

[H]F Junkie
Sep 9, 2004
I have tried a thousand different FPS's none of them do for me what the original tribes did. Tribes 2 was even cool for me. What I dont understand is how hard is it to recreate tribes with updated graphics and identicle game play. Are their any FPS's out there as fun as Tribes was? Don't say BF2142.
Maybe Planetside? Its not as good but kind of similar ... kind of. I really liked the original tribes as well.
Man, I *loved* Tribes. Nothin' better than sitting in Scarabae with a laser rifle blasting everyone that comes out the top of the other base ;)

Nothing today even comes close. The good news is that there are still active Tribes servers out there, so if you still have a copy (and if you don't you can download it for free, legally, from Sierra HERE. )

The old master servers are down and it's not believed they'll ever be brought back, but a Tribes player is running an alternate server at

The bad news is that people have gotten so mod happy that it's very difficult to find a server hosting a standard game anymore - -they've all been "upgraded" to absurdly powerful weapons, so it's becoming a matter of luck rather than skill if you avoid dying every 30 seconds.
LOL yeah I was getting a tad bit nostalgic. Bored today crummy wheather looking for a game to play. Than it hit me I really want to ski down a hill and snag a flag than get chased by some heavies. Guess I'll have to download it.
Tribes was so amazing and unique. I'd pay full price for the exact same game to be made with updated graphics.
Never played the original Tribes, but I did play Tribes Vengeance> I thought it was fun, and the graphics are good, well at least better then the original :)

Tribes 2 was a blast, played it for 2 years, Vengence wasnt bad but it didnt appeal to the hard core community, and the lack of any sort of patch evuntally all but killed it. There are a few projects going to bring tribes to a never engine( Ex. Legends
AlexStenka said:
Never played the original Tribes, but I did play Tribes Vengeance> I thought it was fun, and the graphics are good, well at least better then the original :)

Well you were comparing a game from 1998 to 2004.... :D

I loved all the tribes titles, the thing that made it a blast was the teamwork factor (and the third dimension).

I don't think anything has even come close to the feeling I got from the three tribes titles.

BF2 has come close to the teamwork factor, but I'd need my jetpack to make it complete. That and skiing... that and a spinfusor... that and the voice chats....

Tribes was ahead of its time, so can be said of Tribes2. Tribes:V sorta fell short with the lack of the integrated community and it's stillbirth death of a release competing with Doom3 and HL2. It just wasnt meant to be.

I think October 2004 was the day that online FPS gaming really let me down.
sethmo said:
Maybe Planetside? Its not as good but kind of similar ... kind of. I really liked the original tribes as well.

Concur - at least, this was true once.

I did prefer T2 to T1, but T:V's multiplayer was awful - more like Unreal Tournament with jetpacks than any kind of Tribes game. That said, the single-player campaign was actually rather interesting. Solid story (VERY 'Dune'-like), good maps, some very innovative gameplay. Worth playing through for that alone, even IF the enemy AI was largely incompetent.

'Planetside', of all the games that have come out since, really did the most to capture the gameplay "feel" of Tribes. Which was odd, because it was in no way similar to it. It just...I dunno...*felt* closest. But that was a long time ago - 'Planetside' has changed a LOT since then, and lost a LOT of subscribers. Not quite the same thing it used to be.

(Interesting aside - I work in a large company in Portland. Dynamix - who made Tribes - was based out of Eugene. Turns out, when they closed shop and laid everyone off, one of the devs ended up getting a job at my company. So...I actually work with one of the devs from Tribes! That's unspeakably cool, btw....)
Have you seen this?

StarSiege 2845 Website

Its suppose to have an Alpha Tech Release on Wednesday. Hopefully this will be more like Tribes 2.

I probably spent more time playing Tribes 2 than any other game in my life. Was going through a divorce at the time and really helped take out some of that frustration.
Man I loved Tribes2 the most out of all of them. I too would pay full price for an updated version of it as long as it was just the graphics...the game play was just shy of being perfect.

As for PlanetSide, it was basically Tribes 2. Back in beta, some of the voice files were even the same. The reason being, the lead producer also worked on Tribes 2. But like a few have said, it has changed since it released and with not enough people playing at the same time, you can not get the fun team work going.
Wrench said:
I have tried a thousand different FPS's none of them do for me what the original tribes did. Tribes 2 was even cool for me. What I dont understand is how hard is it to recreate tribes with updated graphics and identicle game play. Are their any FPS's out there as fun as Tribes was? Don't say BF2142.
Dude I know what you mean. I played Tribes everyday for two and a half years in my high school times. My mom would yell at me sometimes for not doing my HW LOL :p

During the weekends I would be playing for 4 to 5 hours straight, somtimes even more, going well into 5am.

When Tribes 2 was announced, the whole scene was all over it. I preordered my copy and got it the day it was released, it had a nice interface and all, but the bugs killed it on initial launch. And then they removed the email system, also the Tribes2 development team got shafted and escorted out the building. All these shady shit things happened and I stopped playing Tribes 2 and went on with life.

I tried Planetside and the same shady shit happened, knowing SONY's business practices, you know what I mean. I wasted $80 on that game cause I thought it would bring back the original Tribes 1 feel, but again, it was bugged like hell.
I used to run one of the most popular Tribes servers, and I can say that Battlefield and Planetside are the only ones that come close to that original feeling of game play. I just couldn’t get into T2 and TV. Mostly because I wasn’t waiting around for the patches for T2 to make it playable, And TV was just to late at that point. PLUS why the hell couldn’t they make vehicles ever work right. Good god the Battlefield series nailed that feature on the head.

Battlefield still doesn’t have as much team play as Tribes did even with all the team based features. Planetside does and has a really good BIG feel. Nothing like the feeling of 10-20 vehicles rolling into a base for the cap, and then having yet another battle underground (I think this is why I liked Battlefield Vietnam when they finally added the underground tunnels). I think planetside is dieing, because most FPS people don't have that urge to spend $12 a month to play a game. MMORPG and FPS's attract different people and Planetside I think is the best example of that.
Yacko said:
Have you seen this?

StarSiege 2845 Website

Its suppose to have an Alpha Tech Release on Wednesday. Hopefully this will be more like Tribes 2.

I probably spent more time playing Tribes 2 than any other game in my life. Was going through a divorce at the time and really helped take out some of that frustration.

WHoa!! "the multiplayer portion of this game will be made available for free download; there will be no cost whatsoever to our fans. " Although no Skiing or Jetpack.
Tribes 1 is my favorite game ever. I was really big into the Renegades mod, and one reason why I could never really get into Tribes 2 was the fact that...well it wasn't like Renegades. I felt that the Renegades mod added a lot of new weapons and deployable items to the game without making too many things super powerful.

I still do like the classic tribes stuff but the laser rifle wasn't powerful enough, and deployable turrets are too weak.

The disc launcher is indisputably the best weapon ever. Skiing + Jetpack + Disc Launcher = most fun ever. I liked some servers that had a dueling system where you would get a disc launcher and it would drop you and your opponent in an open field and the two of you go at it. Awesome.
moetop said:
I used to run one of the most popular Tribes servers, and I can say that Battlefield and Planetside are the only ones that come close to that original feeling of game play. I just couldn’t get into T2 and TV. Mostly because I wasn’t waiting around for the patches for T2 to make it playable, And TV was just to late at that point. PLUS why the hell couldn’t they make vehicles ever work right. Good god the Battlefield series nailed that feature on the head.

Battlefield still doesn’t have as much team play as Tribes did even with all the team based features. Planetside does and has a really good BIG feel. Nothing like the feeling of 10-20 vehicles rolling into a base for the cap, and then having yet another battle underground (I think this is why I liked Battlefield Vietnam when they finally added the underground tunnels). I think planetside is dieing, because most FPS people don't have that urge to spend $12 a month to play a game. MMORPG and FPS's attract different people and Planetside I think is the best example of that.

Which server?
Heaven/Hell (Ceiling Fan), Cheater's, 5150?
I never liked Renegades. It was a strange mod with over powered classes and deployables. I mean laser gun turrets that killed you instantly? Those little fuckers were small as hell and you could never spot them :mad:
i PWNED people with the instagib sniper in renegades...

i still remember how satisfying the pop/dead sound was when the single deadly bullet lit up their models

In renegades katabatic i used to get an inv in the enemy base and put it "inside" the cargo boxes .. then i would go get killed and come back with cloak AND satchel charge and just keep refilling the satchel while cloaked w/ the hidden inventory deploy...

shit that game was fun......

