Trillian help

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Limp Gawd
Mar 28, 2011
I just recent got Trillian and I have some questions about settings in it that I cannot seem to find for the life of me, and just trouble with other problems. I've googled my issues but even that isn't turning up anything really.

My problems are:

-I've logged into my facebook(chat) account, but it's showing my friends most recent status's instead of the friends that are online on chat.

-I've added my yahoo messenger, and g-talk accounts and it's not displaying those friends either, just a link to my mail accounts.

It seems the only thing that it's displaying correctly is my aim friends. How do I fix this?

Thanks ahead of time
I was trying to have to avoid registering for yet another account somewhere, but I guess that's what I'm going to have to do obviously.
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