Transfer user profiles from one Win 7 to another Win 7 build (Without EASY TRANSFER)


Apr 13, 2005
Looks like Easy Transfer won't work for my situation.

My mobo is unstable & I'm rebuilding the system with a new mobo and proc. I want to just transfer the profiles etc. to an external HDD & reload Win 7 on same SSD after I complete the build.

However, looking through the documentation on Win 7 Easy Transfer - it looks like you have to port the data from one 'live' comp to another 'live' comp. In my case, I want to save the data from a crippled machine, then kill it and scavenge the good parts to use in the new build... not make a new machine first.

Is there any way to migrate the data & profiles 'the old fashioned' way?
It's not a clean job, but what I've done before is transfer user's folder in C:\Users from one computer to the other. It contains documents, pictures, application settings, etc.
Other than the user documents, music, etc., what do you want transferred? Just plug the old hard drive into the machine and copy over the data you want. I would absolutely not copy/paste the profile because you're bringing over a ton of appdata that is completely invalid and wasteful of space.
This cost money but I have found it to be a time saver at work.

I should tell you that they have stepped up their advertising quite a bit. They bugged me for almost a year after the last time I used their products.
You could give USMT4 a shot and do an offline migration. Very advanced tool and not user friendly. So it may not be worth the effort if this is for a single personal machine.
Easy transfer has an option to save the export to a file. Used it many times when there was no easy way to network the two comps at high speed (ie 11 Mbps 802.11b network was the fastest available for example), but there was a USB external drive available.

Oh snap, I read the op wrong.

Yeah the transfer to file mode works sexy like I use it all the time, works great on domain accounts too fyi.

I've stored accounts bundled by Easy Transfer on the server, installed, joined the domain, did the easy transfer back in off the server, voila. Also done it via USB HD and thumb drive.
Thanks guys.

Wish I had figured that out before hand.

I've just done the copy-paste routine - which will take longer to get myself set back up. Didn't think that would work since I'm not upgrading - just fixing a broken mobo.