Tragedy! A moment of silence please....


Jan 10, 2005
I killed my dremel. Rather, my father's JCPenney version of a dremel. It was a wedding gift from my grandmother on my mothers side to him. They were married in 1974 so I mean 31 years is a good life for one. Now I feel like crap though. I was hoping it would tough it out through my first full-fledge case mod. Oh well guess I have to go to Sears tomorrow heh heh. Will post entire work log when finished including dead dremel.
Frankly it's your fault for trying to use a 31 year old houseware store's knockoff of a Dremel to do your case mod with.
Oh well. We do like worklogs though!
how big is the old dremel.....could you fit a mac mini in it?? :p

I say it doesn't have to end it's life now.
corebreach said:
Frankly it's your fault for trying to use a 31 year old houseware store's knockoff of a Dremel to do your case mod with.
Oh well. We do like worklogs though!

LOL, for a 31 year old dremel, shouldn't it be in like a display case, for show and tell. It's a Antique. :p
Well dad worked at Simmons and Sons Garage at the time (being one of the sons) and was always working with metal and shop tools. Also if you think thats weird you should have seen mywedding registry at Sears. After surviving 31 years can you really call it a knockoff? That would be a good life time for the real thing! This morning i got it working again. You just have to turn it on then roll the wheel, though as soon as it touches any thing the rpms drop. I could probably stop it with my finger if I was brave enough.

arnett: Who breaks 3!!! dremels cutting one case?

In my popular science magazine, theres some new dremmel with strong permanent magnets (more power I guess) for an estimated $400. I cant remember anything about it.

I broke a 1970s era jigsaw. The up and down part was really hauling, and a screwdriver jumped in there when it was down and really screwed up the gearbox. Things were out of alignment soo bad, it wouldnt even turn.
ZeroMaxx said:
arnett: Who breaks 3!!! dremels cutting one case?
For that price of them, might as well invest into a small plasma cutter. I love using them. Its as if i could cut metal by drawing a pencil line. The inital investment is what kept me out of them (around 3000$ for the one I wanted).
I think breaking 3 Dremels is a sign from your respective diety that you shouldn't put a window in your case. Or maybe that's just me. :p