

Limp Gawd
Nov 23, 2007
What happened to Toronto's lan party scene? Some of the biggest in Canada and now it's dead. I googled "Toronto lan parties" and got nothing but a bunch of out dated forum posts.

I want to get some TF2 going on. Does anyone know of any big lan parties coming to Toronto in the future?

The west coast seems to be where all the lan parties are at now. :(
I know! :(

I've waited for an announcement ALL summer and NOTHING! What gives!? :mad:
LAN parties aren't very popular in downtown Toronto, due to the high costs associated with renting space... but if you look vigorously, you should be able to find something.

If you go to places like London or Hamilton, you'll find that they're more popular.

Your best bet is to find some equally nerdy friends who don't mind reimbursing you on your electricity bill to get together and play in a well-ventilated room in your apartment/house/living area, provided that you have the space.

They're also really popular in Western Canada... specifically Alberta and BC. It figures though, since most of the Canadian game studios are out there.
Do what I do, get all your friends and lan it up at school!!! I did it once with my buddies at OCAD.
Do what I do, get all your friends and lan it up at school!!! I did it once with my buddies at OCAD.

You guys have space for that in OCAD?

I know of some guys that would always sit at the back of our boring management classes and play Halo on LAN w/ their laptops. Sure enough, they no longer attend the school.