Tunnel Proxy over SSH through Port 80


Jul 12, 2004
I have a Proxy server at home that I would like to access at work. I set up a smoothwall box as a server behind my router. I set SSH to port 80 and can connect internally. In putty I tunneled my proxy server port to the proper port and through localhost.

My problem is that in my router, I forwarded port 80 to port 80 and pointed it at my smoothwall box. I can't access it from the outside world. If I put my smoothwall box on my router's DMZ it lets it through. Why would it work on the DMZ but not through port forwarding.

Please help. If anything isn't clear just ask and I'll clarify.


since ive not looked at smoothwall for a few years now, ill ask:

isnt smoothwall a firewall, and if so, of what use is it as a server?
I'm torn between helping, and breaking the rules. So please clarify if this is sactioned by work, and it'll resolve my moral dilema.
This is for my boss at work. It is a pain to rework the entire firewall system just for him, but he wants free reign of the internet. So it is against company policy to do this unless authorized by the big man. In this case, it's for the big man.

And to Sharaz Jek who asked 'isn't smoothwall a firewall?'. Yes, it is a firewall...but it is also capable of much more. Web server, FTP server, Print Server, DHCP Server, DNS Server, Proxy Server (both discrete and transparent), and many other functions. In this instance, I am using smoothwall for its proxy server capabilities. In other words. Smoothwall is inside network 1. I'm on network 2. I want to use the smoothwall that resides on network 2. So I use an SSH tunnel from network 2 to network 1 over port 80. Port 80 maps to the smoothwall. Now that I'm directly connected (SSH) to the smoothwall I can setup Internet explorer to use localhost port 3128 (smoothwall default proxy server port) to browse the web with. It's a bit laggy, but it works. I'm using a VIA EPIA 1Ghz machine as my smoothwall, so its not that fast on the SSH encryption...but I think it'll work well enough.

With that said and any controversy laid to rest....fire away with the suggestions.



very cool software. But I already have the tunneling set and the Proxy Server Configured. Everything works...I just can't get the router to play nice.

Should I forward UDP and TCP packets? I haven't tried that...

I just need to forward port 80 TCP I think....

I can connect to my external IP address from inside my network the way I want. But I can't connect from outside my network.

This sounds like a router configuration problem to me...I'm just stumped on how to fix it.
I was reading a post where someone was trying to run a webserver inside their network and was having similar problems...it would only work on the DMZ. They swapped out routers and it started working. Sounds to me like it could be that the router's port forwarding functionality might be broken.

I'll check it out tonight.
I know on my router it ask for both external and internal port when you want to setup forwarding, If you have that option on your router i would set it so that it's port 80 external
and port 3128 internal. That should work.

-Good Luck
Skip port 80. Use the alternative web port 8080. Should work just as well. Also try the ftp port. (As the router's external port)
SSH use Port 22. Try that it should work, make sure you forward it to the right computer.
This might be a long shot, and I doubt it's the problem, but did you make sure that your ISP doesn't block port 80. I understand it works through DMZ but give it a shot on another port. I myself use port 2222 for SSH :)