Trying to decide between 27" 1440p & Ultrawide 29"


Mar 17, 2005
Hey all,

Hoping you could help me figure out what would work best for my situation. Currently have a QNIX QX2710 1440p panel that i'll need to sell - love the panel but the lack of inputs is a problem as i've started working from home 3-4 days/week and my laptop / docking station lack the dual-dvi output. From what I've seen, i would need to invest $100-150+ in a active displayport to dual DVI converter that still may be wonky at best, would rather put the money into a new monitor as i don't really need the 96hz the monitor can do.

I'll be using the display for both work (laptop) and home usage on my itx PC (gaming, web, etc). Home PC is running a i5 3570k & GTX760. Currently running dual monitors at the office off the laptop, but want a single monitor at home so i can still game when not working, but also be able to multitask with multiple docs up at once while at work.

So alas, my choice. Trying to decide between the following;
  • 27" 2560x1440 Panel (probably Benq, Asus or Acer) - ~$350 for Benq right now
  • 29" 2560x1080 Panel (probably Acer or AOC) ~ $300 for Acer right now

Games (BF4 for example) run pretty good on my 1440p panel (~30-40fps) with almost all settings as ultra except maybe turned down to 2x FSAA. I can't help but think they would run 50-60fps with the 29" ultrawide given the lower output needed. I also have started to get into flight sims and other FPS.

For work, i spend most of my time in spreadsheets and reviewing documents, so the ultrawide is intriguing.

I was thinking though - if they are both technically 2560 wide then would i actually get a wider FOV with the 29"? I enjoy the higher dot pitch of the 1440p panel i've got, but since i haven't been able to try it out for work, i'm not sure how it would impact my workflow.


PS - Trying to stay below $400, otherwise i would just buy the 34" ultrawide and call it a day :)
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I am in the middle of upgrading my displays and looking at similar screens. I would go with 27" 2560x1440 over 29 2560x1080. Since it is for work I would honestly pony up and go all the way with the 34" 3440x1440 if possible as its the highest productivity screen I have gotten to try for coding and excel. First option if on a tight budget otherwise I would go with the long term investment of the 34". The ultra wide at the lower resolution just doesn't do much beyond give a seamless screen equivalent to 1280x1080 which you could do for like 100 bucks with 2 monitors.
Thanks for the replies. Unfortunately in the 4 hours since i posted this someone hit my parked car outside my house and drove off so the budget is going to be even tighter than i originally anticipated. Definitely no go on the 34" :(
Sorry to hear that. I hope the person who drove off receives what's coming to them (this can't be anything other than negligence can it)? This happened to someone I know recently who had CCTV footage but it wasn't clear enough to do anything with. Sorry I can't offer any insight on the monitor front.
Sorry to hear that. I hope the person who drove off receives what's coming to them (this can't be anything other than negligence can it)? This happened to someone I know recently who had CCTV footage but it wasn't clear enough to do anything with. Sorry I can't offer any insight on the monitor front.

Thanks, yea the cops said it was probably just someone not paying attention or drunk. So now that i'm down a car for a week and out $500 for nothing, price is more of a concern than it was before.