Torchlight Dev Diary: Action RPG All-Stars


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
Game looks awesome :D A lot of the orginal developers from the Diablo series making this, also the music composer from Diablo is on this team too :cool: Game will only cost $20, as a digital download, and include the development tools. Comes out at the end of the month.

But a major miss for me, why the heck is this single player only ? This style of game screams CoOp play. I never really cared for single player only Diablo, playing CoOp with my Brothers or online was 99% of the time playing

Taken from their FAQ:

Q: Will I be able to play Torchlight online?

A: Because of the relatively short development window and tiny development team, we decide to focus our efforts on making a complete single-player experience. However, we are already in development of a massively multiplayer action-RPG set in the world of Torchlight for future release.

That MMO is suppose to be free too from what I've read.
Taken from their FAQ:

That MMO is suppose to be free too from what I've read.

I have heard that too, but will not be released until 2011. They plan to create a big MMO off this game world. That is cool and all, but I am not looking for a big WoW style MMO game, just through in simple CoOp in this game and patch that in, and we golden.
its a fate/mythos hybrid heavy on the fate it appears fishing pet etc
Maybe if this new game sells well at release, they can patch in multiplayer ? I don't need MMO stuff, just give me some basic CoOp like Diablo, allow 3 or so players to go through the single player story together. That can't be too hard to add to the game ?

If this game had that basic CoOp mode, it will sell like freaking hotcakes the first month. I bet this game would be hugely successful if they add multiplayer soon, and not just wait for the full MMO game due in 2011.
I don't give two shits about MMO, but seriously, no multiplayer? At all?

Things don't sound like they are going to go all that well for this game. I'm not even interested in the slightest anymore if i can't atleast do co-op runs.
Just watching all these in-game videos here, reminds me of all my very late nights, playing Diablo2 with my two Brothers to 3:00am in the morning.

If Torchlight is just single player only, to be honest I am not so pumped about it then, it does not draw me in as much. And I know all my gaming buddies are the same way, make this game CoOp, it will sell a million copies it's first week, but keep it single player and it won't be too hot and will fizzle and fade away quickly.
Why is it that every dream team action RPG from people who formerly worked on diablo ends up as disappointing garbage? I will doubt this game until I see it finished and not having people saying "omg why is this so bad" in every forum i read.

I don't give two shits about MMO, but seriously, no multiplayer? At all?

Devs are forgetting that people who play games like this often use its multiplayer, especially the case with this and Dragon Age.... all the previous related games (NWN, BG, IWD for DA.... Diablo etc for this) had multiplayer that people utilized often yet they consider it unimportant. Stupidity. Diablo wouldn't be remember if not for its MP. Just some crazy fast paced version of Fallout with no story and a fantasy setting.
Maybe, that would be nice. Wouldn't be the first time that a patch adds multiplayer to a game.
this is likely to fix bugs and generate some quick revenue for the "real" online version of the game.

But I support people releasing games for what they think they are worth, and in this case I would say it is probably going to be worth the 20 bucks. We also need other developers in this market can't have everyone waiting for diablo 3 just to be let down by how WOWistic it will be.
That could be true, but would love to see basic CoOp added in a patch if possible, if the game sells well ?

From what I've read they have no intentions of adding multiplayer, since they're going to be concentrating most, if not all their resources in making the MMO. The dev tools that are released with the game should provide a lot of mods from the community so there's a lot of replay value there.
Why is it that every dream team action RPG from people who formerly worked on diablo ends up as disappointing garbage? I will doubt this game until I see it finished and not having people saying "omg why is this so bad" in every forum i read.

Devs are forgetting that people who play games like this often use its multiplayer, especially the case with this and Dragon Age.... all the previous related games (NWN, BG, IWD for DA.... Diablo etc for this) had multiplayer that people utilized often yet they consider it unimportant. Stupidity. Diablo wouldn't be remember if not for its MP. Just some crazy fast paced version of Fallout with no story and a fantasy setting.

Not every product from ex-Diablo team members sucked. Hellgate: London was trash, but that same studio was also simultaneously producing Mythos which was great(It was in a fairly large closed beta stage already). Unfortunately Hellgate: London sucked so hard that it's blackhole effect dragged Mythos down with it when it sent the company into bankruptcy, and the progress on Mythos had to be sold off to some Korean company.

However, this game is from the same people. It's essentially a rebuild of Mythos since they couldn't recycle assets they've already sold. Mythos was always intended to be an MMO, so they just rebuilt the foundation of it first so they could sell a small singleplayer version at value prices in order to build up enough capital for them to finish rebuilding the MMO they were planning on.
Hellgate IIRC wasn't the only game that was cited to have "ex diablo devs". Only other one I can think of at the moment was Guild Wars but I think there were some others.
The game looks to be only 18 dollars on steam anyways. If the single player is entertaining I'm sure it'll be worth every bit of 18 dollars. The lack of multiplayer of any kind is probably the cause for the low price point. It seems like they are using this as sort of a preview to their mmo. These guys are good I'm excited to see what they do here even with a low budget.
$18 is a decent price, i'm willing to throw that money away at a chance of a decent game.
Mat Uelmen did the music for Torchlight. That in itself makes it worth the money IMO.

I don't look for this game to entertain long without MP, but it seems like a worthy purchase to me for 18$. Plus it has extremely low system requirements. It will even run on a netbook.