Trojan virus detected when viewing


Oct 9, 2010
This has happened to me twice this month already. When I visit this site, occasionally I get a virus detected alert message from Avast Antivirus. However, AVG doesn't detect any. Has anyone experienced this issue?
There was a virus issue recently (i think one of the ad servers got compromised). Maybe something jammed in your cache?
threads may have already been removed from the help sub-forum... hackers were injecting malicious code into the forum, not ads.

hence why the layout has changed; Kyle changed it to default layouts, and got rid of all the custom stuff trying to resolve the issue.

and yeah, it's been happening on and off for a bit over a week now?
Yeah something like a week ago, these boards were acting weird when I came on one morning.....and then MSE jumped up and bagged a file that landed in a Java directory. I just looked in the logs of MSE, it was on 01/15.

It put a jar.cache file into my appdata\local\temp folder.

Goes to show something I've said over..and over....and those that say "I don't run antivirus, I only go to safe sites..I know what I'm doing, I don't go to bad sites". And I'll usually reply "one day you'll come onto this forum here, or any of your usual tech forums you visit each day...thinking they're safe...."
Yeah something like a week ago, these boards were acting weird when I came on one morning.....and then MSE jumped up and bagged a file that landed in a Java directory. I just looked in the logs of MSE, it was on 01/15.

It put a jar.cache file into my appdata\local\temp folder.

Goes to show something I've said over..and over....and those that say "I don't run antivirus, I only go to safe sites..I know what I'm doing, I don't go to bad sites". And I'll usually reply "one day you'll come onto this forum here, or any of your usual tech forums you visit each day...thinking they're safe...."

I always LOL at those people. I'd rather have that dick wrapper sitting in my system tray keeping a watchful eye over things. Shit happens.
I was waiting for a thread to start about this in these forums, considering these are the security forums.. I don't think a lot of members are even aware of what happened.
lol it's kind of funny this happened to a "security" forum

and btw I don't run any AV and didn't have an issue with this
lol it's kind of funny this happened to a "security" forum

and btw I don't run any AV and didn't have an issue with this

How so? This site is not a "security" site. This is just a sub forum. There is a shit load more content all over the place. Also, depending on how the hacker got in, you are relying on the forum's software. There is only so much you as an admin can secure of the software before having to re-write it yourself. The person looks like he had some access to get in, so that makes sense on how they kept hacking.

With all the security in the world, does not mean you are "secure".

As far as not running any AV, have fun with that.
There have been multiple threads on the issue - just not in the Networking & Security forum.

Ya, I know. What I was hinting at is I was surprised it was not dropped in here, especially for the users in those threads asking how to clean the virus out or look for it... we have a wealth of information for that right here.
Avast flagged it too

URL: [edit] apparently I can`t show the URL [/edit]
Severity: High
Threat: JS:Downloader-AJP [Trj]

Was quite annoying but it was blocked every time so I just ignored it:eek:
and btw I don't run any AV and didn't have an issue with this

LMFAO! So the trojan is sitting deep in your system now, waiting for instructions to do something. May be today, tomorrow, may have happened already, may be next week, next month....often little trojan installs won't trigger right away.

Remember, the common and simple malware can usually easily be detected and found.
The well written ones....remain in stealth, and do their work quietly...unknown to the computer user.

Enjoy life with a computer that's a member of a netbot army. Go you! Be proud that you're quite possibly contributing to the bad stuff out there on the internet.
lol it's kind of funny this happened to a "security" forum

and btw I don't run any AV and didn't have an issue with this

Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 95

lol :p

You have much to learn. Welcome to [H].
lol it's kind of funny this happened to a "security" forum

and btw I don't run any AV and didn't have an issue with this

Another Zombie?? Good thing I keep a remmy handy.;)

You realize I do pentesting/security work/analyze malware for a living...

I'm glad you are all so informed

You realize I do pentesting/security work/analyze malware for a living...

I'm glad you are all so informed

Oh well then it makes so much sense why you have no protection, thanks for clearing that up.

You realize I do pentesting/security work/analyze malware for a living...

I'm glad you are all so informed

Even Superman had his kryptonite.......and I'M glad you're so full of yourself.

Without you telling anyone what you do, or why you do it, you simply sound arrogant - or just plain stupid.

This is the exact reason why I use a Linux VM to view any forums for now on. The risk is to great now a days.
This is the exact reason why I use a Linux VM to view any forums for now on. The risk is to great now a days.

Not bad. At one point I was unplugging the hard drive, and surfing with a liveCD.....but I decided it was overkill.
This looks like to be specific to the Windows distribution of Java. Presumably Mac OSX machines would no be affected by this?
anyone not running some kind of av is nuts in this day and age. i dont care if your in the security field or not. no one person can keep up with the latest threats much of that shit out there.
This site has been under sustained attack for two weeks straight.

Major props to Kyle and the crew for keeping things running.

"That which does not kill us makes us stronger"
You realize it would ask you to run an unsigned Java App?

It asked. I shut the browser down without clicking on anything. 3 min later I had System Tool 2011 on my desktop. I had the newest MSE and Malware bytes running and it still got thru. Ran MSE it detected nothing. Ran Malwarebytes and it detected System Tool 2011 plus other trojans. It said it had gotten rid of them. I restarted my PC. Ran Malware Bytes again and kept finding more stuff. After about 3 times I finally said fuck it and restored a system image. Stayed away from Hardforum for the rest of the day. Not really sure what else I could have done to be safer.
My friend told me the same, but my Avast antivirus didn't detect any virus.
Man fuck java, I remember hearing a while ago that one of the java updaters was infected. I never saw it but you can never be too careful. I run malwarebytes and mse on my computer. I would rather "waste" cpu cycles and see 0 infections than get hit because I was to hard to run scans.