Torchlight is available on Steam

I just started playing through this today. About level 12, got an Alchemist. I'm playing it on very hard and it hasn't been too difficult yet, never died yet. I just killed the 3 sisters. I think I'll probly give Heroic a shot after this first playthrough. Is there any difference on Heroic aside from you having to not die?
This is definitely the funnest game I've played in years.

You can definitely tell some of the work these guys did on Diablo 3 is still in Diablo 3. The minimap is exactly the same, lots of the taskbar is very similar (even the experience bar is the same color), some of the Destroyer's skills are very very similar to the Barbarian's skills, and the art style is somewhat similar.

It's like Diablo 2.5.

EDIT: Btw, Matt Uelmen fucking rocks. The Torchlight town theme song is awesome! And the music in the mines is eerily similar to the dungeon/catacombs music in Diablo 1. Gives me chills!
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I would have prefered a more original piece in town. The track I like best is the one that plays on the lava field levels.
Torchlight is so great. Cheap, easy to pick up and play, same composer as Diablo 1 and 2 (my lord the music is great), and FUN.

Soooooo good. Along with Plants vs Zombies it is one of the best PC games I've played this year, just spectacular.
It's pretty funny to keep enchanting your weapons over and over. I've got dual 1100+ DPS, 200 life stealing per hit, 20 mana stealing per hit, +50 knockback, 150+ elemental damage of all types, +20% firing speed, +10 crit chance, fastest attack twoguns. When I cast level 6 haste it breezes through just about anything, kind of ludicrous really.

Take note that there exists a 2% chance to lose all stats on your items during an enchantment! I've also found a staff that gives +20 to all character attributes which is the equivalent of gaining 16 levels.

I've found gems pretty useless, save for MAYBE the skulls with life stealing, and MAYBE the gems that give a bonus to armor.
Take note that there exists a 2% chance to lose all stats on your items during an enchantment! I've also found a staff that gives +20 to all character attributes which is the equivalent of gaining 16 levels.

Oh yes, I learned about that 2% chance the very hard way.
I'm waiting to see how good the modding tools are that they're promising before I buy this one, but it definitely looks good.
I actually ended up buying this game, played through the whole thing as a Marksman. The guns actually suit the game really well!

I do really wish there was an online component!
I love the music; its very reminiscent of diablo music, of course, but it varies quite a bit.

I love the new twists they've thrown into the genre, such as all the awesome pet mechanics (especially the pet selling items), looted spells, hidden rooms with chests, map portals, and then special portals you randomly get after killing a monster. I love that they disabled the use of portals to town in any area not tied to the main quest (they are a lot harder), and they tend to be more rewarding areas as well.

Partly to blame for the cheap price, I wish it was more of an open world type of a game like diablo or titan quest. Instead, there isn't much main variation in the main quest... you just simply move from one floor to the next in one long dungeon. The hidden areas, and portals help, but the lack of variety and fact that the quests just kinda repeat from one floor to the next, makes this aspect of it disappointing.

It's still a fun game for 20 bucks, but no way in the league of Diablo. Though, there are some great ideas in the game to enhance the genre. I hope the Diablo devs take note and maybe incorporate some cool things from Torchlight into D3.
I bought it and it took me about 2 days to finish it as a Vanquisher. Funny that the last level is about twice as difficult as the first 34, but the whole game is a bit easy. I think the real appeal is in replay value -- modders can use the same tools that the devs use to create their own full games. And there's tons of potential for expansions.
About 7 hrs or so in, level 23 I believe. Pretty fun game. I'm finally using my G15's LCD now that my KB is not on a tray. I installed FRAPS and see 275-300 FPS walking around at 1680x1050. This game sure pushes hardware limits!
If you are as compulsive and OCD as I am?

Most likely.

EDIT 1: am am

EDIT 2: am am am am

Actually, i'm being serious. After a day of playing diablo or so a year ago, I had carpal tunnel for a few days and had to lay off any mouse clicking. The clicks per minute were crippling!
It's pretty funny to keep enchanting your weapons over and over. I've got dual 1100+ DPS, 200 life stealing per hit, 20 mana stealing per hit, +50 knockback, 150+ elemental damage of all types, +20% firing speed, +10 crit chance, fastest attack twoguns. When I cast level 6 haste it breezes through just about anything, kind of ludicrous really.

Yeah this is crazy broken at the moment. Did they test that part of the game at all? There's a dozen ways to prevent it and they didn't choose any of them.
can you change difficulty without starting all over? Normal is way too easy

Nope. Unfortunately you have to start over. Do yourself a favor and do it. Although the final level is about three hundred times harder than the first 34 so if you play normal, you might just enjoy the last level and not want to shoot yourself like I did. I hate even to think of whats it's like on Nightmare.
Nope. Unfortunately you have to start over. Do yourself a favor and do it. Although the final level is about three hundred times harder than the first 34 so if you play normal, you might just enjoy the last level and not want to shoot yourself like I did. I hate even to think of whats it's like on Nightmare.

Did you play the game on Hard or Very Hard?
Big problems - I just snagged the demo and lost track of time.. grrrr...
can you change difficulty without starting all over? Normal is way too easy

Actually in the patch now you can change difficulty on the fly except for hardcore. The patch is available for people who bought the game through Runic and Perfect World I believe. No reports of it showing up anywhere else yet but they sent it out late last night. Patch 1.12

Torchlight 1.12 Patch Notes -

* Fixed several issues which could overwrite saves, and protected against possible save loss. Save backups are now also generated.
* Much reduced load times for many users
* Some minor ingame performance improvements
* Fixed Needle Arc XP exploit
* Fixed Shadow Armor stacking effects
* Fixed vendor dupe bug
* Fixed various fullscreen startup issues
* Fixed broken Brink cinematic on subsequent plays
* Fixed merchant 'thief' exploit
* Fixed right clicking in inventory casting certain spells
* Fixed console not activating on Steam builds - this also fixes the fact that subsequent characters didn't see the random dungeon unlock after the first completion
* Fixed issue with Syl's cinematic not being "skippable" during first boss fight
* Fixed some DOT deaths not dropping loot
* Quest items no longer allowed in stash
* Several level fixes for a few places where things overlapped, or collision was missing, or stuck-issues cropped up
* Fixed texture/mesh/ replacement issues with mods
* You can now change difficulty level on the fly from the console without being branded a Cheater ( UNLESS you're playing hardcore )
* Fixed pet minions not awarding fame
* Fixed slow load times when mods were enabled
* Pets inherit your spell masteries
* Magic find takes the max value between you and your pet when pets or pet minions make a kill
* Visible/increasing chance of stripping enchants via enchanter. Price based on # of enchants. Variables tunable in globals.dat
* Troll pet is properly invincible
* Tree Boss could be charmed - fixed
* Fixed issue - Returning to town if you died during Ember Colossus or Medea would make them dormant on return
* weapon + shield doesn't count as 'dual wielding'
* Shimmering Scale ( and 2 other socketables ) now work properly when socketed
* Ember lance slight nerf
* Ember lightning slight buff
* Aloe Gel summon provides better healing
* Equippables properly provide bonuses to passive skills
* Fixed display issue where multiple skill bonuses on the same item would collapse into a single display
* Hardware skinning settings respected properly for pet paperdolls
* Fix for potential bad state in the henchman battle
* Enchantments at level 100 now work
* Relabeled difficulty levels, and added tooltips explaining each
* Fixed 'free spell purchase' exploit
* Socketables cannot be heirloomed
* Fix for masteries not updating certain spell bonuses until logout/login
* Summon Blood Skeleton has 11 levels now
* Various small grammar and spelling fixes

* ADDITION : Rimlights, HW Skinning, and VSynch can all be altered from the Settings menu now.
* MODDERS: Items can be set to 'always identified'
Just finished the main campaign on normal difficulty in ~10 hrs. Pretty fun, I see why it's only $20. It's not as immersive as Titan Quest and the same scenery gets a little boring. I like how TQ changes things up. I'll go through the side quests as well.
If dual wielding weapons, are the bonuses from both weapons in effect? For example, if one wand has 30% faster minion speed and the other has 10% higher minion damage, would my minions have both stats applied to them when dual wielding?
Finally uninstalled TL after finishing my 3rd campaign through it. I beat it with each of the 3 character choices. Kinda tough motivating myself to finish the last round. The cartoonish nature of the graphics began to annoy me, too. I'm satisfied that I got my $20 worth of entertainment value.
Finally uninstalled TL after finishing my 3rd campaign through it. I beat it with each of the 3 character choices. Kinda tough motivating myself to finish the last round. The cartoonish nature of the graphics began to annoy me, too. I'm satisfied that I got my $20 worth of entertainment value.

Wow man, you got a lot of time to play video games ;)

My save game got deleted after uninstalling (I had renamed the save folder, but I guess the folder it was in got deleted), so I started a Destroyer, but it didn't seem as fun, so I went back to the Alchemist today. Instead of focusing on summons though, I went with as much armor as possible and a couple points into Ember Shield so far. I have to be more careful now, but he can tank if I'm careful with the shield. I also bought Summon Zombie II for my kitty, so I have a few summons around. Good fun.
Anyone else not able to run this game from Steam? I keep getting a runtime error when I try. Kind of stupid.
Anyone else not able to run this game from Steam? I keep getting a runtime error when I try. Kind of stupid.

What's the error? I was getting 'a too busy' error and just had Steam go into 'offline mode'.. then it worked..
What's the error? I was getting 'a too busy' error and just had Steam go into 'offline mode'.. then it worked..

I am at work right now but it was some sort of c++ runtime error or something like that. Not sure exactly.
ya but the site seems down I cant access the forums to download it :(

There were mirrors, try googling for the editor and see if one of them comes up? It was being hosted on filefront in the first place.
Ok name the many games since Diablo 2 released back 9 years in the year 2000 that are similar ? Only one in nine long years, and that was Titan Quest.

Sacred came out in that timeframe - but it wasn't that good.
I figured I would bump this thread instead of starting a new one. I don't know if anyone has been following Runic Games lately, but they are set to reveal something tomorrow. Most people on their forums were thinking it had to do with the MMO, but it is looking more like a sequel or expansion with possible co-op.


Everyday they have updated it to reveal a little more and now it looks like there may be at least 2 people in the entrance.
Coop would be nice. The only interest I had in the MMO was for multiplayer with friends anyways.
common coop! i bet its just a release date for their mmo torchlight?