Today is 49th Anniversary of Apollo 11 Moon Landing


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
The first men walked on the moon 49 years ago today. Michaels Collins orbited the moon in the Apollo 11 Command Module while Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon in the Lunar Module. All three of these men are truly pioneers (along with the rest of their astronaut brethren) and displayed exceptional bravery as they trusted the best technology the 60's had to offer. These men were my personal heroes as I was growing up and my hats off to them. RIP Neil, best wishes to Buzz and Michael! Watch the video and relive the first man stepping onto the moon.

Watch the video here.

Armstrong died in 2012 at the age of 82 leaving behind Collins, 87, and Aldrin, 88, from that historical trip. NASA Flight Director Gene Kranz was on duty when Apollo 11's lunar module landed on the moon and still makes public appearances at the age of 84.
Can someone post the video of Buzz punching the dude in the face?

49 years ago today they we’re in a TV movie studio.

caps lock turns on the star filter.

The same reason you don't see stars on earth if you use camera flash. The dynamic range of cameras is limited. When you are photographing something, you often sacrifice the background for your subject. Not trying to fight the concept of whether they landed or not, but there are more reasons for something missing in a photo than going straight to 'conspiracy!!!'.
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Now everyone go home and watch "The Right Stuff" this weekend.

Because, 'Merica.
I didn't realize this was the anniversary. Last night I stuck my son in a VR-tour with Buzz Aldrin that took him to the moon and Mars. Auspicious timing.
Armstrong: Okay. I'm going to step off the LM now. (Long Pause)

TV Control: Queue slow-mo

Armstrong: That's one small step for (a) man; one giant leap for mankind. (Long Pause)
I was only 3 years old (almost), but my parents made sure I watched it. I don't recall it, but when I see or hear recordings of it, it sparks some sort of memory. Such a fantastic event in human history.
49 years ago today they we’re in a TV movie studio.

Are you a regular Conspiritard or a Flattard?


Like much of the science behind landing on the moon, flat Earhers and Conspiritards can't understand how cameras work. They deny the existence of gravity and think everything is a conspiracy.
Are you a regular Conspiritard or a Flattard?
Like much of the science behind landing on the moon, flat Earhers and Conspiritards can't understand how cameras work. They deny the existence of gravity and think everything is a conspiracy.
Are you surprised, They can barely use a keyboard (hence caps-lock has probably been on from the factory)
Can't wait for the deniers in this thread to pull an Elaine Benes on all the evidence.
Conspiracy theorist forget the burden of proof is on the people making a claim. They think it's others job to disprove their claims. That's not how the scientific method works, if did we'd still be in the Dark Ages.
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49 years ago today they we’re in a TV movie studio.
Which of the following do you believe in:

  1. Flat Earth
  2. Bigfoot
  3. Lochness Monster
  4. Yetti
  5. Ancient Aliens
  6. Area 51/Rosewell crash
  7. 9/11 inside job
  8. JFK inside job
  9. Fake Moon Landing
  10. Chemtrails
Which of the following do you believe in:

  1. Flat Earth - Flat earth would be able to glide around a star, a ball wouldnt be aerodynamic enough
  2. Bigfoot - Ive seen the footage
  3. Lochness Monster - I have heard proof from people who said someone they knew they heard someone seen it
  4. Yetti - I'll give you that one
  5. Ancient Aliens - Thor has been here, I saw the documentary with Chris Hemsworth in it
  6. Area 51/Rosewell crash - what other explanation could there be?
  7. 9/11 inside job - Have you seen the interviews with crisis actors and stuntmen?
  8. JFK inside job - but magic bullet! actually that's a nice blender if you have ever used one
  9. Fake Moon Landing - I stated my thought on that already
  10. Chemtrails - What else is that could those gas clouds be? They are put there to cause us cancer so we spend money on healthcare!!!!

No but seriously we all know someone that is strong on one or more of these and always has to bring it up no matter what other thing is being talked about. Like "man these wings are great!" "Speaking of wings, did you hear about how 9/11 was orchestrated from inside the buildings?!?!" ....
Sure must have took a whole lot of courage and humility for Michael to be the one to stay in the capsule while the other two went off to land on the moon
All of them obviously.

I call the lochness Nessie though.

Last week, Japanese scientists explaced... placed explosive detonators at the bottom of Lake Loch Ness to blow Nessie out of the water. Sir Curt Godfrey of the Nessie Alliance summoned the help of Scotland's local wizards to cast a protective spell over the lake and its residents, and all those who seek a peaceful existence with our underwater ally.
Last week, Japanese scientists explaced... placed explosive detonators at the bottom of Lake Loch Ness to blow Nessie out of the water. Sir Curt Godfrey of the Nessie Alliance summoned the help of Scotland's local wizards to cast a protective spell over the lake and its residents, and all those who seek a peaceful existence with our underwater ally.

My Local Science center has had Apollo week going this week, and tonight they're hosting a "Landing party tonight which is 1969 themed. Also convenient they have the Apollo 11 command module there for this along with other goodies :)

5:17 EST is the official "49th anniversary" of the landing
Last week, Japanese scientists explaced... placed explosive detonators at the bottom of Lake Loch Ness to blow Nessie out of the water. Sir Curt Godfrey of the Nessie Alliance summoned the help of Scotland's local wizards to cast a protective spell over the lake and its residents, and all those who seek a peaceful existence with our underwater ally.

Where are all the snowflake articles about how there weren't any female astronauts that landed on the Moon?
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I was hoping to get in before all the moon landing deniers, but apparently I'm too late.

You never had a chance! :D

You think that sort has anything to do aside from sitting in wait for a thread like this to pop up? :p
caps lock turns on the star filter.

The same reason you don't see stars on earth if you use camera flash. The dynamic range of cameras is limited. When you are photographing something, you often sacrifice the background for your subject. Not trying to fight the concept of whether they landed or not, but there are more reasons for something missing in a photo than going straight to 'conspiracy!!!'.

Sounds like deep state baloney to me.
Which of the following do you believe in:

  1. Flat Earth
  2. Bigfoot
  3. Lochness Monster
  4. Yetti
  5. Ancient Aliens
  6. Area 51/Rosewell crash
  7. 9/11 inside job
  8. JFK inside job
  9. Fake Moon Landing
  10. Chemtrails
I don't know, maybe the JFK one.
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Sounds like deep state baloney to me.

A tenuous grasp on science and technology on your part doesn't equate to facts being "baloney". Saying the moon landing is fake because you can't understand the scientific concepts that led to it or accept the evidence for it is the same as questioning a heart surgeon about transplants with nothing but a elementary school education. It's like having the engineers behind a complex semi-conductor such as a modern CPU explain how the thing really works in great detail. You would likely lack the basic knowledge to form a real understanding of what that engineer is talking about. Not understanding something isn't the same as the concept or idea being a work of fiction or make it part of some............
