Unable to system restore, reformat, or repair.

If you can't format from your windows disk for some reason, why don't you format from a different disk like the Ultimate Boot Disk? It also has a number of diagnostic utilities in it.
Or install the hard drive as a slave in another computer, or an external enclosure, and use the host windows to format it?:rolleyes:
I'm almost afraid to format it without know that my recovery cd's will be able to install vista once my HD is wiped. Also I don't have any cd-r, or another computer on hand.
Well I got windows 7 installed. But it's not recognizing my dvd drive. I can't even get it to open or anything. I can't seem to find any drivers for it or anything though.
You got it with only a dvd-rom??
Oh well,
The dvd drive shouldn't need drivers....they're built into windows. It's possible the drive is the culprit.
You got it with only a dvd-rom??
Oh well,
The dvd drive shouldn't need drivers....they're built into windows. It's possible the drive is the culprit.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that question..

but the drive is perfectly fine, it worked fine on me with vista, and through the installation. I assume the problem is going from vista 64 bit, to win7 32bit like an idiot.

I've been searching and a lot of the results say to disable driver signing (either by f8 on boot, through the command prompt, or by deleting things in the registry.) None of which worked for me.

EDIT: downloaded a bunch of utilities from asus, and one of them worked, sweet.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that question.

You stated you couldn't make a cd, and it must be a dvd drive to install it, so the assumption was that all you have is a dvd-rom..........not a cd or dvd burner.

What utilities did you get, and which one worked?
You stated you couldn't make a cd, and it must be a dvd drive to install it, so the assumption was that all you have is a dvd-rom..........not a cd or dvd burner.

What utilities did you get, and which one worked?

What I meant was i had no dvd-r's on me haha, but I ended up borrowing one from a friend.

I'm not sure which it was that fixed it, but I think it was one of ATK drivers.