Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite as UniFi Ap Controller


Jun 14, 2012
So after reading a bit about the new Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite I noticed on their site that they say that it's "an open platform based on the Debian® Linux distribution." I also noticed that their UniFi AP Controller software has a Debian package now. Has anyone tried to put these two together?

The only Ubiquiti experience is with their point to point outdoor products. My Enterprise wireless experience is all Aruba and Cisco. The thought of a low cost controller/ap setup is blowing my mind right now. A pair of UniFi AP Pro's and an Edge Router Lite are less expensive than buying a Aruba 620 with the licenses you need.

There's two issues stopping this from happening.

Running MongoDB and Java on the EdgeRouter lite.

Once someone gets both of those to run on it....the running the controller will be possible.
That's a pretty good thread. I guess I'll follow the Ubiquiti forum for a while and see what happens. That little box shows a lot of promise. Might be worth picking up just to play around with.
