 60 bucks. From what ive played so far they have packed in absolute quality and fun into the 8 or so hours that it lasts.

I honestly start to lose my attention span on games if they are longer than 8-10 hours, no matter how good they are.

Unless its an RPG like Mass Effect, then i hope it lasts 40. Some games just need the epic time feel to it, but games like Uncharted work best packing a punch from start to finish in a shorter time.
I'm probably 3 hours into the game but it has been absolutely amazing so far, the storytelling it really setting a new standard, not to mention the music. I really feel this is a good example of what you can get with a playstation 3.
To be fair, Portal can be beaten in as few as 18 minutes and it was designed to be a fun pack-in for the Orange Box, I believe.

What I don't understand is that even if a short game is a better game than a longer game, does that make it less worth $60 than the longer game?

I'm surprised they don't price games higher if they are longer. A game like Mass Effect could theoretically be priced at $100 because of its high production value and game length.

It is my own point of view to support developer effort for making a quality title, especially one without any unnecessary filler content by purchasing. Some games would arguably be better games if they were shorter (Assassin's Creed, I'm looking at you)

Since I do not have unlimited funds to purchase games, I have to make money stretch. So, I drop my $60 on games that I know will keep me entertained until the next game I want comes out or until I can justify the expense again. So, if a game is too short and has no multiplayer, I can't justify spending that $60 when I can either 1. Rent it or 2. wait til it drops down to a price I am comfortable paying.

If a game like Mass Effect was priced at $100, I would do the math as to how long the game is versus how much I would be paying Gamefly to beat it. If it takes me 2 to 3 months, then it gets rented.

My sweet spot is 10 to 12 hours with no multi. Good multiplayer can justify $60 by itself. I am a consumer. I'm not in the business of "supporting" a developer. They are a company trying to sell me something. If I feel I will get the utility I am looking for for the price, then I purchase it. If I feel the price is too high for what I percieve to be the utility of the product, renting is the next viable option. I certainly like many game developers and follow their projects with interest, but that doesn't mean I open up my wallet just to support them. I open up my wallet when they give me what I want. So, I don't bitch if a game is too short, I just don't drop the cash on it.
I got this yesterday along with Mass Effect, but because of this game I actually didn't even get around to Mass Effect. The best things about this game are the production values. Everything is well scripted, presented, and organized. It's like playing a movie...and it shockingly controls really well considering all of the things you have to do. The demo's more or less a shooter, but the "true" beginning of the game is actually an adventure game/platformer.
The graphics are pretty stellar. I actually think I might go out on a limb and say they're the best ones on a console thus far. In some ways they even compare to the almighty Crysis considering the jungle environment similarities. Everything seems to have that strange artificial "next-gen console shine" but beyond that it's perfect. The plot's simple, but a lot of fun, too. The characters say believable things and the acting's actually quite good.
For any PS3 owners, I recommend this game. Even if it ends up being short, it seems like a game I'll play through again in order to get all of the secrets.
My friend and I just picked this game up a day ago and we already beat it (we played it non stop for about 10-12 hours). I must say this has to be one of the best games I have played in a while. The story keeps you interested from the start and the pacing is perfect, you never get bored and you always want to keep playing to find out what happens next. The voice acting is top notch and you never feel "tired" of the game, and once it ends you crave for more. The developers have added a lot of extra goodies that you can unlock while playing the game to encourage you to play the game over again once you beat it. Don't think I forgot about the graphics because they're amazing, that in itself might be an understatement. The environments are rich and lush, with a lot of color and everything seems alive, add to that perfect lighting and it really sets the tone for some of the great moments in the game. I might have to go out and say that this is probably the best looking game out on any system at the moment, bar none. I can't say enough about how much I'm impressed with this game, I haven't had this much fun playing through something in a long while. One last thing... if you have a PS3, go out and buy this... NOW!
My friend got a 1 month free of gamefly. He doesnt have a PS3, but rented this to play it at my house. We beat it in 2 days ( played it non-stop ) and it was totally kick ass. If you don't buy it for your PS3, you better at least rent it. Great game.
I've still been playing this one quite a bit. I'm not done yet (busy weekend) but I'm still having a total blast. Notice how many people are mentioning marathon sessions with it. The game is set-up for you to keep going. I find myself saying "just one more area" and then I look up and it's an hour later.
I can't stress enough how fun this game is. I can't recall any other game that's managed to encompass an excellent 3rd person shooter with a puzzle-based platformer.
Mass Effect has been screaming "play me!" because I've spent all of my time with this game.
i couldn't put it down after getting it from gamefly on saturday.

the "marathon sessions" are easy to come by due to the complete absence of load times.
you don't even realize while playing it.

really looking forward to what naughty dog pulls off next.
It is very cool. I'm only on chapter 3 and it's amazing. No Load times. Really an interactive move more than a game, really along the lines of what I'm looking for in this type of title. Certainly one of the best I've ever played on any platform.

I can't wait to see where the story goes from here.
I'm VERY close to completing it and I'd say it ALMOST does.
I'd actually say it's closer to a jungle version of Gears of War, though. I personally think RE4's probably the best console game in the last 10 years, so I don't think it's quite that good, but it's still amazing and a darkhorse for game of the year in my opinion.
I agree, it's definetly more of a jungle gears of war, at least the way it plays. It can actually be argued that Uncharted's cover system is better in some ways (reverse shooting over the shoulder, etc.) - I would agree it's like RE4 except that the puzzles are not near as strong and their is more platforming elements to it.

It's a fun little 10hr romp though, afterwards their aren't a whole lot of reasons to continue to play unless you just want to get all the achievements - so that's the only downside. But it's worth atleast a second playthrough before getting sold / traded in.
So after beating Assassins Creed, I'm finally a few hours into Uncharted. I like it very much, even if it is a little on the simplistic side. It certainly doesn't do anything new in terms of gameplay. It's the exact offspring of Tomb Raider and Gears Of War - the only difference being that those two games do their respective gameplay parts better. Tomb Raider has better jumping and exploring, and GoW has better combat.

What I do love about this game though are the characters and the setting. Holy crap it's fun to run around a tropical island with this guy. Superb voice acting.

Fun game. Soy approved.
I went to rent it yesterday at blockbuster, but it was already rented out...so I asked the lady at the counter to see if they had gotten one in. And she looked on the computer, and said they only have ONE copy :( It is a good thing I go there almost everyday though, so maybe I will catch it.

I am going to try multiple blockbuster's...lol (I don't have the money to buy it right now)
game of the year for me so far, ive even not had chance to continue ut3, gears, nfs, ratchet, crysis and timeshift bcause of this game!
Damn, my copy in transit cant get here soon enough! :D
After a couple sitdowns and a short 7 hours later, I've finished the game. In my opinion the game starts to lose a little bit of it's charm towards the end. The combat becomes too frequent and annoying. Great story though, and I was glad to see it through to the end..

After all is said and done, I think Ratchet & Clank and Assassins Creed are better games.
Yeah, Soy's right. The last couple of levels can be a mess. I won't post any spoilers, but once you get to the late teens, things will change a little and some of the game becomes sort of annoying.
Still, the shootouts in the courtyard are a blast. Reminds me of Gears crossed with the finale of the movie "The Way of the Gun."

I'd put this on my short list of Game of the Year contenders along with Mario Galaxy, Crysis, Bioshock, and *maybe* Mess Effect.
The shoot-out's were getting annoying in the demo with how long they were in one stage....is that how it is everywhere in uncharted?

(I went to 8 blockbuster's in my city yesterday. Every single one had only one copy and it was rented it out...lol)
The shoot-out's were getting annoying in the demo with how long they were in one stage....is that how it is everywhere in uncharted?

(I went to 8 blockbuster's in my city yesterday. Every single one had only one copy and it was rented it out...lol)

No it’s not like that through the whole game :) This game is like Gear of War meets Laura Croft meets Heavenly Sword story telling.

One thing that I really liked about this game other than the game itself is that there is almost no load time. These guys did a really good job with file management.
What type of rating system is that? Is that even possible?

4 reviewers that can award between 1-10 points. They are notoriously stingy with their scores, so that's an exceptional rating. Better than a straight 90% average indicates.
famitsu is one of the more famous japanese review sources.

4 scores of 1-10 are their system.
The game was incredible, but it's a rental. Any game I can finish in 7 hours isn't worth more then a rent over thanksgiving break.:) The game has a great story for a video game, while it's cheesy and flakey it does more for in-game stories then any other game has done. Also, it maintains some of the best in game humor i've experienced. Aside from that, the animiations are some of the best i've ever seen. The gameplay is fantastic and some of the camera angles you get when scaling some huge wall or side of a building show off the games incredible graphics. The Gears of War esque gameplay I thought was really fun, especially with new guns constantly being introduced through out the game. The acheivement system I thought was cool, but didn't do much for me other then a few laughs. Some of the mini game sequences like the jeep ride and the rides on the jetski were fantastic I thought. The graphics are probably the best of any game on the PS 3 aside from maybe heavenly sword(another fun rental). Overall it's a great game, but too short to ever buy.
by the way i thought the end of the game was obvious, easy, and cool. The game tells you what to do by pointing the camera in the proper direction, it does that almost through out the entire game, you're supposed to pick up on it. Plus, the end game maze i thought was one of the most interesting parts! loved it!
At first the long gun battles wher ei felt pinned down in 1 or 2 locations annoyed me, but i came to enjoy the feel of strategy that it took to clear out the enemies from my position. Peeking out and taking in all the enemy positions then methodically trying to eliminate them before they close in on you felt very intense and fast paced and took quick thinking and precise firing to execute properly.

I came to enjoy that challenge ina situation i dont normally appreciate in games.
In one of the final shootouts (mission 19 or 20 I think) I actually totally ran out of ammo in the cathedral. The spawned guns had all disappeared outside so I actually had to lure the last 5 or 6 guys outside to melee them. There was something really frustrating and still completely fun about all of that.
The only areas I completely hated were the ones where the enemies become something new and different (I'll avoid spoilers by saying any more). Those areas SUCKED as you're pretty much reduced to shooting from the hip and hoping you don't get insta-killed. Still, that was really only for 1-2 levels.
Just got this game today. Played up until the gun fight after the German U-Boat part where you first get an AK47.
fantastic game.... havent finished it yet but the gunfights are entertaining because of the clever AI. ( lol @ someone referencing the long gunfight in Way Of The Gun, yeh it is like that ! ) its a must play title if you have a ps3.
40% done with the game so far. I hate how it takes way too many bullets to kill an enemy.
I bought assassins creed and uncharted on the same day, i played assassins creed for about 15 minutes, before loading up drake's fortune. I had a blast playing through it. The outdoor enviroments are outstanding.