Ubantu htpc


Limp Gawd
Oct 9, 2003
I was wondering if it was possible to use ubantu and a tv tuner card to record sports games. I dont really care about the computer doing anything else its a decent amd duron 1600, 512 ram, Gf4 4200ti, 160gb hdd, with no operating system. I have my main house machine and a laptop both with xp pro so anything it couldnt do I could do on these pc's. This PC would also have to be able to output the games to the bigscreen i am using as a television/monitor for this computer. Thx.
Check out MythTV and KnoppMyth. Sounds like what you're after.

Keep an eye out for a hardware encoding card when you get one, like the Hauppauge PVR-x50 series. Generally means you don't need a grunty CPU at all, since the card does all the work and all the CPU does is pipe the mpeg2 bitstream to disc.
Yep. Hauppauge PVR150 as your capture/encoder card. Pull down your stuff in MPEG2. If you want to archive it transcode to xvid when you aren't using the computer (your CPU is weak, remember). Use a Geforce FX 5200 AGP video card (cheap cheap) and enable xVmc so your MPEG2 streams are hardware decoded. Get a nice hard drive (big, fast, and quiet). Big is the key word here. I can guarantee you that you are going to want more space over time. mythtv is addicting

Oh...where is the sports coming from? Cable box, raw cable feed, satellite (DTV or Dish), or over the air?

Oh, and you'll need a serial reciever (<$15) and a remote.

Good luck. Read up on www.mythtv.org, gossamer threads mythtv user mailing list, avs forums HTPC forum, and of course here. They're all wealths of information