Twitter shut off its internal Slack, and now ‘everyone is barely working’


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
“Jira went down, Slack’s gone, and site performance is degraded. What’s next?”

“That can be a data-intensive request for a large account a big lift — like, say, Elon Musk’s. Singlepane’s data show that Twitter experienced significant latency issues when Musk took his account private in early February, as part of his effort to understand why fewer people have been liking his tweets lately. (He figured out a separate fix for that problem just a few days later.)
On top of all the other news, parts of Asia experienced a roughly 20 minute Twitter outage today, we’re told.”


I don't understand articles like this. It seems to me people are mad at Elon for making Twitter a free and open platform and report on every mouse fart possible. Got to keep the outrage going.
Er, no. The problem is that Elon is gutting Twitter's infrastructure and otherwise doesn't seem to know what made the site tick before he showed up. That and he's treating it as a personal megaphone rather than a social platform. The big lie is that he's a champion of free speech; in truth, he has banned people simply for criticizing him. He just wants to force his speech and ideologies on others.
Er, no. The problem is that Elon is gutting Twitter's infrastructure and otherwise doesn't seem to know what made the site tick before he showed up. That and he's treating it as a personal megaphone rather than a social platform. The big lie is that he's a champion of free speech; in truth, he has banned people simply for criticizing him. He just wants to force his speech and ideologies on others.
He’s doing some performance tuning, tweaking, and optimizations to get his follower engagement back up to par/snuff
Er, no. The problem is that Elon is gutting Twitter's infrastructure and otherwise doesn't seem to know what made the site tick before he showed up. That and he's treating it as a personal megaphone rather than a social platform. The big lie is that he's a champion of free speech; in truth, he has banned people simply for criticizing him. He just wants to force his speech and ideologies on others.
Yeah, totally, Elon doesn't know what he's doing...:rolleyes:
Is this the same message board that extolled Musk when he was offering up is submarine rescue in Thailand? From saint to scammer. My how he's fallen from grace. I need to find that thread.
Opinions on Musk vary by the person and have no doubt evolved over time. Personally, I don't recall ever praising him and certainly wouldn't now. He's a man, not a font of wisdom, and it disturbs me when people revere anyone as if they're beyond reproach. And Musk is pretty messed up, both personally and professionally.
I never jumped on the Elon Musk hype train before. I always knew who he was and I've always liked science and generally "approved" of him.

But I never really cared for him much, unlike some of my friends I've known, who certainly became very infatuated with him. Of course, they hate him now.
But me? I just see him as a human as always, and so I don't really apply such intense hatred to him. I generally still approve of him, and despite the fact that he's banned a few people, I do wish he'd stop, and I wish he really would usher in an age of absolute free speech.

But I don't use Twitter and I never have and I never plan to, so I don't care much. I don't see Elon Musk as a villain nor a hero. Just a guy with subjective objectives and his own view of the world.
Opinions on Musk vary by the person and have no doubt evolved over time. Personally, I don't recall ever praising him and certainly wouldn't now. He's a man, not a font of wisdom, and it disturbs me when people revere anyone as if they're beyond reproach. And Musk is pretty messed up, both personally and professionally.
It's just interesting how people's opinion of Musk has evolved, especially in the tech world. In 2018 Musk was GodLike and untouchable. I called it out. Now that his right wing side has come out, he's more of a pinata for most. No doubt smart as hell in some aspects, but lacking in other areas. I agree, human.
I don't understand articles like this. It seems to me people are mad at Elon for making Twitter a free and open platform and report on every mouse fart possible. Got to keep the outrage going.

It would seem like that to you, because that's exactly how it is
Jira went down, Slack’s gone

I assume Twitter stopped paying for them, like Twitter stopped paying their rent. Mr. Musk is taking the leveraged buy out -> business shutdown playbook very quickly.
Let's not forget that Twitter was a fucking dumpster fire when he bought it, Jack was an absentee CEO and the company was chasing its ad funding tail. He won't break Twitter, it was already broken. It should be interesting to see if he can fix it.
Monetize the shit out of twitter, could care less. I just wish Musk would find a CEO for Twitter so he can get back to Tesla full time.
I assume Twitter stopped paying for them, like Twitter stopped paying their rent. Mr. Musk is taking the leveraged buy out -> business shutdown playbook very quickly.
you mean very slowly? if it's a shutdown this is very slow imho
i still buy the theory that Musk and Bezos are Bond villains. He has much bigger plans for Twitter than most can even imagine: world domination!
you mean very slowly? if it's a shutdown this is very slow imho

Usually a leveraged buy out takes a decade or so to come to the inevitable. Bain and friends bought Toy'R'Us in 2005 and it went bankrupt in 2017. Stopping rent payments within months of a buyout is fast.
The article is a bit strange and hard to follow, like:
Twitter has seen increased latency during times when more people are using the service
Increase in lantency when more people are using the service in 2023 than in 2022 or just the more people use twitter the slower it get like it always did ?
The article is a bit strange and hard to follow, like:
Twitter has seen increased latency during times when more people are using the service
Increase in lantency when more people are using the service in 2023 than in 2022 or just the more people use twitter the slower it get like it always did ?

stop thinking, just say 'elon man bad'
You going to back up the attitude with proof of him knowing how to run Twitter?

Elon Musk doesn't know how to run Twitter, nobody knows how to run Twitter. Jack Dorsey couldn't be arsed to run Twitter after starting it.

I'm no Musk simp, I think he treats people like shit and tends to get WAY too comfortable with stock market hype fetching his ventures endless cash. Twitter is one where he can't do that, I DO think that Musk is pretty fucking clever and seeing him try to figure out how to raise Twitter off the ocean floor is fascinating. I'm also pretty sure all of this rapid failure, correction, and iteration is just his normal leadership process. In a corporate world that is paralysingly risk-averse this method is incredibly rare to see in 2023.
He does tend to try, fail, learn, iterate a lot in his work. Can sit and laugh at failures but he would rather try something instead of talking about it for 6 months and missing opportunities. It is interesting to watch though.
The article is a bit strange and hard to follow, like:
Twitter has seen increased latency during times when more people are using the service
Increase in lantency when more people are using the service in 2023 than in 2022 or just the more people use twitter the slower it get like it always did ?

Twitter’s latency and reliability has been a mess for a while. I’m not sure how much, if any, of that is on Elon’s head. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the underlying code of the site is a complete disaster.

Elon Musk doesn't know how to run Twitter, nobody knows how to run Twitter. Jack Dorsey couldn't be arsed to run Twitter after starting it.

I'm no Musk simp, I think he treats people like shit and tends to get WAY too comfortable with stock market hype fetching his ventures endless cash. Twitter is one where he can't do that, I DO think that Musk is pretty fucking clever and seeing him try to figure out how to raise Twitter off the ocean floor is fascinating. I'm also pretty sure all of this rapid failure, correction, and iteration is just his normal leadership process. In a corporate world that is paralysingly risk-averse this method is incredibly rare to see in 2023.

I’ll agree with Musk being clever. He just jumps into stuff ego first without a plan. It’s worked out well with a lot of stuff in the past, but it’s not with Twitter. I have no idea who, but he needs to find someone that can rub day-to-day operations and give them the freedom to do whatever is needed to get the right people working on Twitter’s backend, algorithms, and moderation. I don’t think Twitter is entirely unfixable, but Musk is not the person that can do it by himself.
Yeah, no. Holmes never made anything that worked.

Sure, Musk lives at the government trough, but he at least produces something. Whether you like what he produces or not is another story.
He is a pathological liar, and a narcissist. Always over promising and under delivering. The same thing that Holmes did, they did actual blood testing they just weren't as good as she claimed, they didn't have the holy grail.

The difference between holmes and musk is, well there are actually three differences pertaining to being liars:
  1. Holmes never took any money out of her company when the stock price was overvalued due to her false claims. Musk did it multiple times, despite promises that his money will be the last out.
  2. Holmes sold one non-existent product, Musk falsely advertised numerous ones, often the same one multiple times.
  3. Musk didn't get prosecuted for any of it yet.
He is a pathological liar, and a narcissist. Always over promising and under delivering. The same thing that Holmes did, they did actual blood testing they just weren't as good as she claimed, they didn't have the holy grail.

The difference between holmes and musk is, well there are actually three differences pertaining to being liars:
  1. Holmes never took any money out of her company when the stock price was overvalued due to her false claims. Musk did it multiple times, despite promises that his money will be the last out.
  2. Holmes sold one non-existent product, Musk falsely advertised numerous ones, often the same one multiple times.
  3. Musk didn't get prosecuted for any of it yet.
Ok. We'll agree to disagree.
Er, no. The problem is that Elon is gutting Twitter's infrastructure and otherwise doesn't seem to know what made the site tick before he showed up. That and he's treating it as a personal megaphone rather than a social platform. The big lie is that he's a champion of free speech; in truth, he has banned people simply for criticizing him. He just wants to force his speech and ideologies on others.
Hey, you are the one that said if you don't like a social media site, get your own. He did exactly that and now you are dogging him for it. Sorry you don't like your saying it's his site his rules.
Twitter’s latency and reliability has been a mess for a while. I’m not sure how much, if any, of that is on Elon’s head. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the underlying code of the site is a complete disaster.
It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of it predated him, but his "strategy" is going to make it worse and make it hard to fix. If you come in and take an axe to the majority of your workforce, particularly without spending time to find out who is actually useful or not, and then fire senior people who tell you things you don't want to hear, that is going to put you in a very tough situation to fix something with a lot of technical debt. To fix something like that is generally a lot of work, meaning you need a lot of people. Not only is he in a situation with less people, but he's also made it hard to hire new ones, particularly highly talented ones. Talented coders have lots of options, they aren't going to be interested in working for a company where they could get the axe at any moment unless the pay scale is just obscene.

It also leads to an environment where the people left care less. If everyone thinks that the hammer is going to fall at any time and are just riding it out, they aren't as motivated to do anything about it. Just keep your head down, goof off, and wait for the inevitable.

I don't think he single handedly caused Twitter's issues, it was evident to anyone who had watched it even casually that they had a lot of problems. However, I think his strategy made things worse and much harder to fix. In addition to all the staff cuts there's the issue of the large amount of debt they now have, and the cost of that, and him publicly fighting with advertisers, causing many of them to withdraw. Twitter was never a cash cow to start with, now they have a big new cost, the debt service, which is hard to offset even with big layoffs and he's been causing issues with their main revenue stream: advertisers. While he wants to move it away from ads being the major revenue source, getting from here to there is not trivial (people just don't like paying for social media) so it is not a good time to disrupt that revenue.
Hey, you are the one that said if you don't like a social media site, get your own. He did exactly that and now you are dogging him for it. Sorry you don't like your saying it's his site his rules.

Yeah I mean I disagree with Elon saying he's for free speech yet doesn't allow Alex Jones on (regardless of how you feel about Jones, free speech is free speech - speech for some but not all is not free speech)

But as you say, (now) his site....

Some have speculated that outages could cause advertisers to continue shunning Twitter, but AdAge reported today that a rare endorsement of Twitter’s stability from a major ad agency, WPP, has some advertisers reassessing the benefits of doing business with Twitter.

"iTs GoNnA dIe AnY dAy NoW1!!1!!!11!11!!!" (ignore that those who parrot this also said it would also already be dead by now too)
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The article is a bit strange and hard to follow, like:
Twitter has seen increased latency during times when more people are using the service
Increase in lantency when more people are using the service in 2023 than in 2022 or just the more people use twitter the slower it get like it always did ?

I remember when I started at a (now big) messaging service in 2011, when we had downtime, every few weeks, people would go on Twitter and post "is X down?", and about 15-30 minutes after our downtime started, the failwhale would come out. At some point, maybe 2012 or 2013, Twitter got their stuff together and stopped failing when we did, so we had to get our stuff together and stop failing too. Kind of disappointing if they're back to that kind of thing
I won't say all his misdeeds are defendable, but there is an unbalanced amount of hate against him on the internets these days and somehow it seems politically motivated. It's happened only recently in the past year or so, before twitter. The whole Twitter thing just added to the hate noise.

There's plenty of worse people to hate, but the internet would make you believe he ate your kittens in the last year.
I won't say all his misdeeds are defendable, but there is an unbalanced amount of hate against him on the internets these days and somehow it seems politically motivated. It's happened only recently in the past year or so, before twitter. The whole Twitter thing just added to the hate noise.

There's plenty of worse people to hate, but the internet would make you believe he ate your kittens in the last year.