Twitter Suggested For a Nobel Prize&#63

oh really? :rolleyes:
then Facebook should also be nominated :rolleyes:
I'll have lost all faith in humanity if that happens.

Absolutely Ridiculous.

The ever deepening abyss that has become humanity continues its steady march.

"Twitter and other social media outlets have become the soft weapons of democracy "


To even attempt to defend a statement as absurd as this one, makes one weep for the future of humanity.
The ever deepening abyss that has become humanity continues its steady march.

+2... "Hell is the impossibility of reason", Charlie Sheen dixit...

I just _Can't believe_ they're even thinking about awarding a Nobel prize to Twitter... :mad:
I like twitter. I like tech.

But this is a fucking insult to Nobel Prize winners.

Not sure where you're seeing the humor, but Nobel Peace Prize was founded by a Swede named Alfred Nobel, and consist of a committee of 5 people elected by the Norwegian Parliament.

The award is handed out in the presence of the king in Oslo.
This is a mockery of the Nobel prize
Not sure where you're seeing the humor, but Nobel Peace Prize was founded by a Swede named Alfred Nobel, and consist of a committee of 5 people elected by the Norwegian Parliament.

The award is handed out in the presence of the king in Oslo.
Did you read what he quoted?
I heard you almost had enough votes, but in the end you came up a bit short.

Nice try, very nice, but a few votes short of a Nobel Prize is a lot bigger than a few fries short of a happy meal. :D

Seriously though, this is what they get for giving one to Al Gore. Standards, people! Standards!
The Nobel Peace Prize is about as prestigious these days as a porn Oscar from AVN.
It all depends on who's **** you suck, and how well you suck it.
The Nobel Peace Prize is about as prestigious these days as a porn Oscar from AVN.
It all depends on who's **** you suck, and how well you suck it.

That brings some truly disturbing imagery to mind considering some of the past winners. :eek: