Tool Box


Jul 8, 2001
I was just staring at my tool box, and realized that it would make one kick ass lan case, i test fitted a motherboard, PSU, and other components into a medium sized tool box. Seems like it could be a good idea to persue. Theres even room in the top shelf to put a keyboard and mouse and probably a power strip and cables....
Anyone ever try this? Someone can use the idea if they want, i dont have the tools at hand to do the work myself right now... :( nor do i have the hardware to fill it
There are probably a hundred tool-box mods out there, a lot of folks have done them. In fact, I am working on one right now and have posted a worklog in the worklog section.

It makes a handy package to carry to LAN parties, built in handle and all...

That reminds me, I really need to take a few more pictures and update my worklog.