Troll: n3bpwn3r


Jun 16, 2005
12/03 I paid for an Opteron 170 (via PayPal, thank god).

12/05 He says it was shipped. I respond asking for tracking info.

12/12 Still no response. I PM him at 4:30 PM. Log on at 9:00 PM and see he was last on at 8:32 PM. He obviously read the PM.

If he weren't trying to rip me off he would at least reply to my e-mail. The kicker is he's still posting here! I've done many deals on many forums and it's always this one I seem to have problems with.
Sellin XBoX 360 too :mad:

And I talked to him about a GT and he said Kruel was gonna pay him on Tues :(
I gotta PM him!
He sent me a PM regarding a 148 Opteron. I replied asking what the codes were and he said he didn't know what that was. Never heard from him again.

Was just thinking about sending him another PM till I saw this thread, glad I didn't persue anything with this guy.
dude a day after you bought it you filed a claim.
the money isnt in my account thats why im not
shipping it.
if you notice in his x360 thread i said to be careful dealing with him, i talked to him on aim for about 30 minutes about the xbox and he seemed non-trustworthy/trollish to me.

changed his price 10 times etc etc... be careful.
n3wbpwn3r said:
dude a day after you bought it you filed a claim.
the money isnt in my account thats why im not
shipping it.
Wait you saying that after he paid for it Paypal took your funds out to give him a refund? If that is true why is the poster complaining?
n3wbpwn3r said:
dude a day after you bought it you filed a claim.
the money isnt in my account thats why im not
shipping it.
Interesting excuse. I don't understand why you told me it was shipped and why you never replied to anything afterwards, until this thread, and only to this thread. Refund me then, whatever. This can end now.
That blows... I was a bit skeptical at first, but im almost sure he's a troll. So far I paid him half for a 6800 ultra ($125 via paypal. yeay for paypal). He is also a member on the anandtech forums, so take caution.
CellZero said:
That blows... I was a bit skeptical at first, but im almost sure he's a troll. So far I paid him half for a 6800 ultra ($125 via paypal. yeay for paypal). He is also a member on the anandtech forums, so take caution.
I checked out some of his other posts and he says he has a teenage son. You'd think a parent would be more responsible than this guy. PayPal didn't refund me so I'm not sure what he's talking about. Still no response to my e-mails or PM's either.
Well, we should take caution, but lets give him the benifit of the doubt until hes proven that he really is a troll. I mean, its really not fair to him if he isnt. Give him a few days to sort things out, shit happens.
To me he's had enough time. He frequents this forum daily and he obviously checks his PM's. He lied about shipping an item. I also saw another thread where he tried to pass an Opteron 242 off as a 165.
Person B pays Person A. Person B files complaint (Next day? Is that accurate?). Paypal freezes the money while complaint is looked into. Person A now does not want to ship because he hasn't gotten the money. Person B thinks its more of sign he is a troll.

To me its a tough call...
I don't think it was next day but it was close to payment ONLY because I got word he was trying to pass off old cheap chips (ie. 242) as dual cores. This was also a brand new PayPal account and he was not verified. All he had to do was provide PayPal with shipping information as they instructed him to do. It shouldn't have been a problem since he told me the item had shipped. Anyways PayPal said they'll give him until the 18th. I think I'll come out either with my product (HA, yeah right) or my money back. Either way I would NEVER deal with him again and would advise the same to the rest of you. Doesn't really matter anyways since he'll come back with a new account.
pogeman1000 said:
Well, we should take caution, but lets give him the benifit of the doubt until hes proven that he really is a troll. I mean, its really not fair to him if he isnt. Give him a few days to sort things out, shit happens.
I have my doubts. His personal information and email are completely different than what he has on the anandtech forums, his paypal is unverified, he has no heat and like 3 or 4 positive ebay refs.
man.. right before i replied in this forum, i sent him an email via the email address we were using to communicate after we decided we had a deal via hard forum pm's. well, i just went back to my gmail account to confront him about this thread, and i got a gmail "Delivery Status Notification" from when i email him the first time wondering if the card had got shipped saying; "This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently". what do i do? :confused: :confused: :confused:
If you just sent it via paypal...maybe you should contact paypal asap and ask to freeze it before they transfer to his normally takes a few days anyways...
Good luck....
magnuspah said:
If you just sent it via paypal...maybe you should contact paypal asap and ask to freeze it before they transfer to his normally takes a few days anyways...
Good luck....
I think they already did that. I'm not worried since their protection policy is pretty good. Just letting you all know about this guy.
PayPal refunded me. All is well. I still never heard back from this guy. It's awesome to see the proactive approach this site takes to catch trolls. Thanks guys!
plmartin said:
PayPal refunded me. All is well. I still never heard back from this guy. It's awesome to see the proactive approach this site takes to catch trolls. Thanks guys!
Good for you, now this other guy that posted here gonna have to start a troll thread on him, lol, sad.