Ultra-120 Extreme something amiss ...


Limp Gawd
Mar 1, 2007
I just finished installing and testing my new Ultra-120 Extreme after having having sky high temps with my old scythe infinity. Under occt load I was getting temps of 66c - 72c with my old scythe with a overclock at 3.42ghz (380x9) using cpu v1.535 (v1.49 - v1.5 under load according to µguru) and room temp somewhere between 88f - 93f. Now before someone says ":eek: holy U$(@)84 are you crazy. you're going to kill your cpu!" I'm quite aware of that i really could care less if this cpu last till july 22 at the earliest (quad core price drops) but would really hope it last till Q2 2008 at the latest. Now after installing my new ultra making sure everything is working and reoverclocking my cpu back to what it was I get a suprise. My temps are the about the same in fact they look exactly identical. Now I know this cooler is better heck I even have a higher cfm fan what I can't under stand is why are the temps the same... I quickly take apart my computer remove the heatsink to find that my paste looks like it had great contact. Now I'm completely at a loss on what I should do next. Please help :|
Believe it or not there is not always "worlds" of difference between the high end heatsinks. Also, your extremely warm ambient temperature makes it rather difficult for any kind of "cooling" to take place. A AC unit in your window would have been a better investment...
AC gets turned on in june so I'm not worried about getting one for the window. Thanks for the suggestion anyway.
Wait until your AC gets turned on and then do some more testing. At that ambient temperature there isn't much room for you to see any difference in any cooling.