TribalOverkill's LiquiD EvolutioN

WoW awesome, got to respect the details and time that you have put into this mod, it must have taken ages for you to do those shield's.
BTW the vid's allmost gave me an epileptic seazure LOL. very hypnotic:eek:
Solarfall said:
WoW awesome, got to respect the details and time that you have put into this mod, it must have taken ages for you to do those shield's.
BTW the vid's allmost gave me an epileptic seazure LOL. very hypnotic:eek:

Oh yea? You like? Thats good because wait till you see what I have planned next. LOL.
Arcygenical said:

I love ACryan stuff.

Thats good. They have a lot of great stuff. Together we're going to have almost everything you will ever need to mod your machine. Swear. Stay tuned.
Ok,... I fixed all of the Liquid Evolution links. They should all work. If you find any dead updates message me.

ACRYan and myself is setting up a forum over at where I will post newz, a photo gallery, product polls/ feedback, and stuff that I cant talk about here in the REAL forums. That is the main reason for this forum. What is it that I cant talk about? Well,... you'll have to go figure that out when my forum is up because i CANT talk about it here! LOL. Anyways,... this forum isn't anything huge. You wont find any worklogs there other then mine,... BUT, even mine are only photos only. You wont find any of my photo comments there. I am posting a photo gallery there because #1, a lot of blackout's photo's are dead and I am not going back to update all those and #2, its easier for myself and ACRyan to find photo's. So yea. You guyz can do some posting there such as in the polls/ feeback and i'm sure there will be other little places to post too. It's not done. I'll let you know. I'm going to need moderators too.

I am going to be working on the strobe tomorrow when I get off of work. I was suppose to be working on it already but the links took up a lot of time. There's something else I want to tell you but im not sure if im allowed too! ARGH!!! So yea,... as soon as I find out whether I can or not I will! whatelse?

Will be working on blackout soon too! I think thats it!
So,... my forum over at A.C. Ryan is up and running. It's not finished but I'm working on it. First things first,... this is not a "REAL" modding forum. There aren't to many places for you guys to post over there. There are places to post but not a lot. The forum was created so that I had a way to updating you guyz with certain info such as news, contests & giveways, events, and what I have for sale. Eventually I will be making Limited Editions. I will need an easy way to let you guyz know whats available. There also a product poll where you can "Rate my S#&$!". LOL. The only thing you'll find over there right now is the news which I basically moved over from teh old site to the news forum. I also created a modding forums,... forum where I listed all the forums wher eI post and a lot of others. If you want to add a forum PM or email me and I will. I really want to fill that up. I am posting banners in there. So if the forum has a nice banner within a reasonable size say around,..... 500 x 200. I'll post that there. The reason being that I want the communities to grow. I know that some of YOU only post in maybe 1 or 2 maybe 3 forums. Well,... there are tons of breat forums out there. I love posting at several forums because thats more feedback! Your feedback is my crack and I need crack. LOL. Anyways,... so yea. It's going to be cool. My advice to you would be to check back as often as possible be I will be posting a lot of stuf that you will need to know. Trust me.

Here's the link if you dont already know it,...

I'm going to get back to work in the studio very soon. Just have to finish up some stuff. Once I finish thats it,... I'll be posting updates just about everyday! Going to be busy around,.... better clear your schedules.
UPDATE! LOL! OK. Now I'm back! Ho my god. Yea. Holidays suck! I was so damn busy! Now that everything is settled down now, I'll be posting pretty much everyday. Anyways! Guess what? 2 new reservoirs! OH YEA! Ok,... here's the deal. ACRyan wanted two reservoirs right away so I skipped the strobe reservoir and blackout and jumped right on these things. Now,... they are variations of xPO and sPL. They are cool though. The variation of sPL or sPT567dr is what it's called is 4" just like the sPL reservoir. The xPRZ5331r(xPO variation) is 7". Thats 1" larger. You see, these are going to be the standard sizes for my cylindrical reservoirs. I upped from 6" to 7" because I'm thinking ahead. Later on down the road, I will need that extra inch for more complicated reservoirs and trust me,... they are complicated;) Anyways,... I have a new style of shields I will be using for the my cylindrical reservoirs too. Not goignt o get into thqat right now,... I will wait until I make the first round for these two reservoirs I'm about to post now. What else?!?! Oh,... so yea, right after I'm done with these reservoirs, I'll be goign to bqack to work on blackout and I'm going to finish the strobe reservoir. So yea. I have to a lot of explaing to do so lets get started,...

Jan-01-2007 - xPRZ5331r & sPT567dr

Ok,... say hello to eCH745dr. I was going to make this for ACRYAN but I decided not to because I need to get them two reservoirs fast and making this reservoir won't be fast because there are several problems that I need to workout. I don't have time for that right now. After I make the two reservoirs I am king for them and after I finish the strobe and do some work on blackout,... I will then get back to it. What it is, its a dual reservoir like sPL except instead of only having 2 chambers, this one has eight. As you can see in the pic,... Each reservoir uses EVERY OTHER chamber to give you a straightened out candy cane look. The problem I would have if I made it is that teh colors would mix. It wouldn't be blue green blue green etc,... it would be sea green, sea green, sea green etc. So What I will most likely do is use the tinted acrylic as the internal dividers. That would cut down the colors from visually mixing, not all but by a lot. Now the problem,... lighting it up. To really light it up from the inside I would need an LED in each chamber. The tinted acyrlic cuts out a lot of the UV light. BUT! I also learned that UV water doesnt light up the same way UV acrylic does. UV acrylic lights up best with the UV light right on it. Uv water lights up best with the UV light at a distance. So lightng up this reservoir might not be a problem after all. There's no UV acrylic SFX on teh insdie so there really no need for the LEDS to be right up in there. You know? Anyways!

Here's a quick sketch of xPRZ5331r. Basically, instead of a coil, there will be rings. For those of you who know whats going to happen once those rings are spinning or what the effect is,... don't ruin it for others. Let them see for themselves once this thing is done. Notice the bottom of the reservoir. It's different from the xPO. This bottom is more simpler to make. Looks better and make mroe sence. I cut one of the reservoir ends at 10 degrees and then glue a 1/4" piece to it. I dont have to drill the barb holes at an angle anymore. The only thing I havre to drill at an angel it the pilot hole for the center shaft. Easy.

Here's an example of the colors mixing. It's an sPL. Obviously. You see green on one side and blue on the other.

Now I believe we're looking at teh green THROUGH the blue. So the blue side is facing us.

This is blue THROUGH the green, so green is facing us. You see the difference? I hope not because there's hardly a difference. This is the problem. Pretty sure tinted acrylic would take care of this.

Here I am recyling some old reject sPL's to make my sPT's. these sPL's crazed,... all 32 of them:( Yup. But I figured out why all my S@#$ was crazing! OH! Did I even tell you guyz? Damn,... the reason I have been having trouble with crazing is because of my table sander! Yes, my table sander. What was happening was that the sander was heating up the acrylic to much and to fast. Everything I brought to the sander crazed. If I used an alternative way,... it would craze. I ran so many tests. Everything pointed to the damn sander. The problem is that it spins to fast. If it would slower, it would work just fine. I haven't use it since. I need a sander like it but with gears so I can slow it down. I'll have to look into that. This is why I got the mitre saw. Anyways,... I'm cutting off the ends in this pic.

Ends cut off.

I'm cutting two, damn,... I forgot how wide they are. LOL. I think 7/8"? I'm tired. I cut two 7/8" pieces from the center of each reservoir. This area of the affected reservoirs is unharmed. Alteast I hope. I cut up a few before for testing and they didnt craze so I'm assuming they are all fine. What a pain to cut these. I was afraid I was going to cut my fingers off they were so close to the blade. Geeez.

Made a little stop block to prevent the blade from cutting completely through the wooden platform you saw in the last pic.

LOOK! See! See how close my fingers are! Do not try this at home! I am not a proffessional,... I'm just stupid. Don't be stupid like me. LOL.

A lot of the parts for each reservoir made. Notice the sPT's over to the right. There's 4 body pieces for each. I'm going to rotate each piece by 90 degrees. Will look cool when done. There a disc inbetween each piece channeling the water into the right chamber. So you will see blue and green on teh bottom, then right above that you will see the sea green from teh colors mixing, blue and green again,... and so on. Simple.

Here's some stuff marked and ready to be drilled.

Everything is drilled and now I'm tapping. Did I tell you I tap with an air rachet now? I think I told you guyz that already. Anyways,... so easy now. Notice the Delrin donut on the tap. A quicks means of knowing when to STOP!

Here we are again,... drilled and tapped.

Here is how I was goign to attach the middle shaft for the xPRZ but I changed my mind on this. I forgot to take a pic of how I am doing it now. I forgot to take a lot of pics. I got use to working without my camera. I have to break that habit:(

I'm cutting the strips for the rings that will go inside of xPRZ. I cant wait to get a table saw. That would be a big help. Oh,... I was actually taking a pic of the UV mess. It's looks a lot cooler in person.

A UV hair wad of acrylic. Cool.

Ok,... here I'm cutting my 1/4" strips for the rings.

There's my UV hair wad,..... I coughed up. I have to start wearing a mask.

Thats it for now. I am hoping to have these things assembled tomorrow so I can start the shields for them the next day. So I'll be posting another update tomorrow, and then the next day and the next day,.... OH, I forgot to mention. I throwing a little contest. The prise,... xPO352r. This is #1 of 32 made. #2 went to ACRYAN and the other 30 went to germany. I'm going to post details for the contest a bit later. I'm tired as hell. Night! Peace.
I had a bad day at the studio. I really didnt get anything done. Let me explain,...

Jan-02-2007 (xPRZ5331r & sPT567dr)

Strips of UV in the mitre saw. I'm cutting them down to size. Look how even. So nice. With the mitre saw you have to be careful because it tends to rip around the edges of the acrylic. Never cut right to the target size. Always leave some before you hit your target size. You want to shave your way to your target to prevent pit marks around the edges.

Sanding using the drill press. The press is running at 700rpm. Thats safe speed for sanding acrylic. You can tell because a fine powder can be found,.... everywhere! LOL.

Fixing my damn heat gun. The little thingy broke. So I screwed it back on and superglued it. Yup. Shit broke again shortly after I started using it so I have to get another.

Looks like a jet engine. Anyways!

Here's my poor attempt at making rings. You see the pipe? Thats a piece a larger pipe fitted over another. I spent a good hour or more getting that to fit on there evenly like that. Reason,... so I could rest the strips up against it to make nice even rings. Yea.

The piece of aluminum clamped there is to hold the strip into place for wrapping. Yea.

The finished product! Crap. First,... My calc's were off a bit so all of the strips are 1/8" to short. So thats that! LOL. I tried anyways to see how well they would turn out.

Looks ok.

Not! Pulling a Borat there;) My shirt is black pause NOT! My shirt is black,............................................................................................................ NOT! LOL. Anyways,... shortly after failing miserably at making rings I realized something. I'm doing it all wrong! In fact it's so obvious I actually feel a bit stupid for not realizing this earlier! You know what,... I'm not even going to tell you how I am suppose to do it. If I did it this way, the right way, I would of had PERFECT rings. No joke. I want to see if you can figure this one out:) How can I make perfect rings in the studio only what I have available?!?!? Let's see if you guyz can figure that out.

Here's sPT. It's not done but almost. Cooling looking ehhh? Just by looking at it you should understand how it works. But I'll explain it anyways seeing theres two routes I can take for a final look.

you see the two bottom chambers sitting side by side. Thats going to be green and blue when filled. You see the ext ring up? Your looking at one chamber head on. thats goingto be either green or blue or,.... sea green because the colors are going to mix because the res is clear. Now,... here's the deal. You see the top most ring? I can either have all all colors to one side or I can switch them, so if theres [green|blue] at the bottom I can have to top chamber [blue|green]. What do you think? I personally dont care. Both will look great. What you think?

All of the rings were sanding unevenly. They all wobble. I have to sand them straight tomorrow when I get back to the studio. If that goes well,.. I'll have this reser glued together.

What do you think? You like the sPT? There's nothing to show for the xPRZ atleast yet. So,... tell me what you think about switching the colors for the sPT and see if you can figure out how to make perfect rings in the studio using only what I have available in the studio. Let me know.
I can't believe no one figured out the best way to make perfect rings in the studio!!! Well,... here how. I didn't finish the rings today because I got to the studio late plus it's was a lot of work. Anyways,... check it out.

Jan-03-2007 (xPRZ5331r & sPT567dr)

4' x 1/2" strips freshly scored and snapped. Oh,... I brought my camera with me today but left the flash card home so all these pics were taken with my phone so they are not as good.

Sent the strips through the router. Cut them done to an amazing 3/16"!!!

Look how narrow! Did that with a router! And I still have all my fingers!!!

WHAM! Coils! Thats how! A coil is basically a continuous ring. If I mark a line across the coil and cut through that line,... just one line. Nothing but rings will be left. The ends will meet up perfectly except for the fact that they are offset from each by the with of the strip. All I have to do is push the ends together and glue. Theres harldy any tension because of how narrow the strips are so it will be easy to do! Flawless rings I tell ya! Tomorrow I will finish them up after I sleep some though. I haven't slept at all today.

Check it out,... I made 5 green coils and 2 tinted coils. I want to make a tinted version to see what it looks like with tinted rings spinning around inside UV green or whatever coolant. I bet it looks sweet. Let me tell you,.. my camera phone take some good pics! Look how coo these damn things look! HOT! They would make great avatars. Be my guest if anyone wants to use these pics.

I'm getting real good at this whole coil thing;)

Thats it for now. Those coils took several hours to make. can you believe it? Can you imagine how long it took me to make 32 of them!
A 4 image limit? is that correct? 4?!?! That's kind of inconvenient. Why doesn't the forum force people to use thumb nails intead?!?!?
Yeah... I heard about the 4 image limit or something. Iunno.

Tribal, your cellphone camera, is better than my digital camera :|
Ok,... we have rings. I had to sleep today before I went to the studio so I got there kind of late again.

Jan-04-2007 (xPRZ5331r & sPT567dr)

Taping the coils up to make the cut. I need the coil to stay put while cutting so I can make one even cut.

Done. See:) Rings:) LOTS OF THEM! I dont know why but theres more then double then what I thought I would end up with! I made one coil per res thinking that what I needed. I must of had a brain fart or something.


Offest by the width of the strip. It's important to make the thinnest cut possible. You dont want to have to have much tension on the joint when gluing.

Not to bad,... it was actaully alot harder then I though. The mating surfaces of each end arent flush when bought together so when you glue it the joint of weak as hell. But thats ok I know a way to strengthen the joint.

Here I taped the ring and put a little bit of pressure on the joint so it will hold itself in position for gluing. I sanded the ends by running sand paper between the ends and pinching the paper with the ends. follow? Of course you do:) I didnt want to sand to much. Might make the ends even more uneven Just enough to clean it up and bit and form a powdery film on the ends. The powder left behind is used as a filler to help strengthen the joint when glued. When it's cured,... dont pull the tape off because you might break the joint. instead,...

do this. sand the tape off. Sand the ring down to clean up any uneven surfaces. Also you want to sand to the acrylic powder get smashed into the joint. You;ll see it in the joint. carefully wipe away all the powered except whts in the joint. When done run more weld-on into the joint. It will melt the powder and to will bond the joint better.

There. All done. They are dusty but whatever. I'll clean them before working with them. I didnt finish them today because I wanted them to cure over night.

So hot. Look how good they look. Big difference compared to my first attempt!

This is what im shooting for. Just like that on a shaft.

While those were curing I glued the sPT's together. Notice the run in the front. That was my fault. Had a brain fart again. I thought there were only 3 rings per reservoir. There's 4. I just remove the top and add the 4th ring tomorrow.

This is the switching res. blue|green at bottom and green|blue in the 3rd ring up. It's hard to see but you see the bigg holes in the middle of the res. Those channel the coolant into the right chamber.

Man, you've done so much work on these I'm not sure what you're doing anymore. I've lost track.
Wow. Yea. Cool update. They coming together now. Check it out.

Jan-05-2007 (xPRZ5331r & sPT567dr)

Ok,... so the other day I glued the end piece to one of the sPT's when I wasn't suppose to. I still had another bogy ring to be glued in there. Anyways,... I removed the end piece easily with a het gun. Just heat it up until it's soft and with some pliers just peel it off. I sanded the upper most rings a bit to clean it off from the gluing and it was ready to go.

I used the table sander to remove all the excess material that was on the outside the of the reservoir. That was a pain. I wish there was a faster way to do it. I wasnt worried about using the sander to do this because all of the gluing for this reservoir is done. So I dont have to worry about crazing.

What a mess. Do you know how much time I spend just cleaning up this place? I need a maid.

Here their sanded down to 120 grit. Next will be 220 but thats wet sanding. I'm going to wait to finish the other reservoir to do this because I have to setup the drill press for wetsanding and thats a pain also.

Ok,.. to the xPRZ now. I found out today that I need more rings. A lot more. I found a better way to evenly clean the ring ends. witha cut off wheel. It's hard and doesnt flex or move. Just hold both ends to the disc and just graze it clean. Both ends mate nicely after.

See. flush. Strong.

Here I'm sanding a 23 degree area on the ring. Why? Keep reading,...

The camera sucks. Coulsnt get a good close shot it it. you see it?

Here im using sa special guage to find the center of the circle. I have to sand that same thing to the other side of the circle except on the other side.

After I have all the parts with that sanded thing, it's time for assembly.

Done. Well not done but this step is done. Noe I have to attach them to the shafts. These things are cool as hell. I wish I could spin one for you guyz. It's looks so cool. I just rolled one across the table top and it was hot looking! The rings appeared to be rolling off each other. Crazy looking.

Have to get them on a shaft. How cool is that! Im really liking the shadow rings or tinted one.

In a reservoir body.

Won't be able to get any work done on saturday. Sunday I can continue and I have off monday night so I will be working in the studio all day and night.
Ok so yea. Small update. I didnt get much time to work in the shop today. I was tired as hell and woke up very late. I went out last night and had the best time,... Myself and several friends went to hoboken and partied our asses off. HOOOOOO my god. We didnt get home till like 4 - 5 in the morning. So much fun. We took a lot of pics. As soon as I get them I will post some here. Anyways,... heres what little I did today.

Jan-07-2007 (xPRZ5331r & sPT567dr)

Here i'mn cutting off these 3/8" wide pieces to make the arms that will hold the ring structures to the shafts.


Now this is how I am going to make the mating surface that will mate with the ring structures for gluing. Using the drill press kind of like a milling machine.

I am cutting a "V" groove that will fit nice inbetween each set of rings. Theres 6 per ring structure. I need a better camera! I need to be able to take macro shots. This camera sucks.

Anyways,... the first attempt, the V groove was to wide or open. I have to give it more angle. I'll do that tomorrow when I get back in there. I have off tomorrow night so I'll be in there all day and night. I want to finish these reservoirs and move onto the the shields. Expect a big update.
Almost done! When I got back today I will finish these! Then I will start on the shields for them. These these look HOT! OMG!

Jan-08-2007 (xPRZ5331r & sPT567dr)

Here I'm making the arm thingies to hold the ring structure to the shaft. Using the drill press like a milling machine again. Work very well.

I am cutting a groove on the end of the arm thats going to rest against the shaft. Makes a better seal this way. A stronger bind seeing that more material is touching. I have done this before.

See that little groove? I do it just enough for more contact but not to much. I'm only using an 1/8" nit there. The shaft is 1/4".

This time I am gluing the arms to the effect first. Not like the last time where I glue the arms to the shaft and then slide it in. I wouldnt be able to do that this time.

All done! Ready for assembly!

Here there are glued together and ready to be ground down to shape.

How wicked is that!

OMG HOW WICKED IS THAAAAAAAAAAAAT! Look at the weird reflection on the inside of the tube! kind of like the rings are twisted into bowtie!! I bet it's sweet looking when it's spinning!

OMG,... it's like breath taking. You have to see these things in person. These pics do nothing for these res's.

That is just nasty looking. Man.

Here I have all of them sanded down to 120 grit and ready for wetsanding.

xPRZ5331r's with one shadow version.

sPT567dr's with one switching version.

Here's something I have been keeping from you,................ a snapple reservoir. I call is rezapple! How cool is that! It look just like a snapple bottle! I bet that would look HAWT inside ANY machine! People will be like,... "Hey,... is that a snapple bottle you have there for a res?", You'll be like,...."Hell yea!". Looks just like a snapple bottle. Where do I get these ideas from! AHHHHHH!

Here's one fo the zPRZ's. Check out the new overall shape. I think it's hot because it look simple and more flush? Or sleek? something. What do you think?

Jan-11-2007 (xPRZ5331r & sPT567dr)

Here they are! Complete! I would of posted this a couple of days ago but I F@#$ed up two of them and had to rebuild them after making some parts. I forgot to glue and area on each reservoir. I kn ew thhat I was absolutely screwed at that point because I already did all the sanding and grinding. If I glue after that it will craze, which it did. No big deal though. While remaking those I made a 5th xPRZ!

Lit up

Again,... look at the reflection.

Here are the sPT567dr's! Now,... these are cool but the color of the water is kind of pale. I was running out of coloring. Just use your imagination.

See how one switches the colors and the other keeps the colors on each side?

I turned the res's in this pic.

Now,... here's the SHADOW xPRZ!!!

Basically a tinted acrylic was used so you can use an color of coolant inside the res. Looks very weird and DARK looking,... like scary dark. I was scared watching it:(

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4

Shadow xPRZ5331r
Video 5
Video 6
Video 7

Now,... there is a small problem I ran into when I turned these reservoirs on. The jet from the inbarb is pushing the spinfx up against the bubble trap. When I first turn it on you can see it hesitate to start because of the fact that it's being pushed up. The reason being because the hose barbs and to far from teh center. They are right under the ring structure. When I send these to acryan I am going to sand them an illustration with details on how to fix it. I would fix it now but It would be a wasite of time. These are only prototypes. They turn each and everytime I start them. It's just the 1 - 2 second hangup on start. Anyways,... going to post these on my product polls. I expect each and everyone of you to vote on them!
New shield mock-ups! These things are SMOKIN HOT! They are a bit different then the last ones I made. This time they fit over the top and bottom of the reservoir so that they can be used nicely with any of my reservoirs 4" and up. Each shield gets fully mounted to a singel bracket this time as oppose to the last where each shield was mounted to both brackets making it impossible to adjust where you want the brackets. These you slide the bracket where ever the hell you want! To the pics!

Jan-16-2007 (tZOS194s)

Here they are! How cool is that! I made them last night while at work! LOL. They dont't cover all that much. Just the bracket and the ends of the reservoir. Which is basically all I want covered.

What do you think? You like them? Let me know!
the mock ups look good! but IMO, looks kinda plain in the middle. BTW: how do you com up with your naming scheem?
So... Why is it that awesome reservoirs like these only seem to be available in Germany???
So... Why is it that awesome reservoirs like these only seem to be available in Germany???

Because they bought them. Don't worry. Soon they will be available all over. Keep your pants on. The middle of the shieldz are empty for a reason. Even if I cut something out there,... the mounting is going to be right under it. The purpose of the shields is to kind of cover up what does not need to be out in the open. Once they are made out of polished aluminum they will look alot better.
Ok,... started fixing the xPRZ's today. They are almost done. I didnt finish because I wasnt in there all that long. I wasited alot of time trying to decide. Plus I left early because I'm so tired and sick too. I took a lot more photo's of sPT! I even have a friggin video of it too! As I was taken the video I noticed something about it. You'll see in the video and definitely the pics. I used my digital camera to take videos today and it's so much better then my phone. I really need to get a good camera that takes good video too. Anyways,...

Jan-17-2007 (xPRZ5331r & sPT567dr)

sPT's,... I tried getting video with the UV light on it and the camera couldnt see the res for whatever reason?!?!? So I used my bright white LED flashlight and it actaully worked pretty well lighting it up for the camera. Here's the first pic,...

Here I turned it 45 degrees. You see whats happening?!?!? Cool ehh?

Another 45 degree's,.... now the colors are switched.

And another 45 degrees,... you see it? It's like gradient. Gradient right? One color sliding into another? Yea thats right.

In front of the garage door,... you can see it real good. the movie is at the end. Then there's,... me.

Dork. Trying to look GQ next to my shiat.

Smart ass.

HA HA HA,... yeeeeeeeAAAAAA. Ok. You see I have fun,... in the studio,.... all alone. this is whats happens when I'm alone for to long!!!! LOL. Joking. Actually im not.

Movies! Here's the sPT. I'm basically turning it for you so you can see what it really looks like.
Video 1

NOW! Here's the xPRZ with the new bottom. I fixed one to see how well it would work. Well,... first watch the videos and I'll explain at the end.
Video 2
Video 3

Now the xPRZ fix basically slowed down the ring thing. It's looks better now! It lets you see more of the effect now. I knew it was going to slow it down. Thats what I wanted. I also want it to stop lifting the ring thing. It still lifts it. I cant stop that from happening. The thing is that I am almost sure that the same thing it heppening with the xPO's. The coils of the xPO's and the ring things are actually floating. The xPRZ's dont hesitate like they use too. Now check this out,... something else I learned. The water inside really isnt spinning all that much at all! It's spinning but it's mostly turbulent inside. Twhats turning the ring thing are the arms as they pass over the jet of water from the inbarb. I thought I noticed the ring thing like pulsating. It is. It's like pulsating just a bit. The xPO's weren't pulating. REason being because the coils of the xPO's had 4 arms per end. The ring thing only has two. so, because of that theres to pulse with the turn. The ring thing is also aiding this pulsed looking motion. It was hard to tell whether or not it was pulsating or not. The ring thing it self looked like it was pulsating the the arms connected to the shaft looked as if it was spinning around smoothly. So,... it's hard as hell to tell. I was seeing a lot oof weird s@#$ going on the longer I stared at it. I swear it looked like it was slowing down,.... and then speeding up real fast! I had to look away, focus on something else and then look again to see if it was really down that! AlSO! If you look at it just right,... it looks like two coils, one going down and the other going up. That and rings rolling off each other. Crazy shiat i tell ya. Let me know what you think. I'm going to bed.
Because they bought them. Don't worry. Soon they will be available all over. Keep your pants on. The middle of the shieldz are empty for a reason. Even if I cut something out there,... the mounting is going to be right under it. The purpose of the shields is to kind of cover up what does not need to be out in the open. Once they are made out of polished aluminum they will look alot better.

LOL Seems to be the way. Your work is gorgeous and since I'm going watercooled, I was thinking something like your reservoirs without the cover, but I'm nowhere near as handy as you with acrylic. LOL
Because they bought them. Don't worry. Soon they will be available all over. Keep your pants on. The middle of the shieldz are empty for a reason. Even if I cut something out there,... the mounting is going to be right under it. The purpose of the shields is to kind of cover up what does not need to be out in the open. Once they are made out of polished aluminum they will look alot better.

Its hard to keep our pants on when you are bulding some sweet stuff! We want!! We want!! :)
Its hard to keep our pants on when you are bulding some sweet stuff! We want!! We want!! :)

Very soon! I was going to ship the res's today but I want to run some tests on the xPRZ's. So I'm going to keep them over the weekend. I want to hook the xPRZ up to a simple loop and then rig it up to everything I have to see how well it spins. I'm pretty sure it will spin fine but I want to make sure. Do not want to disappoint anyone.
Hey I was wondering. Maybe I havent sen it....but what kind of rig/setup do you have? Just curious.
This is actually two updates in one seeing that I forgot to bring my camera home the other day so yea. Here's what I have been doing. Testing. Lots of testing to remaking. I remade these damn thing like twice. Kind of. Not all the parts but yea. I remade all the outer stuff once and then I remade new bottoms after that. I'm trying to get these things perfect before I ship em out. Here's the deal,...

Jan-21-2007 (xPRZ5331r & sPT567dr)

Since yesterday I thought this was the bottom port arrangement. Comes to find out that this isn't good enough. This port arrangement, the angle of the ports, and the ornament inside are all contributing factors that are keeping the ornament from spinning.

Here's the old old arrangement.

Both arrangements side by side. Both of these are old.

Here's a BIG factor. Originally, this ring structure only had two arms per side holding it to the shaft. I did that fro simplicity. Well,... these arms not only hold the structure to the shaft they are also paddles. They are what is needed to move the structure. the really old xPO,... the first one, used spinning water to move it and keep it moving. Thats was cool and all but it was to fast plus any bubbles inside were getting sucked down into the out port. Thats why I needed the bubble chamber. Also,... the coil structure had 4 arms per side. Thats why it was so smooth, that and the very bottom was flat as hell.

So as you can see I added three more lower arms. The bottom of the structure as 5 arms total. The top most arms isnt needed anymore. Going to talk to acryan about leaving that one out.

Here's the new bubble pane. Only 4 holes but they are larger. I had some trouble filling the reservoir using the old smaller holes. After trying these, I fond that it made no difference. The trick is to fill the reservoir upside down and then hook it up to the system. Then top it off through the top. The water has trouble passing through the holes. The funny thing is that this is new. I dont remember having this problem before with the xPO's. I dont know why. Anyways.

New bottom angle. I gave it an extra 5 degrees making it 15 degrees total. This will give some more torque for turning.

new next to the old. It's not alot but it does help.

This is where I left off the other day. I tested it when I went back,... which was hours later. I wanted them to cure as much as possible before using them. Now to my surprise,... these worked a hell of a lot worse then the others!!! I couldn't believe it. There was no reason for them to work even worse. I knew had had to be something stupid. SO,...

I went back to the drawing board and came up with a new port arrangement. This time I dropped the in port back from where it was by 1/4". Why? Shit I wish I couldnt explain it to you,... in theory, I think the water jet from the port will be in contact with teh arms of the ornament longer. It all has to do with the angle of the ports and the arms. The arms pass over the port sooner now,... and when the arm is moving off of the port, it's in the best position along its path for the angle of the port. LOL. You get that? I dont even know if thats and accurate description. I would have to draw it out for you. lol.

Drilling them holes. Water as coolent for faster drilling. With this bit, it's one pass drilling. Love it.

Counter sunk holes are perty. Make sure your countersink is sharp. You should get ribbons like the ones in the pic. If not then you'll just melt your holes. I countersink before tapping and then do it again after to clean away and yuckiness. sinking before helps with tapping. Easier to start the tap and theres less chipping during. If there is any chipping or burrs,... that will get clean away with the second sinking.

I domed the bottom of the shafts. The flat surface that was before was not helping. especially with the new reservoir bottom.

The new port arrangement with comparison with the shaft. Looks crooked I know,... but it's not. It has a purpose.

A better shot?!?! I hate this camera.

This is where I am now. TO THE MOVIES!

WHAM,... so yea. The TEST RIG,... Blackout. Here's what I hooked up. One D4 pump, a DD AMD64 cpu block, a DD NB block, 2 DD heatercores, and one reservoir. You guyz should be familiar with the heatercores I have for blackout. Pretty damn big. This is what happened initally,..
Video 1

As you can see that D4 pump is kicking some ass! Pumping though all that and still was able to get and keep the rese turning! It's to slow though. If someone was using a 1/4" system I dont even know if the reservoir would turn. Maybe.
Video 2

Now,... here's the newest design. It's spins a lot better.
Video 3

Here's what it looks like on start. It diferent each time. Depends where on where the arms are.
Video 4

Here's a movie with two D4 pumps. One before and one after the reservoir, pushing and pulling.
Video 5

Now,... here's the deal. To be safe,... everyone knows that the moe stuff you have in a loop the more pressure you will have. That just means the slower this thing will spin. So to be safe,... the ideal setup for this reservoir will be one dual size radiator, one decent pump, two blocks, and the reservoir. In the videos I have one extra heatercore in that loop. That can be swapped out for something else such as another block or whatever. These videos should give you an idea of how well this works with water. These reservoirs were designed with a 1/2" system so for any other size,... thats a risk your going to have to take. I dont see why it wouldnt work with 3/8",... it's the 1/4" systems that I'm worried about. Later on down the road I will figure out a better system for making these things move. For now they are just fine. I'm going back to finish them up for shipping tomorrow. I have to get some sleep first.
Ok done. Final product. As said before, this reservoir was designed and tested with a 1/2" watercooling system. I cant promise the same performance with any other size system. But,... I don't see any reason why a 3/8" system wouldn't work well with this reservoir. I just haven't tested that size so I cant tell you how well it will work. 1/4",... that I dont know. Maybe,... if you were running a small loop SIMPLE loop. I dont know. I tested this reservoir with what I think a BIt more then what most run. I am assuming that the average system consists of a decent pump, 1 x dual size radiator, and 2 x blocks. A dual size radiator from my understading is actually smaller then one of these heatercores I have here and I ran two of these heatercores in my test setup. How well these heatercores flow coolant compared to other radiators,... that I dont know. I am also aware that different blocks flow better then others. This difference I would think is not enough to keep this reservoir from turning, lol. Anyone with watercooling experience knows that the more you have connected within a loop the less pressure you will within your system. The less pressure you will have at the end of the loop, the end being the suction side of the pump. This reservoir was positioned at the end of the loop where there is the least amount of pressure. I know that some like to have their pumps sucking right from the reservoirs to cut down on pump noise. this makes sense to me so thats why I tested it this way plus it's a worse case scenario so anything else should be better right? I imagine putting this reservoir first in the loop, right after the pump, it should spin up a lot faster. The thing is that you want a balance though. You do not want it spinning to slow and you dont want it spinning to fast. it's up to you. So yea.

Jan-22-2007 (xPRZ5331r & sPT567dr)

Her;s the final res. Notice, I lefted the top unrounded. I actually liked it without the rounded edge. Reason because it matches the other side which is not rounded.

Some more movies for you guyz,... First movie, this is how I cut away the excess on some of the reservoirs. Very quick and clean.
Video 1

Here, I'm messing around with the reservoir and a compressor. Reservoir spins pretty fast. Didnt want to spin it to fast. Was afraid the ring structure would like,.... break. Sounds like and engine, lol.
Video 2

If you havent noticed already,... this update is dated for tomorrow. REason is because that last update is one day ahead. So I'm goign to to keep dating it one day ahead until I miss a day. Going to clean up the shop tomorrow and get started on them shields! Also going to talk to A.C. Ryan about getting me my metal fab stuff so I can continue on with cEVO(case evolution) and I can make some better stuff for lEVO too. S@#$,... I can make better stuff for blackout too! Very soon!
Ok,... xPRZ's and sPT's are on their way to taiwan. Now,.... time for some more levo, blackout, and even some cevo too! This is what I need from you guyz,... I need a watercooling test rig. I need to know what you think this rig should consist of meaning,... types and brands. I need a pump, radiator, and some waterblocks. Now,... i want this to be a somewhat average system. I think an average system would conist of one dual sized radiator right? I was thinking about getting another heatercore seeing that are a bit bigger then the average dual sized radiator. The D4 or what is it now? D5? I think I would like to get another one of these pumps. I also think the average system runs 1/2" tubing right? I am thinking I should run a smaller tubing say 3/8" but I'm not sure. I am thinking 1/2" is fine. Waterblocks? I'm thinking a CPU block, a NB block, and possibly one of those big ass video blocks? Kind of like the one I have for blackout? How many people run those big ass video blocks? even if not many you think I should gt it anyways just so I can say thats the reservoirs work with it in the loop? Think about it this way,... if I run 1/2" tubing where most peple run say 3/8" but I have one of those big ass video blocks in the loop where most people dont have them,... my system would even out with theirs because of that. You understand? Suggestions please:) Check my cevo log too. I'm about to post something like this for it too.
Well.....Here is my rig


I am cooling everything....cpu, nb, sb, vga. Everything in my line is 3/8" tubing. I would say most people have 1/2" or 3/8" I thik it would be wise to test with a vga cooler, as most people that WC have vga blocks. Not many people wc their nb blocks. as far as specific blocks to use....Dangerden for sure on the vga block. as far as teh cpu block...maybe the apogee, thats popular. for the pump, the danger den D5 and the Swiftech MCP655 are the same thing. probably both are very popular. I would also use some type of a dual rad.

Been sick,.... again. Friggin hospital is killing me! We're sharing germs like crazy up in there:( I'm feeling better now so I went to the studio to get some work done. Worked on the shields.

Jan-29-2007 (tZOS194s)

Making 3 pairs. One for me and two for the company. I cut these pieces of aluminum a bit to big. Oh well. Better then cutting them a bit to small I guess:)

These are going to look so damn hot.

Taped and glued them together. Two stacks of three.

I had drawn and cut away the tape. I drew these things out twice. That kind of took long. I didnt know what would of taken longer,... drawing one out and totally finishing it and then using it to trace onto the new one. Whatever.

Thats all I got done today. I was there for several hours doing that. Yes. It took several hours. Anyways,... I think I'm going to work on Blackout tomorrow as oppose to these things. I think I might do an everyother day basis for now. What you think?