Troubleshooting - Antec NeoPower


Mar 31, 2001
I've got an older 480 Antec NeoPower. I just moved into a new apartment and box will no longer start up with this PSU installed (or even sitting beside the case by itself). I have shorted it and placed a few fans on it for load and it comes right up outside of the case. I've used another power supply in the case and it works perfectly. I've also taken the "bad" power supply to work and used it in another PC with success. Oh, and the power LED on the front of the case flickers the second I flip the switch on the back. This condition does not change until I turn it off.


1). Mobo = OK
2). PSU = OK

It's something about the new location. Does anyone think the PSU is "protecting" itself from starting up on this power segment for some reason? That still doesn't explain why it would work when I short the ATX connector outside of the case. What could be going on here?

Thanks in advance for the help!
Wow, lots of Neo problems are showing up. Your supply shows similar symptoms to my failed NeoPowers. Anyway, don't read too much into being able to start the Neo by shorting the black and green. My testbench Neo always starts when directly shorting, and when powering small loads like fans and such. It doesn't always start when connected to a motherboard, though.

Here is another post about a dying Neo, posted just yesterday.

If I were you, I'd ditch the Neo.
Hmmm, such a strange problem. It works fine under load here at work but I will say that the PC I powered would not be as large a load. Even so, it's more than a few fans and it worked connected to a motherboard consistently.

I get absolutely nothing on my home PC.