too many CPUs...head will explode

ashmedai said:
At a guess, M2 might be so they can get better support for multicore (not just dual core)? In which case it might not be so important to home users for quite a while anyway.

This is likely the case, as the HT links on the existing A64s are FAR from saturated and there is certainly enough RAM bandwidth to go around.
so there's not gonna be any single core M2 cpu's? knowing amd, and the silliness they torture us with, i find that highly improbable :D

(i had a whole post written up about dual core, memory bandwdith and ht link speed all played together.. but i figured it was pointless anyhow, cause i was just saying things i think you know ;))
If there are single-core M2s, it'd have to be one hell of a CPU to take that many pins...

Or maybe instead of just building in the memory controller like they did with the A64, they made it able to control everything in line-of-sight from the computer, levitation like.
hahaha, levitation like indeed.
though, just out of curiosity, what would take up the extra pins on a dual core cpu?
it won't be an extra ht link. 940 pics takes care of 3 of them, plus two memory channels. i'm sure 939 could theoretically do the same, minus the registered ram.

hoenstly, i'm scratching my head as to what all these extra pins will be for, unless they're jumping straight to ddr3, and it has somewhere in the order of 300pins.. but that would add major complexity to pcb design, so that doesn't make sense...
hmm.. can't do quad channel. that's impractical, and there would need to be an extra memory controller..

any ideas? :confused:

edit: side note, just because the pins are there doesn't mean they're all used.
Well, it's unavoidable that M2 will utilize DDR2 or 3. And it is very likely they widen HT even more, even if it won't be fully utilized.
widen? you mean go to hypertransport2.0. all it really does is just bump the speed up a bit further, maxing out at 22.4gb/s :eek:

as for ddr2/3.. i'm really hoping they just skip ddr2 all together, it's worthless.
(cf)Eclipse said:
widen? you mean go to hypertransport2.0. all it really does is just bump the speed up a bit further, maxing out at 22.4gb/s :eek:

as for ddr2/3.. i'm really hoping they just skip ddr2 all together, it's worthless.

ahahahaha, I'm hoping for RAM like my video card is using. ;) But the cost will have to come down a LOT.
the problem with ram that's for video cards.... yeah, due to the extremely streamed, yet parallel nature of graphics, latency doesn't matter too much.. just ungodly amounts of bandwidth. because of that, ati and nvidia sacrifice quite a bit of latency to get the ram up to 500-600mhz. stick that ram into an a64, and you've got problems. hahaha

aha! the perfect solution to everyone's upgrade problems. a board with 754 AND 939. based off a sis chipset. hehehehe

(note: i know this has been around for a while.. i just came across it and figured it would be relevant)
Too bad SiS chipsets are about as good a recipe for system stability as drilling 2 holes through a block of smoked ham and mounting it on your CPU, then loading up Prime95.

Besides, a lot of (if not most of!) the reason people recommend 939 is for PCI-Express support as (most) 754 boards don't supply it.
i've never actually used one, so i can't say.. but from what i've seen of the few people who have one.. forget oc'ing :D
ok...due to a revised budget and the fact that I now have no sound on my shuttle board :( I am looking at the following:

Sempron 3000+ Palmero core

and one of these:




the price is about the same but I am more intetested in your opinion for what would be the better quality board...OC is not a main thing for me but stability is and yes I know these are mATX and that is so I can keep my shuttle board in the same case as this one :D talk about dual CPU!!

Hmm I didn't look at the link I just assumed that it is a DFI LP 250Gb and if so... *wohhaaaaa* off to never never land. the Semprons are supposed to be good overclockers and with the DFI U can really push the envelope.
Look around the FS/T forum. You'll find a ton of good stuff on the cheap :D. I love the H fs/t.

Check this, I picked up an msi nf4 mobo for 75.00, 24 pin 500.00 watt rosewill psu 25.00, 2x512 khx3200 for 80.00 :D, 36gb raptor for 70.00, traded a 6800 for an x800se pcie. Where do find prices like that.....???? All I need is VENICE!!!!.
Frallan said:
Hmm I didn't look at the link I just assumed that it is a DFI LP 250Gb and if so... *wohhaaaaa* off to never never land. the Semprons are supposed to be good overclockers and with the DFI U can really push the envelope.
it's not though. it's one of the evil via based dfi's. either way, that's unavoidable for a m-atx mobo.. i don't think nf3 comes in small flavors.
Frallan said:
Hmm I didn't look at the link I just assumed that it is a DFI LP 250Gb and if so... *wohhaaaaa* off to never never land. the Semprons are supposed to be good overclockers and with the DFI U can really push the envelope.

My Sempron 3000+ (S754) only O/C'd 200Mhz (stock cooling) with an MSI Neo Platinum, but it could be a number of things. Once my DFI NF3 is in (tomorrow hopefully) I will test it with that board. I might switch out memory in the MSI and see if that is part of the problem though (I recently bought some TwinMOS memory which is supposed to be pretty good).
well I decided on the DFI and some GeIL Ram and damn if newegg isn't fast..ordered last night and it has shipped today and I will probably have it Thursday!! woohoo...weekend project
