Unable to use steam after reformatting w/ 7


Nov 3, 2009
I have a 2 hard drive setup, OS drive + everything else. In the past I have always been able to just run steam straight off of D: without any problems, but with Windows 7 I get weird permission errors for my second hard drive. I have already enabled full control for all users, everyone user group, and disabled all read-only recursively. When I try to run the current steam install or install again, it gives me permission errors for the client blob files.

I have already done a fresh install of all my games because I couldn't fix the error, but it would be nice to know the cause in case I have another issue like it in the future. Any thoughts?
I have heard of moving Steam installs from different drives willy nilly but not Steam installs from one OS to another OS. You upgraded from XP or Vista to 7 right?
I used the same Steam install on a secondary drive during three upgrades, Vista to 7 Beta to 7 Home Premium. As for the problem, I've never ran across it. It could have been that the clientblob file itself was corrupted. If you plan on keeping your Steam folder through multiple OS install, it might be worth it to buy a drive just for backups.
Well, I upgraded from Windows XP to Release Candidate (worked perfectly fine) went back to XP, back to RC, and just recently installed full windows 7 (which begun the problems)

As for keeping a second drive just for backups, that's essentially what I'm doing here.. only steam, music, and anime/movies are kept on it. But it still didn't work.
Re download steam from the website and then run it on windows 7, works fine for me. Then if you are looking to restore backups, then find your backup folder on whatever HDD you have and run the backup.exe etc. and it will restore it.