Twitter + Electronic Billboard = Suspended News Director

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Another fine example of the news media getting owned by technology. I’m sure the three news anchors in this picture weren’t too thrilled with the accompanying headline but I think suspending people without pay is a little over the top.

General Manager Shea Grandquest and News Director Wes Finley have been suspended, allegedly because of a “snafu” with one of the electronic billboards in town that showed a picture of anchors Greg Peterson and Kym Thurman and Chief Meteorologist Derek Beasley alongside the headline “3 Accused of Gang Rape in Monroeville.” The headline was under the header “Right Now on Twitter.”
I think there has to be three or more. If it's two, it's just a threesome.
I wonder what constitutes a gang rape? Does 2 perps make a gang or must there be 3?

According to the Dictionary, a gang is a group, and a group is 2 or more people. So technically two perps could be considered a gang.
while funny if taken in the wrong context, if they always have a picture of their news team then it would be easy to say that every single thing they post is about them if you really want too.

It just so happen that this headline was the best fit for the image given that there were 3 of them.

Might just be me, but I wouldn't assume in the case of that image that the headline had anything to do with those 3.
It took me a few minutes to understand what the issue was - I must be a simple person, because I certainly didn't think the 3 news persons were the ones the headline was about. I don't even see why there is any action being taken.

I suppose that is where the warning labels to not use hairdyers in the shower, coffee may be hot, etc. came from.
Might just be me, but I wouldn't assume in the case of that image that the headline had anything to do with those 3.

Neither... seems strange that people would actually mix the two :/
Well, 9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape... :D

Welcome to technology is what I say. You have instant updates, you get the occasional snafu like pictured. All the news story headlines are not going to accommodate your static pictures. End of story. I think the head guy that suspended these people should be suspended himself for not knowing dick about anything...
i think theyre kind of over reacting. i mean, think about it. any time theres 3 of anything its going to be funny with that sign.

"3 people found dead in monroeville", "3 ways to spice up your marriage", or "3 suspected terrorists being held for questioning"
Like the person updating twitter really knows what the billboard looks like or even thinks about that when posting.
Suspended for a week without pay? What a joke, I see nothing worthy of any punishment at all, much less the penalty they deserved :mad:
I think most people are smart enough to know that this was just a funny blooper. But it's precisely because it's a funny mistake they were suspended - I'm sure the person that's been raped did not appreciate being the butt of their mistakes. The suspension was the network's way of apologizing to that person and letting her know that they're serious about making sure it doesn't happen again.
I think most people are smart enough to know that this was just a funny blooper. But it's precisely because it's a funny mistake they were suspended - I'm sure the person that's been raped did not appreciate being the butt of their mistakes. The suspension was the network's way of apologizing to that person and letting her know that they're serious about making sure it doesn't happen again.

But again what was the mistake? They posted a headline and somebody (not the news station) thought it would be funny to around saying that the billboard is saying that those 3 are the rapest.

Yes this is horrible for the person that was raped as the act against them is now being made into a joke, but there isn't a single thing wrong with that billboard image that wouldn't be wrong with them posting headlines period.

Other than never posting a single headline ever again either on the billboard, on the air or anyplace else there is no way that they can ever stop this from happening again.

All it take is 1 person to think it is funny to spin what is being said or shown and then start posting it all over the web. Proof in point the pic that dali71 posted. Do you think that news director there should have been punished over that image? I dont' myself don't think that the news anchor looks like the guy in the sketch other than the fact that they both have short hair and a mustache. Had you just seen that on air you wouldn't have thought twice about it. But one person thought that he somewhat looked like him and started to post the image. It was then after you know what you are suppose to be looking for that you start to think that they do somewhat look alike. Same thing here. 99.5% of the people would have seen that billboard and never thought twice about it. But you had that 1 person that seen it and make it out to be something different and started to post it around saying that the billboard was claiming those three where the ones accused. Then after everyone relooks at it knowing what is being said by that 1 person then they two are able to see it as saying that.

If you are watching the news and it headline in the top corner says man convicted of sexual assult, you don't normally assume they are talking about the anchorman telling you the story. But of course if you take a picture and post it online of that image you could make it out to be that they are claiming that.
That was a great billboard.... too bad people are offended so easily and just don't have a sense of humor these days.
Like the person updating twitter really knows what the billboard looks like or even thinks about that when posting.
Exactly. People doing their job getting reprimanded for not knowing that the anchors are on the sign that their Twitter updates are being posted on, when, in all likelihood, they would have had absolutely no way of knowing.

I'm sorry, but fuck that.
But again what was the mistake? They posted a headline and somebody (not the news station) thought it would be funny to around saying that the billboard is saying that those 3 are the rapest.

Yes this is horrible for the person that was raped as the act against them is now being made into a joke, but there isn't a single thing wrong with that billboard image that wouldn't be wrong with them posting headlines period.

Other than never posting a single headline ever again either on the billboard, on the air or anyplace else there is no way that they can ever stop this from happening again.

All it take is 1 person to think it is funny to spin what is being said or shown and then start posting it all over the web. Proof in point the pic that dali71 posted. Do you think that news director there should have been punished over that image? I dont' myself don't think that the news anchor looks like the guy in the sketch other than the fact that they both have short hair and a mustache. Had you just seen that on air you wouldn't have thought twice about it. But one person thought that he somewhat looked like him and started to post the image. It was then after you know what you are suppose to be looking for that you start to think that they do somewhat look alike. Same thing here. 99.5% of the people would have seen that billboard and never thought twice about it. But you had that 1 person that seen it and make it out to be something different and started to post it around saying that the billboard was claiming those three where the ones accused. Then after everyone relooks at it knowing what is being said by that 1 person then they two are able to see it as saying that.

If you are watching the news and it headline in the top corner says man convicted of sexual assult, you don't normally assume they are talking about the anchorman telling you the story. But of course if you take a picture and post it online of that image you could make it out to be that they are claiming that.

I should rephrase myself. It's not so much a mistake as it's just simply funny as hell. That was the "mistake". It was a hindsight nobody thought of. The network's suspending these people for a week was a kneejerk PR move designed to apologize to the rape victim.
Lol, that sign is epic, too bad everyone else can't laugh at the irony..
I like how people get suspended without pay over this "blooper" and yet cops can beat unarmed suspects to death in the street and get a month off paid.
OK folks, *I live in the town where this has happened*. This is my hometown, lived here forever, etc.

Everyone in town knows who those three people are. The guy on the left is seriously involved in community events and is a known philanthropist (time-wise more than money-wise). The other two are equally well-known, although the weather guy on the far right is relatively new.

Also, the gang-rape happened in a small community about an hour north. It would take a complete idiot (insert Alabama joke here) to think that the headline had anything to do with those three. It was a simple goof-up, and it's silly that any "discplinary action" had to be taken. If I had to guess, the three newspeople just shrugged, possibly chuckled, and said "meh".

I do think it's funny that my town finally made FARK though. :) And it wasn't even for the Judge Herman Thomas paddling thing (google it).