Transfering multiple files from Ipad to Ipad

Jul 25, 2004
My wife has gotten a new work Ipad and she must transfer all of her files to the new Ipad. She has been emailing herself each file individually and I know there must be an easier and faster way to do this. I'm not a Mac expert, but I do know they offer ICloud. Any help would be appreciated.
1) iCloud should backup most things, but I don't use it

2) Plug it in to a PC/Mac and use iTunes.

3) Download Dropbox and put files in there.

I'm sure there are other ways as well (wifi transfer?). I moved our stuff using iTunes.
Of what sort are the files? iOS doesn't expose its file system in a traditional sense, so throwing a bunch of files of various types at it doesn't really make a lot of sense.

If she needs something resembling a file system/manager for arbitrary files not directly supported for use in iOS apps, use Goodreader. You can transfer files from iTunes to Goodreader via the Sync menu. For particular types of files used by individual apps (say, .PDF files for use in iBooks), use the same technique, but sync the files to those applications rather than to Goodreader.
iCloud or itunes backup is going to be the best if she wants everything back the way it was. Otherwise email or some kind of online storage thing to send off the individually.
Not sure what policies the company issued, but better check with IT.
In my company it's strictly forbidden to use iCloud or GoodReader for such file transfers. Sure, control is difficult, and funny enough we can install that app. But again: per SOP not allowed. Even more interesting as people have to use iPad as single device, so regular no iTunes backup possible.
The only allowed way is to use GoodReader against company WebDAV server or mapped Windows Home Directory. Reason are in the nature of information, which could contain privacy and sensitive information not to be leaked.

That said: GoodReader is what I use for private reason on my private iPad, works like a charm for that purpose.
Perform an iCloud backup on the old iPad. On the new iPad, restore from that backup. That should transfer everything over.

Emailing individual files is unnecessary and shows a lack of Google-fu.
You can usually back up all files by iTunes and transfer them to the new one. What format of the documents?
x2 on backing the iPad up with iTunes and then 'restoring' the new iPad from that backup. It wont automatically sync 3rd party apps themselves IIRC (so they'll have to be downloaded manually or re-synced), but it will transfer over all the documents and files associated with those apps. All OS level stuff will also transfer over (saved wifi logins, pictures, etc)

iCloud is a good failsafe... especially for people that forget to backup their devices regularly, but it SUCKS doing a restore from it. An iPad restore once took around 3-4 hours