Touchscreen smartphone/mobile for my father


Limp Gawd
Oct 21, 2007
I'm looking to buy a touchscreen mobile or smartphone for my father for xmas, and I could use some pointers as to what I should look out for.

It does not need to be high tech or anything like that, my father isn't tech savvy at all, but he enjoys using gadgets. Basically, if I were him, I'd be looking for:

-a touchscreen
-a camera
-voice recorder
-apps and stuff to muck about

Due to the apps part, I'd go for an android phone. But which one? Something around the 150EUR range ($200). So, nothing expensive.

Any ideas? Thank you.
HTC Wildfire S, LG Optimus One or Samsung Galaxy Ace

Not really sure which from those three, or what'll work in your area.
Here's hoping Nokia N9 be around that price for christmas... But probably not! 150€ is quite limiting. Due to Androids at hardware price-point is pathetic in terms of support (almost none), I would suggest you get a HP Palm Pre 2 or something. The WebOS is optimized for that device as opposed to cheaply put together hardware using an almost free Android OS...
Samsung Galaxy Ace looks intruiging. So does the LG Optimus One.

Thank you for the suggestions. Anything else?

EDIT: The galaxy ace is very expensive here though! 300EUR.
The Droid Incredible is also good!What do you think about it?
I love it.The screen looks and feels better than my Touch. Has far better features than the present or upcoming iPhone.
Honestly, for anyone that is not too tech savvy, I always recommend iPhones. That's not to say that Android is hard to use or anything, but I just find that iOS tends to be friendlier. As much as I dislike Apple, they really do have a great product with iOS that, indeed, "just works." You can get an iPhone 4 these days for $99, and your dad will never notice the difference between it and the 4s in daily use (outside of Siri of course). With ICS around the corner, there's little reason to get any Android phone that won't be upgraded either, and unless you get one of the current higher end phones, the odds of it getting ICS are probably slim to none (from all the reviews, ICS seems to be a pretty vast improvement to the OS) This is coming from someone that loves Android...and has been ready to strangle Verizon over the Galaxy Nexus debacle for several weeks now lol.
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In case you guys haven't noticed, the OP wants an unlocked phone to use in Europe with a budget of €150. I don't believe any clean iPhones can be bought at that price, nor can you find a HTC Droid Incredible (verizon) in Europe.
The OP never stated that it needs to be an unlocked phone. If he's in the US and is sending the phone to Europe then that would be the case. I was assumiing they were both in Europe already.
I live in Malta, I always try and buy hardware from here. Anything from America costs too much (including taxes and transportation).

I've got a tight budget right now.
Anything Windows Phone 7, my parents fucking love it, and they're coming off android devices. There's PLENTY of apps, don't let the people who haven't ever used it tell you otherwise...especially for a parent. The best part is you can find ones in good condition on craigslist for $150 or so, because people don't like them. They don't "run droid"