Torn between 7700K or Ryzen 1700

Get a better GPU so your CPU isn't doing most of the work. You'll see a much, much better improvement with a new GPU than you would with any CPU.
I just hope the vega GPUs will come with stock liquid cooling solutions like the saphire radeon fury x did.

The nvidia founders edition cooling solution is complete garbage. If you have been around long enough to have built many systems over the years, you should know that GPU fans usually die after 1-2 years of heavy 24/7 use, or lose a lot of their initial cooling power, especially if your case dust filters are sub optimal.

Replacing those tiny fans is a bitch. The card manufacturers are not selling them and you will have to look at third parties to find replacements. I know from experience. It's also a bitch to replace those fans on the card.

With a factory sealed liquid cooling solution, not only do the much large fans strapped onto the radiator last way longer, even under sub optimal conditions with a lot of dust, but even if a fan dies, it is easily replaceable with a lot of options you can choose from.

Additional to this, it makes SLI/CF configurations, even with 4 cards easy as pie, even though i do not recommend SLI/CF unless you really need it as it can cause a lot of hair loss under certain circumstances.

Having the cards ship with a stock liquid cooling solution should also be cheaper than upgrading them yourself after as they are saving the cost of the old fashioned cooling solutions to begin with. The card might be a little bit more expensive, but certainly not as expensive as having to upgrade to a liquid cooler yourself after, not to mention the warranty issues etc.
If they opt for letting the 3rd party manufacturers apply their own custom liquid cooling solutions, we all know that they are going to ask for your first born to get your hands on those. About 250-300 extra bucks usually for top cards as observed in the past.
Um yeah, no.

CLC's have a much higher failure rate.

Not my experience. I have a coolermaster nepton 140xl on my 5960x. PC is always on since almost 2.5 years now. Cooling power is the same still.

I have to admit however, that this is my first venture into factory sealed liquid cooling solutions, so you might be right. Have any links which would undermine your statement?

edit: Corsair gives 5 years warranty on their liquid cooling solutions. I doubt they would go that high if they would die within 1-2 years.
I was using three 7970 back in the day for bitcoin mining. On ALL three cards, the fans died after about 1-2 years of 24/7 use.
The fans are just too tiny and spin too fast for them to last much longer is my guess.

edit2: As for the nepton i am using, initially coolermaster was giving 2 years warranty, but they now changed it to 5 years, obviously because they have not been receiving all too many RMAs,26333.html

another indication that liquid cooling solutions seem to at least work 5 years before needing any replacement. If it lasts 5 years i am happy enough. By then i will probably be looking at an upgrade anyway.
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However, on a CLC, you have all of the parts in a water cooled system that can fail, only often lower quality.
  1. Fans (like in an air cooled tower)
  2. Pump
  3. Galvanic corrosion over time on the parts
  4. Leaks are a concern too

The Fury X CLC had a plethora of pump issues. It was thoroughly discussed and documented.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong, a CLC cooler on a heavily overclocked CPU makes a lot of sense. Other than that, the risks far outweigh the benefits IMO.
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However, on a CLC, you have all of the parts in a water cooled system that can fail, only often lower quality.
  1. Fans (like in an air cooled tower)
  2. Pump
  3. Galvanic corrosion over time on the parts
  4. Leaks are a concern too

The Fury X CLC had a plethora of pump issues. It was thoroughly discussed and documented.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong, a CLC cooler on a heavily overclocked CPU makes a lot of sense. Other than that, the risks far outweigh the benefits IMO.

Yes, i understand your concerns, especially when there is a leak, it can kill your whole system i suppose. And reading through the coolermaster warranty, they made damn sure that this is not covered by them :D

In spite of your justified concerns, personally i believe that the benefits outweight the risks, if you do not cheap out and get a liquid cooling solution with at least 5 years of warranty.
Yes, i understand your concerns, especially when there is a leak, it can kill your whole system i suppose. And reading through the coolermaster warranty, they made damn sure that this is not covered by them :D

In spite of your justified concerns, personally i believe that the benefits outweight the risks, if you do not cheap out and get a liquid cooling solution with at least 5 years of warranty.

If we're still talking about Vega, I'd look into an HG10 type cooling solution instead of going with AMD's stock CLC. (pretty damn sure their doing air-cooling this round though. IF leaked expo pics are anything to go by)
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If we're still talking about Vega, I'd look into an HG10 type cooling solution instead of going with AMD's stock CLC. (pretty damn sure their doing air-cooling this round though. IF leaked expo pics are anything to go by)

The problem with this hybrid type cooling solution, is that you will have a GPU fan still, which as i said, will most likely die within 2 years if you use the PC heavily 24/7. Plus, attaching a third party liquid cooling system you will most likely run into issues with your warranty, should the card die unexpectedly.

Which is why my favorite gtx 1080 would have been the liquid cooled gigabyte
But it costs almost 300 euros more than the cheapest gtx 1080. Too much in my opinion. They shouldn't be asking more than 150 euros extra to the normal cooling solution.

In terms of the GTX 1080ti, that would compute to about $1000 vs $700 the air cooled, should they bring out a similar model. Possibly more.

So if AMD brings out a vega which is about on par with the gtx 1080ti and has a stock liquid cooling solution at a reasonable price, my decision will be easy.
thanks a bunch guys for your advice.

I will keep the 3570k @ 4.6Ghz ultil canonlake release out.

I have a H115i comming in the mail, and i will try to push the chip even further, to get all extra juice i can get from it.

Until then, i will upgrade de aging 280x, with a 1070 or vega, when it commes out.