Tuniq tower temps and Intel CPUS


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 23, 2002
Question for some of you guys out there.

I just put a Tuniq tower using AS5 on my e8400. I wasn't too keen on the setup and mounting it because it was... yeah kinda an unstable way to mount things in my book.

So I have my new processor running at 3.8ghz and at full load its at 60c.

Thats fine by me but I just want to see other peoples temps to compare. I may end up reseating the tuniq tower to make sure I do it right since we did two of them yesterday.

So lets have those temperatures!
I put my proc to 4.0ghz and started its prime95 burn in.

it was at 61-63c full load.
Straying off topic for a moment... Your burn in, how are you going about it? Raising your proc to 4.0, putting it under load, and then gradually trying to lower the voltage as much as you can until you continuosly recieve errors in prime? Thanks... Also, my Tuniq Tower arrives sometime today for my new build, I'll follow up w/ my temps Friday or Saturday.
My E6750 is running at 3.6 at around 64 load. I lapped the base of the tuniq, but it didn't make much of a difference.