Uhh, my computer sucks at teh bewt :/


Limp Gawd
Jan 6, 2004
Ok, I formatted my HD in my brothers computer - all went well. So I put it back in my computer and try to install XP. It takes about 30 seconds to detect IDE drives. Then it says "Setup is detecting your system's hardware". That takes roughly 1 minute. Then, it goes to the XP startup screen and loads the files. Then it gives me the options to install, recover, or quit XP. I choose install and it says "Windows XP cannot detect a hard drive connected to your computer". I really need help... THANKS!

Comp Stats:
Motherboard - ECS K7VTA3
Processor - AMD 2200+ Stock
Vid Card - Sapphire Radeon 9800XT Stock
Hard Drive - (1) Western Digital 80GB SE
Drives - Sony 52x CD-ROM, Some GQ 52x Burner
PSU - Thermaltake 420w
jumpers set correctly???
one time i had it set to slave and it was the only drive on the cable and it didn't see it at all.
WD drives are wierd

single drives usually need no jumper to work, and in fact they dont work with one, like yours.
Originally posted by pHatalbOom
It doesn't even POST...

well, depending on your definition of POST

lol there's only one definition of POST. Power-On Self-Test.

That's what your computer does when it starts up. It runs detects installed devices, tests memory, etc. (Depending on how it's been setup).

During the post it'll run down the primary and secondary channel's slaves and masters. You'd want your hard drive to be on the primary channel as a master. On WD drives, if you don't have another hard drive or another device on the chain, simply remove the jumper from the back and it will be detected as a single (master) as long as no other devices are on the same channel.

It does POST, because you talked about the Windows setup screen, and if you got there, it must've POSTed.
oh, ok then yes it does post :D

I put the HD in with no jumper for the master settings, and it gives me the option to start windows normaly, safe mode and those options. Click any one of them, it loads for about 10 seconds then gives me this error:

Yes. reinstall!

if it happens during installation or immediately after, odds are you have a serious hardware issue and quite possibly hardware failure.
Download the dos version of the DLGDIAG from Westerndigitial.com and run the tests on it. Make sure the hard drive is not failing. If all tests run fine, try instaling again.

If it keeps doing this after those steps, then you have a problem with something other then the hard drive.