Trinitron 21" 1600x1200 - Is there an LCD for me?


Sep 12, 2006
Hi all,

This is my first post, been reading this forum for about 3 weeks now.
I'm a gamer at heart, so this will mostly be used for gaming, as well regular computer use.

I currently own a Dell 21" (Trinitron tube) monitor, that's about 5 years old now. I love it!
It's been running it @ 1600x1200 85Hz for as long as I've owned it, and I can't for the life of me decide on an LCD replacement. It's driving me nuts! The big ol dinosaur is starting to show it's age, and I think it's time for a new replacement.

1680x1050 is really a downgrade for me, isn't it?? So I dont think I'll be happy with a widescreen 20" LCD. Even the 22" widescreen LCD's are only 1680x1050 native, and I really dont want to lose the real-estate I've become soo accustom too.

The next logical jump is a 24" LCD, which does 1920x1200.
Price jumps from about $300 to a whopping $700 or more! I almost bought the Acer 24", due to the excellent reviews that have been done recently on here. Even though it's $699 with free shipping, I just couldn't do it! Price kept getting to me..

So there is a question in here... I'm getting to it...
What the heck should I buy?
While I can certanly spend the $700, do I really need to get exactly what I want?
Is 1680x1050 really that much of a downgrade? I think I've talked myself out of this resolution....

Is there a really good non-widescreen monitor that does 1600x1200, or am I stoopid for not wanting a widescreen?? Uggg... what to do!?!?

I'd buy the Dell 2407, as long as I was assured I would get an A03 revision... Highly doubt I'll get that lucky! Dont want to deal with the returns of an A02, only to get another A02, like many folks have experienced on this forum.
I wish the Acer was $599, I'd buy it up now, and just forget my agony of decisions.

Any help would be appreciated
Im in the same position. My Dell P1130 served me well but the colors started to change around the edges. I decided to order a 2407WFP and it should get here around Thursday. I figured if i dont like it or if it has to many issues with banding etc I can just return it and wait for reviews on that new 24" BenQ. I'll let you know if it was worth it once its here.
The samsung 204B maybe? I have yet to get mine, but it seems to get good reviews for a 1600x1200 20" lcd.
DO NOT get rid of that monitor dude. My cousen has the same one and it looks just as good as lcd, very sharp, awsome color rendition and great refresh rates at high resolutions and it has DVI which is unusual for a crt to have.
No matter how fast an LCD is, 2ms or whatever you will notice some blurring in games, im on a 2ms viewsonic and i can still notice it in games like BF2 and CS. My 2cents...
Yes, keeping the 21" until it absolutely dies is an option, but it's sooo big, bulky, and probably uses more power than anything in the house... at least it feels that way when you wiggle the mouse to turn it on.... The house & street lights dim... :eek: Ok, maybe a tad bit exaggerated.
I think it looks pretty good since its all Black and Yes it does use alot of power for sure but its worth it man, so stick with it until it burns out. And trust me , trins can last 20+years , lol.