Ubuntu 10.04 Hit by Major Bug

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Phoronix says that Ubuntu 10.04 was hit by a major bug on launch day. Apparently there is an issue with not being able to boot to another OS once Ubuntu 10.04 is installed. The Ubuntu developers and the folks at Canonical are working on the problem now.

Last week they were then hit by a serious memory leaking issue within the X.Org Server, which fortunately has now been fixed in time for the release. But now we are onto a new issue. Rather than the Canonical crew and Ubuntu developers around the world spending today celebrating the release of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, they are busy re-spinning some of the ISOs due to a new "critical" bug.
I'm not really sure what they mean by "can't boot to another OS" ?

If that happens you boot a live cd and update grub, or reinstall your boot sector....not really too hard...?

Does it destroy the other partition or something ?

There are much more serious bugs in 10.04 IMHO like the change to "mac OSX theme" or the overwriting of your desktop preferences if you are upgrading.

I am really looking at switching to fedora for a desktop OS these days, or perhaps debian.
good thing I haven't downloaded an iso yet. Guess I'll wait...

Wish I could say the same...

Not that it is a big deal to me personally as I always put it on a designated disk or VM, but it would be nice to have the 100% bug free install package without having to do the update/fix after a fresh install of this release.
Installed it yesterday and was able to boot back into 7 with no problems. I don't think they actually released a bugged version, they simply had to redo the image on release day. For the standard installations at least.
Thats not the only bug either, not even the only install bug
At this time you cannot install from a USB flash drive, at least not the netbook edition
Also, i believe the respun the disks with the dual boot issue, however the released netbook edition wont install from USB
I ran into this problem last night while updating.

Boot onto Win7 Install disk, recovery console, fixmbr/fixboot... Boot off 10.04 installer CD, reinstalled grub onto root partition for the computer. Done.

Not a huge problem, I ran into a simlar problem a while ago with another Ubuntu update. Still annoying that it had to be done though.
As a Linux user it pains me to say this, but distro QA is fairly lackluster across the majority of vendors.
I ran into this problem last night while updating.

Boot onto Win7 Install disk, recovery console, fixmbr/fixboot... Boot off 10.04 installer CD, reinstalled grub onto root partition for the computer. Done.

Not a huge problem, I ran into a simlar problem a while ago with another Ubuntu update. Still annoying that it had to be done though.

No, I don't think you did. Windows 7 doesn't have that functionality. Windows Vista was the last one that did :p
I'm not terribly impressed with 10.04. The new theme is just as fugly as the old one and I've had lots of weird stability issues.
No, I don't think you did. Windows 7 doesn't have that functionality. Windows Vista was the last one that did :p

Yes it does. Pop in the W7 disc, open up the recovery console and type bootrec.exe /fixboot or /fixmbr.
I haven't read the article yet, but I am going to say its grub2 issue. I have always had problems with it, most recently with archlinux. On the other hand you could probably install one of the betas of ubuntu, since I did not have a problem updating from that to final.
I haven't read the article yet, but I am going to say its grub2 issue. I have always had problems with it, most recently with archlinux. On the other hand you could probably install one of the betas of ubuntu, since I did not have a problem updating from that to final.

I am so good!:)

Bug #570765 came up earlier this week and it's bringing up the fact that when installing Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on a system with another operating system
present, GRUB2 will not show the other operating system once installed for the dual/multi-boot system.
I ran into this same problem I while ago in arch, only reason I knew.
10.04 boots to login super fast and works ok for me. But 10.04 hangs for like a min when I login before I can fully use my desktop. Only the background is displayed during that time. Anyone got this problem?
I had a similar problem trying to dual boot Win7 after I installed Mint 8 on my computer. Kind of confusing at first, but I just reinstalled GRUB2 and then did update-grub to get the Win7 option back on the GRUB2 menu.
I can go to 7, kubuntu 10.04 just fine? so I don't get it

Yeah, it works fine for me too. I downloaded my ISO from the alternate link last night and installed it.

No problems at all yet besides the fact it seems a bit slower and the theme is hideous.
I actually simply upgraded Kubuntu 9.10 to Kubuntu 10.04 when it asked if I wished to upgrade. No issues on my end, perhaps that is why though.
The new image is already out; so if you updated more recently then on the release day, you were probably using the new image of 10.04.
I can go to 7, kubuntu 10.04 just fine? so I don't get it

Same here and I did an upgrade on my duel boot Toshiba laptop. Found Firefox abit slower, so I did some tweaking in about:config, and it seems to be back to norm.
The issue I'm having with my MSI Wind is that apparently they botched up the Ralink wireless driver support to where I can't connect to a mixed WPA/WPA2 network. Lots of people with the Ralink 2700-2800 series chips are having the issue it seems. What's terrible is how well it worked with 9.10. Thankfully the upgrade went fine, though it did take forever to download. Dual-booting still works just fine too.
Have they fixed the Ralink Wireless N issues of connecting to a hidden network using WPA2? Until then, fuck linux.