Tried to install BIND, won't start... Useless error code.


Apr 2, 2002
Well, I first tried the binary from ISC's homepage. I followed all the instructions to the letter. However, whenever I tried to start the service, it would fail. The only single peice of information it would tell me is "Error code 1067." Of course, when I looked up what error code 1067 is, I find out it merely means the service didn't start. Really useful information... I can't find any hint of the actual problem so far. Well, since that failed, I decided to try something else. I uninstalled it, downloaded the source and started to compiling in Cygwin. Compilation completed without complaint, binaries in place, yet, when I try to start the service, again 1067... Still no information as to what the problem ACTUALLY is.

Well, I've tried googling. Hard to even find mention of it in relation to bind. Most talk about sshd and I can't figure out any way their problems relate to mine. Anyone have any ideas what I've managed to do wrong here?
Sorry Ice Czar, I figured since it was basically a service error general software was the only place for it.

Anyway, I have tried to run the cygwin build in cygwin, but not the normal one. HOWEVER, it should still work either way anyway even if I had (and I emphasise that I did not.) Cygwin runs inside windows and can run normal windows binaries seamlessly. Of course, I did run the cygwin build inside cygwin when I tried to start it manually (cygrunsrv --start named) but that just makes sense. Although, properly installed, the cygwin server can start stuff like that through normal XP services (I have sshd sucessfully installed and working through this system.)

Basically, I followed their instructions exactly, including the parts about making the resolv.conf as well as rndc files.
I assume we're talking windows here, and I've never tried bind on windows. But I would expect bind to keep logs somewhere, even on the windows version. Did you check the event viewer? how about in the directory tree where bind lives? The logs are very likely there somewhere.
Well, since this was in Cygwin these past few times (I decided to just go ahead and stick with it since it keeps directory structures/etc intact better) you can almost consider it like installing in Linux.

Anyway, I found the problem. Well, sorry for bothering everyone. I told you I was doing something wrong... I didn't copy the correct part into named.conf... It didn't have the key information and all that stuff. I don't feel quite so stupid though. If it had given me a USEFUL error message instead of 1067 I would have known better.

EDIT: Oh, and my event viewer wasn't working before. I set the wrong service to manual or disabled. I'll get around to sorting that out sooner or later, but, in the meantime, I don't get stuff like that. Then again, this is the first time in about a year that I've even wanted to look in the event viewer. I figured this out by rereading the installation help file again.
Nazo said:
Sorry Ice Czar, I figured since it was basically a service error general software was the only place for it..

While technically correct, its unlikely youd get an answer this side of Christmas :p
the pros are here ;)