Ultra portable printers


[H]F Junkie
Jul 19, 2004
Pentax..anyone had experience in supporting ulta-portable printers such as these...

Some readers may recall a thread I had a few weeks ago, about internet based faxing....this client of mine has nurses that visit approx 15x nursing homes throughout the day. They have a need for printing "right then and there". An HP mobile printer one had tried..was pretty much still too big, they use IBM/Lenovo X series tablets. And walk from room to room, all around, highly mobile. We tried a Verizon Sierra card..she exports the nursing report from Suncoast to a PDF writer, and then faxes that to the fax machine at the nursing home. It works..but somewhat clunky.

I stumbled across mention of one of these super small printers. It could end up being portable...I curious about practicality of actual use. Paper feed...keeping a supply of paper in the laptop case..guessing she'd have to be careful not to let it form a bend or curve or wrinkles...jamming up the printer.