TrinusVR + VirtualDesktop?


Limp Gawd
Jan 1, 2013
So I ordered a cardboard (VR headset not a box :p).
Still waiting for it to arrive, but I decided to install all the stuff for it before it arrives.
It seems TrinusVR just takes the active window and makes it SBS then streams it to your phone. I don't really care for the head tracking>mouse movement since I'll be using a controller/real kb+mouse anyways.
I've been trying to get virtual desktop to work without an oculus but I can't get it to work, the plan is to somehow get it to render the full desktop thing-y in a window that trinusvr will then send to phone. Is there any way for me to do that? Also is there a way for me to change the tracking so instead of moving the mouse it would move the screen? (similar to Virtual Desktop with the oculus rift)
Streaming video to a phone to use as a VR HMD is one of those things that's technically possible, but a really bad idea.
The latency will be utterly unusable (several hundred ms, puke city), the IMUs used in phones are bad enough without adding yet more delay on the upload side, and the video compression will make an already low-resolution view (due to the available panel area being split in half and then spread over 90° FoV rather than the usual 40-45°, for about 1/20th of the usable resolution after blanking area due to the pre-warp).
It will be bad, and it will be bad due to unresolvable hardware and software issues (needs replacement of entire radio system, IMU, and the entirety of he Android display stack AND device driver stack).
Streaming video to a phone to use as a VR HMD is one of those things that's technically possible, but a really bad idea.
The latency will be utterly unusable (several hundred ms, puke city), the IMUs used in phones are bad enough without adding yet more delay on the upload side, and the video compression will make an already low-resolution view (due to the available panel area being split in half and then spread over 90° FoV rather than the usual 40-45°, for about 1/20th of the usable resolution after blanking area due to the pre-warp).
It will be bad, and it will be bad due to unresolvable hardware and software issues (needs replacement of entire radio system, IMU, and the entirety of he Android display stack AND device driver stack).

With a good router or usb tethering you could reduce latency by a fair bit.
It's not ideal, but it's a good ghetto solution for now.
I'd just like to be able to view the full desktop instead of just the active window, which would require me to take cardboard off every time I want to switch to another window.
Edit: I also don't need to see the entire display clearly all the time, if it works the way I want it I could just move my head to look at different parts of the "virtual monitor(s)".