Troll Like Retaliation? Leaving negative heatware when no deal was done?

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May 6, 2002

You can see my heatware there.

I was left a negative feedback on heatware when no deal was ever made. Does this seem weird to you? I contacted the seller of an x1800xl video card and was promptly given the run around. He seemed very "suspicious" and "fishy" so I told my story as I know how bad it is to be burned in a trade.

What does the immature child do? He gives me a negative feedback. Laughable, at most.

Is this tolerated at [H]? Is heatware now a way to get back at people for upsetting you?
Was reading your heatware and that guys x1800xl link. First, if you have posted the correct info in that thread then i am pretty sure that the guy is a troll and we will see a troll thread about him in near future. If you lied because he did not sell it to you then you are a bad guy. in either case he had no right to give you negative heat. You can dispute that heat with heatware somehow, I did it once and it worked out fine.
Yeah I was following that thread can get that removed .....

I just added this clown to my "Do not trade" list...
Meh. I definitely think it was wrong to leave you bad heatware, but at the same time, IMO you should have just moved on. He doesn't want to deal your way? Okay. Get over it. Thread crapping is against the rules regardless of intent, and the childish bickering makes a lot of us not want to trade with either of you now.
damn, whatever happen to using the

Leaving false heat is pretty lame, and its been happening alot lately for some reason.

The guys posted above are right as well, you really didnt need to go off on his thread liek that. It just makes a mess of things and is against the rules. For being a member since 02 id think yod now better?

Anywho, contact Heat about the false heat and they might remove it. For the future, try not to bust up a dudes thread liek that again. Members have been banned for it

Happy Holidays! :D
Thanks for the advice guys. I will just let the pro/s handle it next time (CDS) and send them a nice PM.

So much for being the lone ranger, defender of justice, scalper of potential trolls. :(
Cold Dark Shadow said:
damn, whatever happen to using the

Leaving false heat is pretty lame, and its been happening alot lately for some reason.

The guys posted above are right as well, you really didnt need to go off on his thread liek that. It just makes a mess of things and is against the rules. For being a member since 02 id think yod now better?

Anywho, contact Heat about the false heat and they might remove it. For the future, try not to bust up a dudes thread liek that again. Members have been banned for it

Happy Holidays! :D
When is [H] going to get a spell check? Would be useful. It's "like" not "liek" CDS :)
air2k5 said:
When is [H] going to get a spell check? Would be useful. It's "like" not "liek" CDS :)

Still offtopic.....
The Google Toolbar has a spell check.
Just activate the spell check befor you submit the post....
Let it correct the red highlighted stuff
click in the open and exit spell check.
Submit post
Drink a beer

rodsfree said:
Still offtopic.....
The Google Toolbar has a spell check.
Just activate the spell check befor you submit the post....
Let it correct the red highlighted stuff
click in the open and exit spell check.
Submit post
Drink a beer

Now let's hope CDS will do that :)
Negative heat is not appropriate and it should be removed. But you shouldn't have been a dick in his thread.
HiJon89 said:
Negative heat is not appropriate and it should be removed. But you shouldn't have been a dick in his thread.
Amen. But then again the guy did sound as a troll, He might have shined a light on it, hell now I know that i would never trade wth him.
Just wanted to let you guys know he blackmailed me and made up stuff when I didnt sell him the card. Notice I was the one posting a screenshot...
pogeman1000 said:
Just wanted to let you guys know he blackmailed me and made up stuff when I didnt sell him the card. Notice I was the one posting a screenshot...

You are a joke, boy. Please, explain to everyone how I blackmailed you.

If you wanted to ship from me first, then I would have removed my findings in the thread. They would have been irrelevant at that point as the card was going to me. If you weren't going to ship first, then I was going to leave it in there so that other traders on the [H] my have a bit of forewarning before they try to make a deal with you.

Sense I left it in, they would have known that you were A) a minor and living with your parents B) not willing to ship first to established traders C) not willing to meet in person, maybe you don't even have the card D) waiting on a paypal refund from

So, I felt that leaving my post in there was in good judgement.
Seriously whats the big deal? You tell me "if you dont like what I did then give me bad heat", and then you post this thread about me? I think you just need to drop it. What have I done wrong here? I'm sorry I didnt sell you the item, now seriously get over it. This has been a large waste of my time, and proabably yours too. Why do you keep harrasing me? You send me a pm linking to this thread as if you just made it to irritate me? Well if thats what you were trying to do it worked. But its still very pathetic. Now please, leave me alone. I have not broken any rules, thanks for your concern, but I think the issue is over, so please leave me alone. I'm sorry I didnt sell you the card. Thanks.
ok you both posted, Now leave each other alone. If any more troubles arise PM me.

OP, contact heat and see what they can do for ya.
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