tricky error in app event viewer


[H]F Junkie
Nov 4, 2005
technically this may belong in the OS forums, but i know there are a lot more 2k3 people that hang around here...

i've found this error in the app event log on server, the error occurs every 5 minutes or so (about 13 times)


has been going on for probably months now... google isn't of much help...
pretty much all of the errors are the same, but the

services (500)

changes sometimes to like 516 or 512, but they all have that SmTblScp is corrupted

any ideas? their server seems to be working fine, but its just one of those things that has been bothering me, and i thought i'd have you guys take a look
very interesting. I'll see what I can find.

Is this a DHCP, AD or SQL server?

In a low use period run a DCDIAG and see if it throws anything up, also run a chkdsk. Looks like a AD error to me but to be honest it could be a number of things. It is a very odd one!

Post back, I bet we can get to the bottom of this, nothing to worry about I don't think.
i would have expected it to be an AD error as well, but again, its in the app event viewer.... and a couple months back, this server's AD corrupted during sp2 install... i had to use eseutil and some tricky rebuilding to get it going again...

this server is AD/DHCP/DNS and 800 gigs of file serving... pretty much all it does, the only other database i could think of is maybe something having to do with the veritas backup software that is installed for the 200 gig tapes...

i mean ESENT sounds like a windows component and everything (i've looked up esent.dll), but maybe it is just a vb app behind it that is running a database that is sending the errors through ESENT... i don't know

also, you may be on to something.... it may just need a chkdsk run on it... i actually upgraded the raid array on it this weekend (4x80s to 4x320s), which is why it was on my mind... and when i was ghosting it ghost threw the error that there are errors on the volume... so that may be all it needs

maybe when i can get them to get the os and ad databases off of the raid5 and on to its own raid 1 array i can revamp all of that stuff...

more and more weekend work :/

Your last statment is so true!

I just spent this weekend moving over for Windows 2000 server to 2003 server (with 2000 EOA etc)

I had to setup a new DHCP, DNS, AD server, create all the new profiles, GPO, etc etc.

Post back and let me know how you get on.