torn between vista and xp for new system build


Jun 5, 2006
so im ordering parts for my new pc tomorrow and ill need an os as well but im not sure if i should go with vista or xp. will there be compatibility issues with games and software?

also, vista home premium is the one i think i will get but are there two versions (64 bit,32 bit)?

here are the parts i plan to buy if that helps

evga 680i mb
2gb corsair
You could always buy PRO or MCE with the upgrade coupon as long as you use the coupon before March 1st. Pro will get youi a free copy of Business, and MCE will get you a copy of Home premium. ANY new OS is gonna have incompatible software and driver programs.
You could always buy PRO or MCE with the upgrade coupon as long as you use the coupon before March 1st. Pro will get youi a free copy of Business, and MCE will get you a copy of Home premium. ANY new OS is gonna have incompatible software and driver programs.

How do you claim this coupon? Do you order a CD from MS and pay them shipping? And is this CD really an upgrade or is it a full CD so you can do a clean install as long as you have a previous version of windows?

I was thinking about doing this too seeing that you get a free upgrade to Home Premium from MCE.
I 100% guarantee that there is SOME piece of Windows software that will not run happily in Vista.

I guarantee that there is some piece of win32 software that will not run happily on *any version* of windows.

As much as I dislike Vista and MS especially, at this point the fault lies with the software vendors not getting their act together. In some cases, the code was done poorly from the start, in others they haven't been keeping it up.