U.S. Trade Groups Leading Lawsuits Against Net Neutrality Rules

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Well, it's not like we didn't see this coming. Let's just hope the courts rule on the side of common sense this time around.

U.S. telecom and cable firms have said they would challenge the FCC's latest "net neutrality" rules in court. But at least some companies, including Verizon Communications Inc (VZ.N), are currently not planning to bring individual lawsuits and instead aim to participate through trade groups, the sources said.
Cable companies and programming needs to reinvent itself. They're past the point where they can just get more money out of fewer subscribers to maintain their current system. If they were to win a lawsuit and force the price of services like Netflix (for example) to go up because of 'fast lane' monopoly power, it just means fewer people would be willing to pay for Netflix and the cable companies wouldn't end up with any more $$$ than they have now. I think they're at a point where the more they squeeze the faster everyone just cuts the cord.... like I did several years ago.
Verizon won't do shit because they played both side of the fence with being a utility or not when it benefited them.
oh wow Verizon getting all pissy and making legal things happen against the FCC for net neutrality rules.... A FUCKING GAIN

And Verizon being the bunch of bitch ass punks they are, are trying to go the route of the MPAA/RIAA in having some 3rd party do all the suing for them.
So they want to sue the Government for the right to screw the people...

My thoughts exactly. If it went the other way around (and we know they have tried for years) consumers and start ups/small businesses would be helpless. Consumers wouldn't have a leg to stand on or the money to sue the government against these big corporations. I hope these companies really show their ugly side in their lawsuits so people know to avoid them all together.
Dont worry guys you can trust Verizon & Comcast, they have your interests at heart unlike evil gov't.
They could take all this money there spending on politicians, trade groups, lawyers. And whoever else there trying to pay off and give there customers what they want. Ha ha ha ha ha. What am I saying. Its the cable\telephone monopolies. The only people sleazier and less popular than our government.
Well, the good news is that libertarians and anarchists probably fully support the idea of dumping net neutrality because it represents interference of the government in the affairs of the people. The painful agony of throttled YouTubes and Netflixs will be worth it to stand by their ideals.
Well, the good news is that libertarians and anarchists probably fully support the idea of dumping net neutrality because it represents interference of the government in the affairs of the people. The painful agony of throttled YouTubes and Netflixs will be worth it to stand by their ideals.

i wondered where you went
Anarchists are idiots. But I don't think I've met many Libertarians who doesn't like Net Neutrality. And the ones who do, seemed more like Anarchists to me.
They could take all this money there spending on politicians, trade groups, lawyers. And whoever else there trying to pay off and give there customers what they want. Ha ha ha ha ha. What am I saying. Its the cable\telephone monopolies. The only people sleazier and less popular than our government.

That is the most cogent point of this thread. The telecoms WOULD rather spend trillions lobbying the government for the right to fuck the consumer than spend a fraction of those billions providing the services their customers desire.
I like this ^ It's a pretty creative way to dodge the paradox of shrieking anti-government taint while at the same time advocating against the TELCOs in order to underhandedly boost the government agenda without looking like hypocritical when it comes to compromising previous soapboxing. It's really clever until someone points it out. :D