UN Wants to Regulate the Internet


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Brazil is leading a movement to establish a world-wide governing body to control the global standards of the internet. Some feel the push is generated by the recent WikiLeaks disclosures and resulting fallout.

However, Australia, US, UK, Belgium and Canada and attending business and community representatives argued there were risks in forming yet another working group that might isolate itself from the industry, community users and the general public.
That's way too much dangerous control. Dangerous enough for American regulation over Americans, but a single ruling world body? That's too much power. And of course it will begin innocent enough.

Well, I say it's inevitable. Hopefully not in my lifetime. Would be nice if it weren't in my daughter's too.
It's been said before but the internet is kinda like the wild west, where being an outlaw is a valid occupation and the sheriff is also your overseer.
Rather than post here (or inaddition to posting here), people need to write their government representatives. Don't be surprised when information isn't free anymore because some special interest group succeeded because good people did nothing.
well obviously the US don't want the UN to get in their way of controlling the entire internet...
We'll just start our own internet, but not call it the internet, we'll call it Internet2...wait...I've just been informed that already exists...We'll call it Internet3!
The internet is one of the few things that allows the US to promote its ideals without having the government even having to lift a finger. The people under dictatorships do all the work for us.
On one hand, people are overreacting over this. They won't be touching 99%+ of the content of the internet. They'll just target extremist group forums, threats, propaganda, child porn, and issues of extreme political concern. They can't touch torrent distributors because that would be a game of whack a mole.
On one hand, people are overreacting over this. They won't be touching 99%+ of the content of the internet. They'll just target extremist group forums, threats, propaganda, child porn, and issues of extreme political concern. They can't touch torrent distributors because that would be a game of whack a mole.

Our founding fathers were extremists.
Yeah, let's give control of the free flow of information that is the internet to such supporters of human rights and free speech as China, Russia and the rest of the corrupt U.N. banana republics and dictatorships. What a wonderful idea!
Personally, if we could somehow get all the UN to ratify a "net neutrality act" that states that NO private interest from any country can discriminate or regulate Internet traffic, keeping the Internet open and public, I'd be happy. I'd be even happier if say, there was a treaty that every country would ensure that communications infrastructure would remain in the hands of the government/the public, being more like Japan where government-owned and subsidized fiber is rolled out all over the place, instead of leaving it to private corps like in America where ATT/Verizon keep pocketing both tax dollars and subscription fees while only expanding where profitable and when they feel like it.

Of course, the US can't even secure local net neutrality because the government is just a puppet for moneyed corporate interests...so they'd do what they usually do and tell the UN to fuck off.
Let me guess... with the UN control it will fall under the authority of some permanent members of the council? Fuck them, fuck them with an 8 foot cactus.
Go on mate.

Extremism is relative to the social conditions being lived in. Extremism today cannot be compared directly to extremism of the past.

You do realize there was a whole revolutionary war right? People were killing each other.
The united nations is a worthless piece of crap. These people do nothing but think up worthless retarded laws and regulations.. I would love to see the US pull out and say screw the rest of you.
The united nations is a worthless piece of crap. These people do nothing but think up worthless retarded laws and regulations.. I would love to see the US pull out and say screw the rest of you.

I'd love to see Canada pull out and say fuck you as well. It's time to leave this worthless piece of shit behind in the 20th century.
The united nations is a worthless piece of crap. These people do nothing but think up worthless retarded laws and regulations.. I would love to see the US pull out and say screw the rest of you.

I love the UN hate. I'll jump on the "UN IS A PILE OF CRAP." It is such a shadow of what it once was...

Oh btw if they ever do get it, they'll hire or create a company to actually perform this task, then when one bad thing happens they fire the CEO of said company and take zero blame.
National heroes can also be classified as terrorists.

people who systematically enslaved, raped, and murdered the races of Africa can also be classified as terrorists too....

I have much love for America.... but only the bits after 1864.....
Go on mate.

Extremism is relative to the social conditions being lived in. Extremism today cannot be compared directly to extremism of the past.

The point is,one person's definition of extremist is anothers definition of freedom fighter. It all depends on how a country uses,or misuses,it's power. To the dictators in China the people slaughtered in Tiananmen Square were extremists.
I'm a little concerned with the idea that most suggest eliminating the UN because its "useless", instead of restructuring it to have true power. The only reason its "useless" is because asshole countries (See: US, Russia, China, Israel, and a few others) who have power or powerful friends want it to "work" on the third world countries, but then tell it to fuck off when they themselves are censured under the same rule set.

I'd be all in favor of one world government and shared resources the world over, but right now it seems that countries, especially those with ill-gotten power, are too conflict-centric to do anything about it. The sooner we can unite under government and push out the corporate interests that play nations against each other for their own profit, the better.
On one hand, people are overreacting over this. They won't be touching 99%+ of the content of the internet. They'll just target extremist group forums, threats, propaganda, child porn, and issues of extreme political concern. They can't touch torrent distributors because that would be a game of whack a mole.

I wanted to login just to post one thing: You are absolutely retarded if you think the internet can't be regulated and torrent sites will keep popping up :rolleyes:
I wanted to login just to post one thing: You are absolutely retarded if you think the internet can't be regulated and torrent sites will keep popping up :rolleyes:

Do you have proof that torrent sites won't pop up one after another when one is shutdown? My required proof is already in the history books mate.

I never said the internet as a whole can't be regulated. But feel free to include false claims if it makes your day.
Do you have proof that torrent sites won't pop up one after another when one is shutdown? My required proof is already in the history books mate.

I never said the internet as a whole can't be regulated. But feel free to include false claims if it makes your day.

When one is shut down? We're talking about GOVERNMENT REGULATION here, not Recording Industries and other worthless shit that are just looking to make a profit. There is no proof you dolt, no government has ever tried to regulate the internet :rolleyes:

And no, China does not regulate their internet.
Actually, given the UN's track record of containing any sort of problem.. and being a US citizen, I'm cool with the UN having control over the internet. Means nothing will happen and the RIAA and MPAA will have to argue with North Korea and Iran and China about copyright protections.. that'll be fun to watch. :)
When one is shut down? We're talking about GOVERNMENT REGULATION here, not Recording Industries and other worthless shit that are just looking to make a profit. There is no proof you dolt, no government has ever tried to regulate the internet :rolleyes:

And no, China does not regulate their internet.

Restriction is a form of regulation. If you don't want me to use China as an example, that's perfectly fine mate. I'll tell you, then, that Cuba restricts access to internet to most residents.

If that does not tickle your fancy, the internet is regulated all around the world to certain extents. For instance, several Canadian ISPs will block child pornography, and forcefully redirect you current web page.

Government regulation happens through a third party more often than not. So all regulation still goes through the ISP at some point.
I'm a little concerned with the idea that most suggest eliminating the UN because its "useless", instead of restructuring it to have true power. The only reason its "useless" is because asshole countries (See: US, Russia, China, Israel, and a few others) who have power or powerful friends want it to "work" on the third world countries, but then tell it to fuck off when they themselves are censured under the same rule set.

I'd be all in favor of one world government and shared resources the world over, but right now it seems that countries, especially those with ill-gotten power, are too conflict-centric to do anything about it. The sooner we can unite under government and push out the corporate interests that play nations against each other for their own profit, the better.

With the UN's history of corruption being what it is, I laugh at the thought that they would be any less in the pockets of big business than the US, Canada, the EU, Australia, etc.

The UN is broken, like the League of Nations was. It needs to be tossed out and something else started fresh. However, under no circumstances do I endorse the idea of giving control over my life over to a world that hates me because I am a US citizen. I don't really care how they came to hate us, nothing can be done now about it. But since they already do hate us I can't see giving them more power to act on their hate.
Yea, i second internet 2/3 or 4, however many we need until you can't possibly regulate it all. There shouldn't be any limit to creativity, knowledge, or communication.
lol the United Nations... utter waste of resources and money, and now they want more power?
A New World Order is coming. Elites and Globalists are trying to control everyone. Internet is the last safe haven for free speech. They are trying to take it away now. Freedom is going to be the past if no one does anything about it. Next thing you know everyones going to be huddled up and sent to Fema camps once the economy collapses. Gold and silver is sky rocketing. Its only a matter of time before the Euro crashes also. Amero is going to happen. There will be a global government. UN was made possible by the Rockefellers. They supported the NWO and were part of the Illuminati. Gas prices are going to sky rocket also. Hyperinflation is going to occur soon. I know a relative thats a cop who said they've been preparing for martial law for two years already. Its all going to happen. Stock up on food and water. Its just a matter of time before it all comes down ;) Once you lose your freedoms its over.