trouble w/ linksys AP install


Jun 7, 2004
just got it and was installing from the linsys cd....

during the beginning part of the install, i get the msg "the setup utility was unable to locate an AP on your network. please make sure your AP is powered on and any cables are properly connected"

it's all powered up and conneceted to my router (linksys befxs41). the AP DOES have a blinking ACT light. not sure what the "blinking" means.

any help????
What OS is your client machine? I would use the utility first if possible (and disable XP ZWC) but if that doesn't work and your using XP, then just use the zero config utility native to XP.
when i get to my router's (also a linksys) admin page, what do i need to do to 'configure' it?

my client machine is running xp pro. would i be disabling "xp zwc" somewhere in the router's admin page? couldn't find it. what is the zero utility in XP?

sorry, this AP didn't come w/ any documentation (bought it used) and i thought it would be pretty much a 'plug-n-play' type deal. don't get me wrong, i have no problem fiddling around w/ settings and configurations but i'm not that well versed w/ networking and i've never done any type of wireless networking install.

btw, does the blinking ACT light mean anything?

Well surely the manual will be a downloadable PDF on the website. No paper manual really isn't a good excuse to have not read it. WZC is a windows service, and would be accessible from the services snap in to the MMC. Can be found in the control panel under the administrative tools subfolder.

The activity light on the AP will continue to blink as it sends out beacons continuously.
omega-x said:
thats not even a wireless router people. (befxs41)

right, that one is the wired router. i have an A/P hooked up to it, also linksys. was there some confusion there?
i bet whats wrong is that the router and the AP have the same IP.

use a laptop to connect wirelessly to the AP, with the AP NOT hooked into the router.
and try or ask who you bought it from what its IP is.
omega-x said:
i bet whats wrong is that the router and the AP have the same IP.

use a laptop to connect wirelessly to the AP, with the AP NOT hooked into the router.
and try or ask who you bought it from what its IP is.

i'll try to find that out... thanks
Not the problem. Not the problem in your original post anyway. The software your installing is the client going out and looking for beacons being sent from your AP. IP is irrelevant in this action. Actually the only thing an AP has an IP for is configuration. How are you coming anyway? Any progress?