uber good deal on speakers?


Nov 9, 2005
To go with my ZS 7.1 sound card, i need a new speaker setup. Whats a great deal for a speaker setup? Im looking for something in 5.1, 6.1 or 7.1. Thanks, any suggestions would be great.
serbiaNem said:
a nice HT w/ receiver would net u something very nice

But i dont think he can get a decent receiver + at least 5 speakers + subwoofer for the price of S750.

To the OP, if would be better if you can give a budget.
rahavsmt said:
To the OP, if would be better if you can give a budget.
Ya OP, if you want others to do the legwork and scrounge up the deals for you, at least name a price.

$100 or $1000?
he could get what I have minus the 250 receiver, so 300 for speakers 110 for receiver, few bucks for cables and better sound than giga works + upgrade options.
Firebat said:
heh, if i could afford a 1000 i would have a new p.c.
well with the continued absence of a stated budget i'll recommend a set of logitech X-530 5.1

the price and quality ought to be right up your alley, and it gets good reviews for multimedia speakers.

froogle for x-530 to find the best deal.
i love my x-530's. my only problem is i cant use the surround sound to its full advantage. I have no where to set up the rear speakers. and im not gonna ghetto rig it ;p
I went from my Klipsch ProMedia 5.1 computer speakers, to a Yamaha receiver, and some HT speakers. Love it sooooooooooo much better. It may be a little confusing at first, knowing how to set it up, but we certainly can help you out.

Here are just two things to get you started. Look on that second link for other receivers; they do have refurbished receivers which will do just as well.

Klipsch SB1 bookshelfs $130.00 shipped here

Onkyo TX-SR503 $258.00 shipped here