Trying to keep a list of new vocab words...


Fully [H]
Feb 19, 2007
For my vocabulary skills I thought it might be fun to keep track of new words I learn on a day to day basis. However I'm not sure of the best way to keep track of my progress. Ideally I'd want a system where I could sort via Date added, Where I found it, and alphabetical order of the words themselves but I'm not sure how to do this. Could I use Excel 2007 for this? If so, any good guides on how to get Excel to do what I want?

EDIT: It would be useful if the solution works for both Mac and PC.
Simple 3-column Excel spreadsheet should work fine, which would be easily sortable by either word, date or source column.
How can I do it so the entire row shifts, and not just one column being rearranged. (Total Excel noob)
when you click sort if you only have one column selected it will ask if you want to expand the selection

just click yes and you're good to go