Transfer speed: FTP vs PPTP?


Nov 13, 2004
I have several files that I work on both at home and on my laptop. I was wondering wheather it would be faster transfering files back and forth over a VPN with PPTP or if I should install an FTP server on the Desktop?
Check out dropbox. I've used it for awhile and it's great being able to drop something in the folder and automatically available on all PCs. It's free for 2GB or less.

Otherwise, assuming that if you were using PPTP and through that PPTP tunnel you would be transferring files via Windows file copying, FTP would be faster. Much less overhead.

but.... FTP does open up some vulnerabilities that a VPN connection wouldn't cause. Albeit maybe small, still there.

also assuming, of course, doing that is not against and terms of use for your work equipment/network.

FTP: faster
VPN: safer, more secure
FTP is becomming a hassle to set up. I downloaded FileZilla and though I can connect to the server SmartFTP tells me "error 530 unknown user" and the official FileZilla Client just times out... I'm going to have to test some other servers...

I may try drop-box, I heard of it before and didnt know they had a free edition.

also assuming, of course, doing that is not against and terms of use for your work equipment/network.

lol. I freelance webdesign and 3D modeling, so I'm trying to keep my models in sync and my pages I edit on my laptop up-to-date with my webserver. I make my own security policies ;) --- though I do appreciate your pointing this out, in a normal situation that would be a concern.
If synching multiple PCs is your goal then dropbox is perfect. Just put the file in your "dropbox" and it's automatically synced on all your other PCs you have dropbox installed on.

I use it a lot for moving files back and forth between home and work.

lol. I freelance webdesign and 3D modeling, so I'm trying to keep my models in sync and my pages I edit on my laptop up-to-date with my webserver. I make my own security policies ;) --- though I do appreciate your pointing this out, in a normal situation that would be a concern.

just had to make sure we weren't trying to "help" somebody squeak around network policies :p

in your case, then, a VPN may be a bit overkill. Although I've never had any issues setting up an FTP server... I loved WarFTPd back in the day :D

just a quick glance at what dropbox is, and it does look like that would be the easiest and best solution for what you're wanting to do.